posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 11:12 AM
It is used as a system to control what the readers perceive as a “unbiased public opinion” on the article.
The place you will see it most often “used to effect” is in gun control, anti nuke, and environmental related articles.
They use the google or FB ID to guarantee that it is, or is not the same person that posted last time.
Some sites say they have open comments. But when you try to comment, you find out they are pre screened before they even show up. They don’t say it
in the comments section that all the comments are pre screened, so people that are just reading the comments get the impression that that is unbiased
opinion on the article.
With FB or google id then they sometimes allow your comment to be viewed before it’s screened. But if it is against their viewpoint, then it will be
quickly deleted or never aired in the first place. People that post comments that support the article will have their comments prescreened the first
time, then succeeding comments will be auto posted after the screener knows that person agrees with them.
Standard fair is…. If you post information that shows the article to be false, then your post will never be displayed. If it is displayed, then it
will be quickly removed. In ether case, you will be permanently banned. There will be no indication left on the site that anyone had posted a comment
in the first place.
Other devious things I have seen… On sites with open comments. People that post something agreeing with the article will have their comments
displayed within minutes. People that post something disagreeing with the article will have their post delayed for days, if not a week or more before
it finally clears the screener. The reason they do that is most of the traffic for an article (and it’s effect on people) passes within a few days
of it’s publishing. If they hold the contrary comments up for a week then 99% of the people seeing the article will see the public agreeing with
them. And it allows them to say with a straight face that all comments that are not derogatory, or threatening are published………. eventually.
Other sites will give the original poster the idea the comment is publicly viewable. But in reality it is not untill it's screened. They keep track
of which computer posted it. That computer is served a page that has his comment in the comments section with no indication that it is awaiting
screening, but the rest of the viewers see nothing until the comment is approved. If it supports, then it will be approved in hours, if it
doesn’t’ support, then it will never see another computer’s screen. I have found that out by checking on an article at another place to see what
other people have said about my comment. I never found the comment in question. But when I went back home, the comment was still in the comments
section. Double checked and finally figured out what was going on.
The reason sites do stuff like that is the simple fact that most people have a follow the herd mentality. They tend to shift their opinion to what
they “perceive” the majority of the rest of the population thinks. They don’t want to think of themselves as a person that is going against the
So sites use selective editing of comments to try and foment public opinion. The comments section is used as an opinion influencing tool as the
article it’s self.
It also supports the self delusion that what the supporters are participating in is an open forum. People that support it have their comments posted
promptly, if not instantly. All the commenters wonder why anyone could disagree with them because clearly they are the majority on this nice open
public forum. The people that know the truth are the ones that disagree that never are allowed to experess their opinion. But those people are “lost
causes” as for as that site is concerned anyways. And the vast majority of people. The ones that don’t comment will think they see that the
majority of people agree with the article , so it will have the effect of shifting their opinion on the subject. Because….. “I must not be
understanding the subject properly, because the majority can’t be wrong ….. can they?”
The thing is… You are not being allowed to see what the majority thinks in the first place.
After a while… people will answer a question with the answer they think the majority would give, even if they don’t exactly understand how that
answer is correct. It’s called brainwashing.
On websites that can’t bring themselves down to that level they will just not allow comments in the first place. They know the article is against
public opinion so they just remove the comments section entirely for that article. The ones that they know the public will support, is the ones they
leave the comments section in place on.