posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 03:06 AM
There's some really interesting things going on in this vid..
Its deliberate, it was done exactly like this so people would see what is happening or what is possible..
night vision camera lenses for example.. you dont pack that kind of stuff unless you want it to be viewed..
this is a war crime, there's no two ways about it.. whoever is doing this crime would probably refuse to do it while being filmed.. however, there's
been considerable organization and prep, so it was deliberate in all means to be done for the camera.
the editing, flashing photos of the executed officers.. there's lasers flashing about and a seemingly dominating alpha male walking to each house
with the authority to indiscriminately execute everyone. this was a message... im just trying to figure out what the US backed western occupation
government in Iraq got first......
this movie
or a report from ground staff of a disgusting find in some small town in remote Iraq.
So, who could do it?.. local Iraqi tribes?.. I dont think so..
The Iraqi army?.. why. I mean, there has been a significant low up until the last 3-4 weeks.. The militia arent causing trouble so why go and break
the peace?
The Americans?.. why?.. they got out, they arent really showing it in the news anymore.. theyd like this to just go away and keep those oil fields
pumping for Shell, Exxon etc..
government backed? well that would make sense.. and logistically/technically it wouldnt be difficult to pull off.
how much would half a dozen slightly used 4w pickups go for?
throw in a couple of dozen army camo's, some cheap laser sights... and a police'kit flashing light for each car..
id put a guess at around... $1mil at the extreme MOST?
does anyone see anything overly expensive in that movie?
you could assemble 30 of your best arab speaking/sounding (with an Iraqi influence on your genes)men. all the kit in a field, gear up, indicate entry
roads and the order of stops.. then just drive from each town executing people..
if you chose a town close enough to your border, or you were sure you'd get a good 1hr break until the bodies were discovered you could almost
penetrate as deep as 300km's across the border id estimate, even more so if if you did it at 2-3am..
Could it be Iranian hit squads sending a message to the US?
now watch the video again.. and see if you still think this was just a run of the mill Iraqi style body count.
... this one, was significant!