reply to post by SLAYER69
I think we may have clashed heads over this issue before. But I am glad to see you taking a more balanced approach to the subject. But if we are going
to talk about the issue we need to look far deeper than does Iran deserve nuclear power and or weapons.
Whilst it is very true that Iran has no love what so ever for the state of Israel (And please lets not get into it being anti Jewish, it is the state
of Israel they hate not Jewish people) there are reasons for that hatred. Just as there are genuine reasons for hatred in Israel for Iran, and we can
toss these arguments and the validity for them back and forth but people rarely change their mind.
I understand well enough that Iran makes threats to close the Straights, and calls Israel an abomination and an insult to mankind, but lets look at it
from their point of view, Iran is not an aggressive nation, there are links to suggest that they are behind Hezbolla and Hamas. But there are also
link to Israeli death squads operating in Iran murdering their scientists. Iran is being constantly threatened with bombings and attacks by Israel,
its like being in the playground and the big fat bully is constantly poking you in the shoulder, pushing you and pushing you to make you lash out
first so he feels he is justified to punch you up and down the street and he has his even bigger friend behind them to back them up and you know you
cant win and just keep getting poked and poked.
So what is Iran to do? They threaten to close the straight, they shout a few angry words at Israel, imagine any country making threats to bomb the
USA, shouting off when they were going to do it, Would America sit back and let it happen? Hell no, they would blow that country to smithereens and be
justified in doing it, yet Iran has this propaganda day in and day out, Iran knows for sure 100% this attack will come, are they just supposed to bend
over and lube up? The whole behaviour of Israel is disgusting, Iran cannot have nukes while they stockpile them, and lets face it Israel is far more
violent than Iran, the only war Iran has been involved in has been defensive, when they were attack by Iraq, with American weapons, chemical weapons
at that and even when they had beaten back Iraq, they didn't continue, they just defended their borders, Can Israel and the US say they behave the
same way?
So they continue to suffer the outrageous sanctions, the constant threat of attack and say they will close the straights and Israel are an
abomination, is it really surprising? Would I want to live in Iran? Nope, is their country great? Nope, but it is their country and for them to decide
how its run, it is not for the west to dictate how every country is run and Israel should shut its mouth because lets face it, the problems in the
middle east all stem from the creation of Israel and its rabid dog leaders, if there was never an Israel these issues wouldn't arise. There is an
Israel though and we have to deal with it.
The best thing that could happen would be the US and the west just turn round to Israel and say you start any crap and you are on your own, no support
what so ever, however that wont happen, to much influence in the US. If the ME saw the west slap Israel back into place nearly all the problems would
go away, but it has festered too long.
There will be war and sadly there is very little us sane people can do about it