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Everythings Amazing & Nobodys Happy

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posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 05:48 PM
My brother paid an arm and leg at the time for this...

1983: Commodore SX-64 Executive - The First Color Portable Computer

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 05:52 PM

Admit it!

You had one and at the time thought you were cool. Mine had the hand break for slide stops

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 05:55 PM
6 minutes!
i start swearing after 3.

what a cruel world.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I had a Rambo one...
It had a pseudo gun on it in the middle of the handle bars...

For complete warrior programming lol

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by Lysergic

How about this guy? I got the monster instead of the Blonde guy. Damned near indestructible. I figured out how though. I stuck it in the freezer over night then tossed him out a third story window from a friend of mines apartment and watched him shatter on the concrete sidewalk

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Stretch Armstrong!

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 07:00 PM
Did anybody else have one of these?

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69


I loved those games!

Hell, i remember when PONG came out..

I was 17 or 18 at the time and loved it also.....

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
My brother paid an arm and leg at the time for this...

1983: Commodore SX-64 Executive - The First Color Portable Computer

Bwhahaaa too poor to get a commadore had to settle for this:

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

This is what my tricycle looked like in the 1960's...

Here is a picture of one of my first baby dolls*...

*not to be confused with the pajamas

edit on 19-8-2012 by mamabeth because: added

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 08:57 PM
I remember seeing this video not too long ago. Definitely a light hearted but very honest look into the modern world mentality that everyone should see. Im not THAT old but I certainly remember things like the original floppy disk and when the internet first came to prominence.

It is absolutely astonishing to think about how far technology has come since then, and for me it raises serious questions about the way we as a society operate. Are we actually evolving, or are we simply running in place? Of course, the TECHNOLOGY is evolving, but how far have we progressed spiritually in the last 5000 years? Without a spiritual and cultural evolution to keep up with the insane pace of technological advancement, we may be all doomed...

Sorry, I just realized I brought back all the doom and gloom into this thread.
My bad!

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I had to stop before I read the rest of the topic to reply to this. Those stretch monsters are worth a BOATLOAD of money nowadays. Like, I saw on tv before where one of the heads alone went near $10,000. I bet you feel silly now.

I wish I could relate to this topic more, but I'm one of the spoiled kids you speak of being born in '92.
Games already had better graphics, movies were always out on VHS tapes, I had tons of toys, and we have more than two television channels.
(Actually, on the local cable, we had exactly 21 channels.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

lol Louis is a truly funny dude and his argument is pretty much true... except for the fact not everything is amazing. Indeed, our technological conveniences are very amazing, and we often do take them for granted. However, there are many things in this world which are not amazing. For instance we have so much war and killing happening in the world right now, I find it hard to forget about all the death and suffering which is taking place on the Earth whilst my fridge is full of food and it is capable of being heated within 60 seconds. I simply don't lack enough empathy to always feel happy about the world.

Another thing Louis fails to account for is the anything but amazing state of the economy. I mean who can really afford all these conveniences anymore? How many people these days can actually afford to fly and browse the internet on-board a plane? I know I can't. People are angry because their savings are slowly withering away because of inflation. People are angry because there is now the highest level of wealth inequality in America since the 1920's. People are angry because 1% of the population is pulling in 80% of Americas income. How can anyone really appreciate these technological conveniences if they can't even afford them?

Not to mention the amount of corruption in the U.S. Government and other Governments around the world. The corruption runs so deep it's absolutely disgusting. These criminals are constantly stealing our freedoms and dismantling the Constitution one piece at a time. Constantly targeting and criminalizing those who even dare to voice their dissent. Of course they want us to believe everything is fine and dandy, they want us to be preoccupied with our new gadgets and the new reality TV shows they come up with. If we would all just remain in that trance-like state, with no ability to see what is taking place around us, it would make their jobs so much easier.

And there are many more examples of things which are far from amazing in this modern world. For instance, we have the problem of the continuously declining quality of consumer goods. Everything is continuously decreasing in quality and quantity, yet we are continuously being charged more and more for those increasingly crappier items. Planned obsolescence is being taken to ridiculous levels, foods taste like cardboard and each package contains a serving only enough for a mouse. Not to mention we are working more hours then ever before, whilst getting paid less than any period in history.

And people like you wonder why many other people are not happy. You are oversimplifying the issue and undermining the true problems at hand.
edit on 19/8/2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder
reply to post by SLAYER69

lol Louis is a truly funny dude and his argument is pretty much true... except for the fact not everything is amazing. Indeed, our technological conveniences are very amazing, and we often do take them for granted. However, there are many things in this world which are not amazing. For instance we have so much war and killing happening in the world right now, I find it hard to forget about all the death and suffering which is taking place on the Earth whilst my fridge full of food and it is capable of being heated within 60 seconds. I simply don't lack enough empathy to always feel happy about the world.

Another thing Louis fails to account for is the anything but amazing state of the economy. I mean who can really afford all these conveniences anymore? How many people these days can actually afford to fly and browse the internet on-board an plane? I know I can't. People are angry because their savings are slowly withering away because of inflation. People are angry because there is now the highest level of wealth inequality in America since the 1920's. People are angry because 1% of the population is pulling in 80% of Americas income. How can anyone really appreciate these technological conveniences if they can't even afford them?

Not to mention the amount of corruption in the U.S. Government and other Governments around the world. The corruption runs so deep it's absolutely disgusting. These criminals are constantly stealing our freedoms and dismantling the Constitution one piece at a time. Constantly targeting and criminalizing those who even dare to voice their dissent. Of course they want us to believe everything is fine and dandy, they want us to be preoccupied with our new gadgets and the new reality TV shows they come up with. If we would all just remain in that trance-like state, with no ability to see what is taking place around us, it would make their jobs so much easier.

And there are many more examples of things which are far from amazing in this modern world. For instance, we have the problem of the continuously declining quality of consumer goods. Everything is continuously decreasing in quality and quantity, yet we are continuously being charged more and more for those increasingly crappier items. Planned obsolescence is being taken to ridiculous levels, foods taste like cardboard and each package contains a serving only enough for a mouse. Not to mention we are working more hours then ever before, whilst getting paid less than any period in history.

And people like you wonder why many other people are not happy. You are oversimplifying the issue and undermining the true problems at hand.
edit on 19/8/2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

You are kind of like the buzz killer at a good party..

but i hear what you are saying..just saying....

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by baddmove

lol sorry about that.

I just thought this thread required a bit of a reality check. We need to be aware of the problems we face, and not ignore what is taking place around us because our face is buried in our new iPhone. There's more to life than simply nice technological conveniences, just because we have a microwave and a cellphone doesn't make everything that's wrong with the world ok. That's exactly how they want us to think, so that we remain oblivious to the corruption and terrible changes happening all around us. I think it's important that we can recognize the good with the bad... a few good things doesn't make all the bad things irrelevant. Some one was going to say what I said sooner or later anyway. We aren't on ATS because we think we live in a magical wonderland full of fairies, unicorns and rainbows.
edit on 19/8/2012 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

People aren't happy because they're told what happiness is on a regular basis, whether it agrees with their outlook or not.

People aren't happy because they make poor choices in the sense of buying things, not only due to their own weakness, but due to the psychological marketing schemes to make us want product. Even the strongest minds are weak to the methods because they are methods that cater to the lower, reptilian sections of the brain.

People aren't happy because most are told to shut up and listen to the same deceitful sources that often do not have your best interests in mind.

People aren't happy because everyone is judging the # out of one another based off of the pre-programmed forms of condescension and hatred, courtesy of many parts of your media and pop culture. A divided populace, is a 'happy' populace...

People aren't happy because the governments and special interest groups of the world pit us, the people, against one another, for economic or other 'strategic' reasons. A flexing of their ability to play the chess board.

People aren't happy because the sanctity of the economy (and therefore criminal enterprises that are major constituents of it), is treated as more important than the well being of the people as a whole.

People aren't happy because the modern philosophy seems to be "Live to work" rather than the normal "Work to live.

People aren't happy because technological advancement is not the absolute answer to happiness, yet many people are working as if they are robots to further these technological advancements, many of which are not only needless, but highly misdirected (Fukushima).

People aren't happy because they are bored and seek entertainment in the most wrong of places.

People aren't happy because they feel that they don't have any true sense of control over their life.

People aren't happy because they feel as if they are restricted from higher awareness and experience, but many are not aware of this notion, due to the obstructions of the mind created by certain ways of thinking and feeling.

edit on 19-8-2012 by Soloro because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-8-2012 by Soloro because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-8-2012 by Soloro because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-8-2012 by Soloro because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69
hey thats expensive but you could afford it couldnt you? Humphrey! yeah I remember the days when I patiently tuned every tv in for my dad, nothing changes. Now I go and see him and he asks me how the hell does this ebook reader work. the only difference now is that, I try gently to tell him to just give up, its not worth the stress he gets out of it.
This is when all the changes started.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Louie CK is amazing. Ive watched all of his stuff.

But yeah, people are not happy because gadgets doesnt make us happy. Thats the reality of it.

Also I saw a comment about someone being happy because he was not in a part of the world where they live on $2.50 / day. Have you been in that part of the world? I have. And people are much, much, much happier than people are here. They live with their families and they have lots of love around them.

No, the western world is not the best place on Earth for happiness.

edit on 20-8-2012 by PrimitiveWorld because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:03 AM
I get amazed today when you hear young people moaning because they have nothing to do.....

Wow, they have everything, they are given everything they want.....

I saw 2 kids on the bus the other day, both of them under 10 years old, but they both sat on the bus reading a book on their ipads...........

We had the outside world to play in, there is no way you can get bored of that.........

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I'm not happy. Or I am happy, but that's mostly my girlfriends fault. I'm not happy.. I have never been one with you guys. Buying cars... Buying things... Participating...

I knew I would never own a car at 4 years old. You guys drive in circles every effing day... Work home store, work home store, I always wondered why you guys drove and lived within the lines so well.

No you guys don't have it good. You have it easy. I could make an easy analogy to sex here... (good sex or easy sex)

LOVE is GOOD.. All this other stuff is tripe.

Like I am surrounded by emotional babies. IE emotional midgets.. Ie. what the heck does anyone care about. I am reading a thread about black and white TVs and bunny ear adjusters.. No you know what it is? You like blowing up brown people. That's what makes life easy. How else will you fill up your car?

Yea you guys had it hard..


Maybe people are not HAPPY. BECAUSE. LIFE is messed up. You can feel it deep down in your soul. We are not doing this right. Your proof in the op that we should be happy is that things are so "good" now on a physical standpoint, that we have all these things.

I'm 26 and I live in the US. You guys have left me nothing. I don't care about wallmart. I don't care about TV. I don't care about who ever is famous now. I don't care about download speeds. I don't care about gas prices, except when I cannot afford FOOD.

Thanks for this enlightening thread with more upperclass whining.

But you know what I actually care about? ? ? ?


So I DO get to complain. Don't tell me NO.

Shortly I will still be free, god willing I'm alive, and hopefully so will you. Please do the right thing and care about people, life, love, and quit careing about how good we have it with the internet and cell phones....

I will probably not come back to this thread so feel free to say what you will. It's ok. I just wanted/needed to put this out there.

~Love you guys

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