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posted on Apr, 27 2003 @ 02:14 AM
Tell me this, if we all really believe that ufos are out there and are piloted then why does the public plead with the gov't to realease information.

Its always the same story, a incident happens and it might be released to the public for a day or so like the film of the Columbia Shuttle Crash. Or of a dissapearing building that was not there for two hours then came back (I know this one is hard to swallow but the only film about it was filmed on public TV and never again). If we as a united people under a belief or an ideal believe that aliens exist then why do we do nothing but ask our government (father) to give us information which he is not going to release, then what is to become of us (blinded children of a false government) in the future.

"Beware he who denies you information, for secretly he dreams himself your master."

We are so blind individually that we no longer can survive without suckiling at the tit of the conspirators themselves.

We will enter a realm of horror if we the people, NOT THE GOVERNMENT, dont unite to fight our common enemy.

Im not saying we should fight our government or that we need a new one.

But to deny the people the right to know their pre ordained destiny, Then that my friends is truely an atrocity against all humankind. Because Maybe, just Maybe, it can be changed.

I dont write this as a person that has no faith in our government, but I do believe the people of earth have been ready for a long time to know the truth about Extraterrestrials.

We know they're here, most people that have been abducted know what they are capable of, yet most wont lissen and thats because without our government we the united individual of a free world are nothing without our Father, THE GOVERNMENT.

posted on Apr, 27 2003 @ 10:35 AM
Imagine if a large astriod was about to hit earth, instantly destroying all life, in three days. Now imagine the governments of the world telling you only had three days to live. There would be total chaos, panic, fear, destruction...just because of the inevidable...Its the same reason they don't tell us about aliens and UFOS. Dont you think the populous would panic if the government said
"Hey, Theres aliens much more advanced then us, they have Saucers that come in and out of our airspace, and we cant do a thing about it, we cant shoot 'em down, and they abupt people at random to do torture and horrific experiments on them...Nobody is safe from them, and we cant protect you."

Thats why the cover it up, untill someone has more info on it, they keep it hidden. It's not that they're evil, or corrupt, it's just that they care for our wellbeing and our mind state...If they told you that, there would be chaos, because for a large populous to go chaotic, it doesnt take much at all.

posted on Apr, 27 2003 @ 10:45 AM
There certainly is a coverup in progress, but not of Aliens, or if so, certainly not to the level that the government would like you to think.

Someone on here asked if Aliens have such advanced technology, why do we keep seeing them? Because the vehicals that are constantly sighted and described are HUMAN built X Craft, built on technology we know to have existed HERE ON EARTH since 1880.

The alien stories are a perfect cover up, and the government covertly manipulating the media to continue the lie. Think about it, if there really were an alien agenda, and the government REALLY wanted to keep it a silent issue, do you think that the X Files would have been the super popular show that it was? What about Sightings? What about numerous well publicized UFO *exposes*? If the government wanted to shut these projects down, you and I would never have seen them.

posted on Apr, 27 2003 @ 10:56 AM
You have a point DragonRider. But what about Majestic-12? I doubt one day the government was like "Hey, I know, let's make a group devoted to aliens and UFOS" if there wasnt anything specific happening related to Aliens and UFOs. The only problem now is that with so many people wanting attention, everybody seems to be having seen UFOs and getting abdupted. Granted some of these UFOs may just be lies, others may be experimental aircrafts (The Have Blue F117 bomber was being tested in 1977, which was the time, up to the point of the gulf war, where many of these "Triangle shape UFOS with three lights on the bottom" were seen. But still, theres gotta be a reason we have Majestic-12, if all there is are X-crafts...theres something more to the story.

posted on Apr, 27 2003 @ 11:04 AM
I never said that there were NO UFO events, however, I just dont think that the bottom levels of Dulce and Area 51 are inhabitted by Greys and Reptoids.

I have a feeling that we may well be in possession of alien technology, but that would be rather old and not really the source of the technology we are working on now. If so, we would have had alien technology LONG before Roswell, and since there was NO UFO hysteria from 1880 to the 1930s when a great deal of research was being done of this technology, I kind of doubt that is where we got this technology.

As far as MJ12, the fact that it was leaked to the media indicates that it was likely a part of the disinformation network. (I have to say this is probably the best put together hoax in history).

This is a link showing the flaws in the MJ12 documents.

posted on Apr, 27 2003 @ 12:07 PM
You have to wonder if dragonrider is right. The government controls all aspects of our lives. Their is no in between when it comes to government cover ups. Your either with them or against them. I do believe the government cares about its citizens because without us their is no government.

But that would make you wonder even more. Why would our government allow the people to talk among themselves about questioning our government.

Simple, they are pushing us (the free people) to where they see fit. It has come to be that we are on a path that is placed before us and no crossroads to make our own desicions.

So I ask you Dragonrider and WolfofWar are we really free, or are we a people that think we are free?

Because when it comes to government their is no in between

posted on Apr, 27 2003 @ 12:16 PM

I think the truest response to your question was put forth by Morpheus in the movie "Matrix"

Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you wereborn into bondage. Born into a prison that you cannot smell ortaste or touch. A prison....for your mind.

This prison has been engineered from the get go by the Cabal, over 300 years ago. The entire situation is going according to plan.... *their* plan...

posted on Apr, 27 2003 @ 12:50 PM
WolfofWar to answer your first response, Sometimes a person whether ready or not must know things. Even though they are not ready like you said. This time our lives are at stake, and unlike the government. I think we are all capable of understanding, and more likely uniting as a race for the FIRST TIME.

The sad thing is that I know it wont happen. As long as their is somebody that is in a high level of power with more love for money than in humanity, we will never unite.

Dragonrider: I agree with you because in todays society we only have freedom within locked gates and every individual behind those gates has part of the key to unlock it, yet only a few have tried to piece together their keys to no avail. For its takes everybodies piece to unlock a mystery of this grand scale. (Sorry for the lame metaphor)

[Edited on 04-26-2003 by FoxStriker]

[Edited on 4/28/2003 by FoxStriker]


posted on Apr, 27 2003 @ 01:09 PM
if suddenly the gov. came forth and said :

" Flying Saucers have always existed, we built them and have been flying them since the end of WW2, There is no such thing as aliens"

a statement like this would indicate that television, news, news papers, federal and state goverment agencies, the military, NASA and just about everything else in existance is fake. That would then chain react into mass social dissidence and the economy would then crumble. The would no longer exist a United States

posted on Apr, 27 2003 @ 01:32 PM
their really is no United States because their is no longer a true sense of freedom that a person might have had in the 1950's.

But its still the best country in the world

Why kid ourselves, what your asking is the same thing I'm asking, and thats for the gov't to tell us the truth. But you say were not ready. Well the only thing I have to say to that is if you were going to die in a car accident, what would you give to know this information so you could have at least stayed home.

The gov't is the same way, we are on a pre ordained path and somebody in the gov't knows this but is not willing to tell us. There by taking our God given right to have a choice in what we do in life.

I'll tell you what I know, I have relatives down in Mexico, Italy, U.S.A.,and Spain. a couple relatives have a few stories in which they have seen things that they can't explain.
What they would give to know what they saw. Yet you say we are not ready.

The more time passes by the less time we have to pull our head out from under the guilotine.

Im not saying your wrong because their are a lot of people not ready to know this. But sometimes people dont understand the whole picture, and how much this information is going to affect them.

As for your statement if gov. came forth and said.
" Flying Saucers have always existed, we built them and have been flying them since the end of WW2, There is no such thing as aliens"

The gov't has lied to us for countless generations.
Most people would believe this to be a lie or a little bit of disinformation.

Their is to much proof that aliens do exist and giant humans and reptoids.

[Edited on 04-26-2003 by FoxStriker]

posted on Apr, 27 2003 @ 02:11 PM
We humans are an interesting species. We have always had a God complex. We believe that we are so important that for a long time we thought the earth was the center of the universe (well in the western world anyway) and that it was flat. Well we all know that that is not true, they were looking at things from a linear perspective. In fact the thought of a universe it�s self might not be what we think because of the multi-universe theory. But anyway let me get back on topic.

As we have evolved (I�m talking consciously) we have learned that the world that our forefathers lived in was a world of false hood. It was to one-dimensional in its thinking. We are children in a way to this government. Children take what authority figures tell them based on faith and trust. But as they get older they learn a lot of what there parents told them was wrong.

We are in a period of awakening. You see the shows like the X-files, sightings and the history channel�s �U.F.O�s in the bible� are drawing our curiosity . They are challenges each of us to take a deeper look into who we are and where we came from. All the different art work from caves, passages in the bible, the Egyptian culture it�s self show us that we have been visited for a long time.

Secret Societies know this and this is what they are hiding. They are waiting for when the time is right to tell us the truth that�s all. The truth can�t be hidden for ever. The question is when you find the truth will you feel it set you free or wish you didn�t know it(i.e ignorance is bliss)

posted on Apr, 27 2003 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by dragonrider
There certainly is a coverup in progress, but not of Aliens, or if so, certainly not to the level that the government would like you to think.

Someone on here asked if Aliens have such advanced technology, why do we keep seeing them? Because the vehicals that are constantly sighted and described are HUMAN built X Craft, built on technology we know to have existed HERE ON EARTH since 1880.

The alien stories are a perfect cover up, and the government covertly manipulating the media to continue the lie. Think about it, if there really were an alien agenda, and the government REALLY wanted to keep it a silent issue, do you think that the X Files would have been the super popular show that it was? What about Sightings? What about numerous well publicized UFO *exposes*? If the government wanted to shut these projects down, you and I would never have seen them.

this is a very good philosophy....and i belive is a very likely sennario..

posted on Apr, 28 2003 @ 12:15 AM
Abstract - I don't think they'll ever tell us the truth. Maybe because their is no truth better than a lie.

Who knows, For all we know we could be slaves and not even know it.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:44 PM
My first post

kinda interesting if anyone else wants to add anything.

This was years ago.... back when ATS was a furtile lush planet... lmao

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by FoxStriker

Your pleading with Rockefeller.
You think that hasn't been done.

Ford was going electric until Rock said no.
Rock Rock says no UFOs for you.

Tesla atomic gas technology is over unity technology used
in Tesla craft (aka UFOs).

Whats done is done but why must Rock tell us lies about aliens.
Well not Rock pre se, the Cartels CFR/TC,... no its still the Rock.
He can tell us all one day.

ED: Guess you have some catching up to do.

[edit on 11/20/2008 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 03:41 PM
read the post right before yours.... was my first post on this sight over 5 years ago bud....

yes I've come a long way since then

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