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Panspermia propaganda in the news, movies & now video games?

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posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 11:37 AM
Panspermia is the belief that life on Earth came from somewhere else. Aliens & Ufo’s are for nuts, except when they’re being discussed by “real” scientists. Everyone remembers this beauty I’m sure.

And then of course we have scientists proclaiming the same thing, not just war strategists.

Stephen Hawking Says Aliens Probably Out There, Will Want to Conquer Us

He says that humans should try to avoid alien contact as we colonize space. He states that such contact would be "a little too risky". What would result? He states, "If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans."

Then of course we have actual eyewitness accounts, trained by the US Govt themselves, and yet their stories don’t seem to hold much water either. (At least among “official” channels)

One of the more unsettling “proofs” out there however, is how the “abduction” accounts are almost always identical, despite these ppl never having met each other.

4 True Stories of Alien Abduction

Then last month, we have this lil “bombshell” dropped upon us out of nowhere.

Neanderthal-type species once roamed Africa, DNA shows

The human family tree just got another — mysterious — branch, an African “sister species” to the heavy-browed Neanderthals that once roamed Europe. While no fossilized bones have been found from these enigmatic people, they did leave a calling card in present-day Africans: snippets of foreign DNA. There’s only one way that genetic material could have made it into modern human populations. “Geneticists like euphemisms, but we’re talking about sex,” said Joshua Akey of the University of Washington in Seattle, whose lab identified the mystery DNA in three groups of modern Africans. These genetic leftovers do not resemble DNA from any modern-day humans. The foreign DNA also does not resemble Neanderthal DNA, which shows up in the DNA of some modern-day Europeans, Akey said. That means the newly identified DNA came from an unknown group.
Now yes if you read further they call this a "Neanderthal sibling" but the simple fact of the matter is they have no idea what the hell it really is.

Now all of this was necessary groundwork to take this conversation to the next level. As my profile shows, I am a HUGE ante-deluvian fan/researcher. Although I don’t believe in the notion of pan-spermia itself, I found this odd tidbit concerning the last “week of weeks” (also known as the Tribulation in the bible) It concerns the ten toes made out of iron & clay. The Hebrew here, btw, for clay, is in fact “miry clay”. So what, you may ask. Point being another word for miry clay is dust. As in “dust you were made from & dust you shall return”. Clay, in this instance, doesn’t represent nations, as some bible prophecy students would have you believe, rather it instead represents people. (And no it’s not a “semantics game” as you’ll soon see why. We go to Daniel ch 2 vs 42-43.) Quote.

42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. 43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. (KJV)

Now some here would argue that these reasons for this intermingling not happening would be due to cultural or even ideological differences, but if that were the case, why bother talking about the “seed of man”? More so, if something cannot mingle with the seed of man, than doesn’t that, by mere definition, imply a different seed from a different species?

So I gave panspermia a closer look and noticed just how intrusive the idea had become in today’s entertainment, and not just in movies. Oh sure, we all know about Ridley Scott’s “Prometheus”, and other such movies made recently, but what say you to this idea making its way into video games?
Gears of war-not only were WE the bad guys, but the “fuel” that we were so desperate to seek out, to the point where we were willing to wipe out another species for it, was in fact an actual life form in and of itself. Able to change all life on the planet into something very much like it.

Mass effect- Technology built upon past civilizations, civilizations left behind by a previous race that possessed higher technology than we did at the time of intergalactic destruction.

Halo-speaks for itself, if we take away the idea of the flood, we’re left with the new idea that this time the enemy isn’t the covenant, but the Forerunners. (The ones Dr. Hadley’s entire work was based upon to initiate the Spartan program to begin with, our founders.) Interestingly enough, if you delve further into the Halo mythos, you find out that Dr. Hadley’s work was ORIGINALLY meant to handle civil unrest, as opposed to a super soldier program thanks to the Covenant. Supercops for a domestic revolution, a two-fer perhaps?

But what got this whole ball of wax rolling in my mind was a recent discovery that I firmly believe the Holy Ghost dropped into my lap b/c I am a seeker of prophetic knowledge. (No interest in psychics, or occultic folklore, tyvm, I’ll get my learning from the Bible & the net) And that was the discovery of where “Mystery Babylon” mentioned in Revelation 17 was found, which is in the “new” promised land mentioned in Gen 15!

What then are the Boundaries of Israel?

The boundaries of the land God promised to Abraham and his descendents are mentioned in Genesis 15. On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram and said, ‘To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates.’ (Genesis 15:18) The ‘river of Egypt’ most likely refers to one of the tributaries of the Nile. The Euphrates begins in Turkey and flows through Syria and Iraq before entering the Persian Gulf. If these boundaries were applied today, parts of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia would be incorporated. While most secular Israeli’s today would not insist on these ‘biblical’ borders, the founders of Zionism, including Theodore Herzl and David Ben-Gurion, certainly did.

“Who gives a rip about the bible?” some of you may ask. Well, I do for one, but regardless when you go looking for Babylon in Iraq, you can’t find it. What you DO find however, is a city called “Babil”. That’s Babil with an “I” instead of an “e’”, as in tower of.



edit on 19-8-2012 by schadenfreude because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 11:38 AM
Furthermore you have this lil ditty mentioned by Christ when He said “43 I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
There are two ways of looking at this verse, imo. One, we know that one is a Jew if he is born from a Jewish woman, it’s his tribe that’s attributed to his father’s line. Whereas, if your father is a Muslim, that is based upon whom your father is. IOW, the anti-christ COULD have a Jewish mother & an Arabic father OR the mother could be Jewish and the father could be “something else” which, would also imitate Christ’s birth. (The term anti-christ, at least biblically, is a misnomer, the more accurate term would be “pseudo-christ” b/c “By peace he will deceive many.” )Dan 8:25

So, we have the new Babylon found within the new promised land, (Babil is due West of the Euphrates river, hence under Jewish control after the Ps.83 judgment.) And we have an up & coming world ruler whose parentage is brought into question. (Or conceit if you lean to that definition) The fact remains that even the bible says the last days would be “as in the days of Noah” Matt. 24:37, and that my friends would INCLUDE Nephilim. (Which was the whole point of the flood in the first place, to pollute the human gene pool so that a Messiah couldn’t be born in the first place.

So let’s review. We have the panspermia idea making it’s way into the collective consciousness of man through various means of entertainment, including movies & video games. Aliens aren’t very laughable any more, especially when MSM includes professors & world renowned scientists. We have the “Norway spiral” which just so happened over the G8 summit, (and don’t give me that failed missile launch bs, if it were that, the gas from the ground would’ve dissipated FIRST not LAST. More recently, we have discovered the Boggs Higson, which just so happens to prove a fifth dimension actually exists. (Seriously, go read the white papers, that’s one of the actual implications of the “God particle”) And lastly we have the bible mentioning these same things, :not being able to cleave to the seed of men” during the last “week of weeks.” (Or the time of Jacob’s trouble if you prefer) And lastly we have Babylon coming under Jewish control once the Ps. 83 war starts. (Iran is a red herring, sorry folks, hate to burst your bubble, but they’ll be just fine till the Gog/Magog war found in Ezekiel 38-39 where they’re listed as Persia.

There is a general consensus out there that “something is coming”, whether you blame it upon the 2012 hype, or TPTB when it comes to an eventual one-world currency, (we already have a one-world govt, that was mentioned at the G20 by the Belgium PM on CNN) where chances are we’ll use SDR’s as an intermediate solution to this global economic crisis. Whatever the reason, sadly, it would seem that the world is more aware than my fellow brothers/sisters in Christ. I find it interesting however, that a mere generation later, after all these abductions that happened before, these “alien progeny” may be on their way with “the answer”.
At least, that is the impression I get we are supposed to believe. What say you?

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 12:03 PM
... so, this is another Bible Prophesy thread in the UFOs section?

aha. Got it.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 12:06 PM
Apparently you don't "get it".

I DO use bits of bible prophecy to support the idea that there is an intentional idea being dropped into the public consciousness that life on Earth came from elsewhere, and give various sources outside the bible that prove that this idea is intentional. If you can't overlook those "idiotic bible verses" getting in the way of scientific proof of a discussion then perhaps you should troll elsewhere.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by schadenfreude

Panspermia is a fairy tale, but a sky wizard who created the billions of trillions of stars, planets, galaxies, etc. in 7 literal days is the real deal? I would like to introduce you to a little something called 'Reality' its not a bad place, you might like it.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by schadenfreude

... give various sources outside the bible that prove that this idea is intentional.

You 'PROVE' nothing, other than that you are making speculation thinly supported by highly interpretive text taken from a mythology derived and developed from desert nomads.

How about using OLDER historical precedence from Hinduism which traces its roots back 8000+ years and is still in popular practice?

Maybe SOMETHING OLDER that might stem back to a day closer to when/if panspermia occurred?

... or is the mythology of some desert nomads popular in contemporary culture just more convenient?

edit on 19-8-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by schadenfreude

Panspermia is a processes where its believed microbes are transported between Planets or Planetary systems , all it has to do with Aliens is it shows that other life can and will exist on other planets .

Seems to me you have a problem with the existence of Alien life not Panspermia .
edit on 19-8-2012 by gortex because: one to many betweens

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by mac420

Well put!
I'm open to most ideas, one thing I'm not really open to though is organized religion.
It is my belief that religion is only to keep a noose on the masses and give them something to die strive for!

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by schadenfreude

Panspermia is the belief that life on Earth came from somewhere else. Aliens & Ufo’s are for nuts, except when they’re being discussed by “real” scientists. Everyone remembers this beauty I’m sure.

I could tell right off the bat from the get go where you're headed. Panspermia is a very real possibility. Did life here originate out there? I don't know but the theory shouldn't just be rejected flat out. More research needs to be done on Comets and look for Amino acids in their mix. Hard to do with a moving target

For now, I'll keep an open mind about the theory

edit on 19-8-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 12:56 PM

42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. 43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men : but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. (KJV)

Now some here would argue that these reasons for this intermingling not happening would be due to cultural or even ideological differences, but if that were the case, why bother talking about the “seed of man”? More so, if something cannot mingle with the seed of man...

Im a little confused as to this part, the quote from the bible states they shall mingle but you go on to say that they cannot mingle?

The men of Iron part reminded me of the ancient Greek history where the current age of man, the 5th age, is the Age of Iron. And also the previous Age, the Heroic Age, the time when Demi-Gods(nephilim) "They were the heroes of old, men of renown" roamed the world

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by schadenfreude
Panspermia is the belief that life on Earth came from somewhere else. Aliens & Ufo’s are for nuts, except when they’re being discussed by “real” scientists.

UFOs and Panspermia are dissimilar ideas, you can't lump them together like that.

Also, please spare us the religious propaganda, please. Don't you people have some woo-woo forum somewhere?
edit on 19-8-2012 by ScientificUAPer because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 01:11 PM
There is only one thing that will prove Panspermia to me.

We need to start examining comets and asteroids to see if there is life on them.

If we actually find microbes on a meteor or an asteroid, then we can have proof that panspermia is real.

Until then, it's nothing more than speculation.

And claiming it must be true is nothing more than an assumption/assertion.

No hypothesis is true without proof.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by EvilSadamClone

We need to start examining comets and asteroids to see if there is life on them.

We already have , The NASA Stardust Space Probe took a sample of dust from a passing comet and returned it to Earth , NASA say the sample contained "a fundamental building block of life" .

"The discovery of glycine in a comet supports the idea that the fundamental building blocks of life are prevalent in space, and strengthens the argument that life in the universe may be common rather than rare," said Dr. Carl Pilcher, Director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute which co-funded the research

edit on 19-8-2012 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 02:12 PM
A building block of life is not life. I want to see life.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by EvilSadamClone
A building block of life is not life. I want to see life.

No but it is one of the ingredients , on one Comet .
In the early solar system there would have been many comets and Asteroids hitting the Earth all bringing their own thing to the party , with the other ingredients provided by the Earth ...... Life .

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by mac420

Well put!
I'm open to most ideas, one thing I'm not really open to though is organized religion.
It is my belief that religion is only to keep a noose on the masses and give them something to die strive for!

Maybe you really don't understand. The Bible is not organized religion. Organized religion cooped the Bible for their own abuse of the masses. They took the meanings within, understood them and then prescribed their own meanings to it to confound the masses. Got it?

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
reply to post by schadenfreude

Panspermia is the belief that life on Earth came from somewhere else. Aliens & Ufo’s are for nuts, except when they’re being discussed by “real” scientists. Everyone remembers this beauty I’m sure.

I could tell right off the bat from the get go where you're headed. Panspermia is a very real possibility. Did life here originate out there? I don't know but the theory shouldn't just be rejected flat out. More research needs to be done on Comets and look for Amino acids in their mix. Hard to do with a moving target

For now, I'll keep an open mind about the theory

edit on 19-8-2012 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

Isn't that why we have a probe on Mars? To see what the possibilities are for sustaining life there? Or are they looking back at where we came from? Maybe it's not our future, but our past they're really interested in.

They sure look like they're trying to tell us something with these images. NASA commissioned these bizarre and beautiful photographs of our Martian future

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 07:08 PM
I guess I was confused about what panspermia was all about, so thanks for making it clear to me. I think that the idea of microbes seeding life throughout the universe may be true to an extent, but there are examples where microbes have come into existence in sterilized environments, without a "seed" in the materialistic sense.

This article describes the findings of an experiment wherein DNA was able to copy itself from one test tube to another test tube that contained only pure water.

This article describes the findings of an experiment wherein a sealed, sterilized environment develops a wide array of different microbes within a few days' time.

I think the pattern for life is imprinted into the universe itself, and we should expect to find life pretty much everywhere. Some microbes probably do move between planets the conventional way, but I think there is much more to the universe than Newtonian physics can explain.
edit on 19-8-2012 by wagnificent because: grammar

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by mac420

"Panspermia is a fairy tale, but a sky wizard who created the billions of trillions of stars, planets, galaxies, etc. in 7 literal days is the real deal? I would like to introduce you to a little something called 'Reality' its not a bad place, you might like it. "

Panspermia is a fairy tale, and you refute this how? Oh, with nothing, of course. Sky wizard, seven days, reality blah blah blah. Let me clue you in on "reality" my friend.

Unlike most of my Christian brethern, I have ZERO problem believing that the earth is billions of years old, why? Because I believe the Earth can be BOTH 4.5 billions years old AND also six thousand years old at the same time!


posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by Druscilla

"You 'PROVE' nothing, other than that you are making speculation thinly supported by highly interpretive text taken from a mythology derived and developed from desert nomads.

How about using OLDER historical precedence from Hinduism which traces its roots back 8000+ years and is still in popular practice?

Maybe SOMETHING OLDER that might stem back to a day closer to when/if panspermia occurred?

... or is the mythology of some desert nomads popular in contemporary culture just more convenient?"

If I had mentioned the Sumerians, or the Gods Enkil, or Enlil, would you have listened?

If I told you I believed that the pyramids were most likely made by a higher lifeform, with advanced technology, (seeing as how we can't lift a single block with modern day cranes TODAY, would that impress you?)

If I mentioned I studied Macchu Picchu, and saw the laser-like cuts" in the stone that was made there, and attributed it to the same as above, would you give me more credibility?

Here's a BETTER question. Why do all of these ppl on ATS that INSIST they are here to "deny ignorance" constantly & without revocation cite every single ancient source of knowledge EXCEPT the Bible?

I think that's intelectually dishonest myself, and very limiting on those that think/feel this way.

If I told you that for all practical purposes, all the "gods" from the past have been continually worshipped since the inception of time, (the only thing that changed was the gods names, what say you? And yes, I mean virtually all of them. (There's roughly between 5-7 of them IIRC.) Some were seperated into more than one, like what the greeks & Romans did, others weren't.

Now here's the point so don't get lost. STOP LABELING PEOPLE. Every single one of you rock throwers that like to "pick on" Christians that think this or that is the mark of the beast, or the rapture was gonna happen last year, AGAIN. etc etc etc. I aint that guy, so please stop ASSuming by trying to label me by "only" citing the bible. (Which I didn't, not totally btw, I believe video games, the Norway spiral, the proof of a 5th dimension vis a vis Boggs-Higson, movies etc etc etc.) None of which btw, I noticed YOU referencing to at ALL.

And yes, like it or not, I obviously believe in the bible, and quoted relevent texts to support MY claim. It's my thread, my belief, and it's not without proper study of OTHER TEXTS as well that I have read in the past.

Now, would you care to actually DISCUSS the topic on-hand, or would you like to cite yet another "bible, roaming nomads trolltastic post again?

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