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"Pussy Riot" have been sentenced to 2 years labor camp

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posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 01:27 PM
I haven't really followed this in the news, but the Russian "punk bank" Pussy Riot has just been sentenced to 2 years prison/labor camp in Russia.

Protests arose after the sentence - many in support of P.R. protesting the sentence have been arrested as well, for example known chess champion Garri Kasparov.

As i understood, what P.R. were doing was PROTESTING against former KGB member Russian "president" Putin and the orthodox Russian church.

What the scandal here is is the fact that the sentence is unexpected hard, those women also have little kids.

NO ONE came to physical harm even if their protest might certainly have "offended" someone.

What do we care, this is "in Russia"? You SHOULD care because it doesn't matter whether this is Russia, the US or somewhere in Europe. We live in a world where politics AND church are rotten to the core all over the globe - and it's an scandal when the few who have the courage to open their mouth and protest get such a hard prison sentence. Again, no one came to harm because of those protests - it's simply a scandal and shows the true face of Putin and the current state of Russia.
edit on 17-8-2012 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 01:42 PM
Guilty of Hooliganism!

I dont know anything about the story either, the name is what caught my eye lol

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 01:42 PM
i've been following it, 2 years in jail for offending a church .... its ridiculous. They have been locked up since February, id say they have done there time.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 01:43 PM
I've been following this story all day, I came to ATS and couldn't find anything about it, even though every news network across Europe is discussing it, and the US government has a released a statement expressing support for freedom of opinion and political expression - which in itself is pretty hypocritical! lol

Russia is not a free country. It's corrupt to the core. Freedom of opinion only exists for those who support Putin, if you're critical you can face years in prison.

Just to clarify what's happened here... they performed an impromptu performance inside of Moscow's largest church, with a song that was NOT anti-religious, calling on the Virgin Mary to rid Russia of Putin. The idea that this was religiously motivated is a farce.

This happened back in March (I believe), and they have been in detention since. They were charged with hooliganism, something that routinely receives a sentence of 15 days.

Make no mistake about it, this is a politically driven attack on freedom of expression and political opinion. And Putin is a freakin idiot for taking it this far. He's made martyr's out of them, encouraged hundreds of thousands more to stand up against him.

The protests against him before are barely over, and many were expecting to see it escalating. He has done it for them. They barely need to organize now, people will be flocking to protests all over Russia. The question is how will the authorities deal with that, and what will their reaction unleash?

I say it every time something like this happens. Protest leads to state response, the violence of that response dictates whether it becomes a revolution.

I fully expect to see more national protests springing up in Russia thanks to Putin's insane thirst for control.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 01:43 PM
WOW...... I knew Putin was offended and what they did was out of question...but 2 years of hard labor?! Yikes. Vlad was REALLY pissed wasn't he?

I hope the OP doesn't mind..but I thought I'd add this:

Page of photos for their group in the Cathedral as well as Court and other settings

2 years labor eh? I think the smiles and smirks we see in the pics are things they won't have the capacity to show after they get out. They damn sure won't be the same people anymore. I hope the desecration was worth it. OUCH..... One hell of a high price for choosing that location.

*The one in the blue T-shirt looks like the only one of the 3 who 'gets it' and understands the jokes and games ended when they were charged.....She looks appropriately scared, as anyone ought to be...while the other two remind me of Occupy members I knew that never 'got it'.

edit on 17-8-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000
Wrabbit, I won't say it's much better, but RT and other sources are reporting the time will be spent in a medium security prison (do those involve hard labor?), and that the six months' worth of trial will count as time served, so they're looking at about 18 months.

Ridiculous, still.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by Praetorius

I'll have to look into it.. I was going by the OP and headline for final outcome, as I'd seen the photo set I posted recently but didn't look much further to see the outcome. I just figured they were toast and that was that for the Russian system.....but it sounds to me like there is a big difference between a medium security prison and a labor camp? I'm may be an enormous difference?

Anyone have the name of the prison by any chance? That'd be a great place to start in seeing how hard a time they're in for?

My first find is telling.. Hmm...

The United States and the European Union condemned the sentence as disproportionate and asked for it to be reviewed, although state prosecutors had demanded a three-year jail term and the maximum sentence possible was seven years.
(Source: Reuters)

It could have been worse? Hmm... I'll drop back by if I can find the prison they're off too and how hard a place it actually is. I'm really curious now.... Is Russia still breaking people in Labor camps or are these girls headed for a fairly decent facility? Thanks.. I was kinda bored this afternoon..

edit on 17-8-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 02:15 PM
Nope the gulag is still the re education centers of Russia...just not heard of anymore....Remember Russia has the media under its thumb still......

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
WOW...... I knew Putin was offended and what they did was out of question...but 2 years of hard labor?! Yikes. Vlad was REALLY pissed wasn't he?

I hope the OP doesn't mind..but I thought I'd add this:

Page of photos for their group in the Cathedral as well as Court and other settings

2 years labor eh? I think the smiles and smirks we see in the pics are things they won't have the capacity to show after they get out. They damn sure won't be the same people anymore. I hope the desecration was worth it. OUCH..... One hell of a high price for choosing that location.

*The one in the blue T-shirt looks like the only one of the 3 who 'gets it' and understands the jokes and games ended when they were charged.....She looks appropriately scared, as anyone ought to be...while the other two remind me of Occupy members I knew that never 'got it'.

edit on 17-8-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

What the hell are you on about?!

Desecration? Occupy? Getting it? You're all over the place.

I definitely think there is one person in particular here who "doesn't get it"

I'm getting that sneaking suspicion we have another one of those Americans who screams about their rights, while cheering that the rights of those they disagree with are taken away...

It's okay to have the freedom to express an opinion, as long as it's not against your faith, right?

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual

WOW.... What got into you today???

I think the story speaks for itself and your level of confusion as to the very charges and action they were arrested, prosecuted and sentenced for leaves me absolutely baffled as to your position??

Umm... We may all disagree about the validity of the charges they've been sentenced for and we may really disagree about the Russian laws in place for "Unauthorized Protest" and more....which these girls got far to the wrong side of....but the straight factual criminal case it what it is and I really have to wonder what set you off?

Moscow (CNN) -- Three members of Russian female punk rock band Pussy Riot were sentenced to two years in prison Friday after they were found guilty of hooliganism for performing a song critical of President Vladimir Putin in a church.

Some of what I was reading, by the way, indicates the pressure from the Russian Orthodox Church was IMMENSE on this and 70% of the Russian Population claim membership to it. The Church wanted FAR MORE the point, their own membership feel disillusioned by how this all went down.

It sounds like what we're debating about here is STILL only a part of a much larger set of issues these girls strolled into the middle of and got squashed with.

@By the way...... Russia *HAS NO* Freedom of Speech like we lets no impose American values in a nation that absolutely doesn't have them. They had no such right there. Second...... Expression should NEVER include the desecration (TO ANY LEVEL) of another's place of Worship. They did..and they're paying for it. Perhaps more than I'd think is right..but Putin doesn't care what we think.

edit on 17-8-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 03:02 PM
Guess who support the pussy riot .. the USA and especialy Hellary
going in a church all masked acting like little devils
they should know better .. this is a direct blasphemy to God
Putin was generous to only give 2 yrs
they wouldnt be in jail now if they have done that another place
even at a putin rally but this was a peacefull church with praying Christians inside

in the USA when people interrupt an "official" speaking for more wars
and excusing the zionist war crimes .. they are brutaly arrested, tazed and put to jail
to never heard about them again

so please .. if you try to excuse those pussy riot girl
think again
edit on 8/17/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 03:12 PM
Pussy Riot is an idea, you can't put an idea in prison. Sure three adherents to the idea have been thrown in the gulag by Putin the dictator but there are thousands, perhaps millions who share Pussy Riots views on the corruption, greed and inequity of the current system of government and organized religion. Revolutions are ideas, revolts are haphazard violent uprisings without the idea. I support Pussy Riot and so should you, if for the only reason they have a cool name, if you know what I mean.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 03:15 PM
So basically any who speak out or protest their leaders should be banged up in jail
What an over reaction.

"God save the Queen - A fascist regime - She aint a Human Being" So sang John Lydon of "The Sex Pistols"
Guess he had a point - Wonder what he would have said of Putin

So 3 naughty girls get treated rough shod by a corrupt system.
Pettiness - Food for the brain washed who would react to an ant farting in church

War criminals and criminal bankers meanwhile get away scot free

Some people are so petty with their pre set reactions

What great harm have these girls done to warrant such
edit on 17-8-2012 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 03:25 PM
I'm still not seeing what they did that was deserving of ANY punishment let alone 2 years in prison. So they found some stuff on the internet where they planned a protest. So they are against religion. I don't agree with that, but ok oh well. Did they threaten to murder people or something? What am I missing here?

Not cool, Putin. It only makes Russia look like it's going back to it's old roots again.

edit on 17-8-2012 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 03:26 PM
What this group did is not ethical. Political performance in a place where different people speak with god is very very bad taste.
But 2 years labor camp for that.... Insane.
I think that it is because Russia lacks basic tolerance ,both people and state itself. Mutual respect does not exist. Ex-Communists that sent religious people to camps now turned on religious mode and send anti-religious people to camps.
edit on 17-8-2012 by ZeroKnowledge because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Ben81
Guess who support the pussy riot .. the USA and especialy Hellary
going in a church all masked acting like little devils
they should know better .. this is a direct blasphemy to God
Putin was generous to only give 2 yrs
they wouldnt be in jail now if they have done that another place
even at a putin rally but this was a peacefull church with praying Christians inside

in the USA when people interrupt an "official" speaking for more wars
and excusing the zionist war crimes .. they are brutaly arrested, tazed and put to jail
to never heard about them again

so please .. if you try to excuse those pussy riot girl
think again
edit on 8/17/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

I'm actually shocked to hear this from you. Anyone who lets a protest sway their faith, should question their own faith in the first place. 2 years in prison for a protest and you are praising Putin, really??

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 03:33 PM

I can't really agree with how they did what they did. I have no problem with the message, however the method was disrespectful.

Now Russia is run by mobsters. We all know this. If you can be jailed for criticizing the people in charge, then that's not a democracy. Then again, none of us really have that anymore. (see oligarchy)

The punishment, is really ridiculous. If anything they should have got something similar to disturbing the piece. I know nothing of Russian law there's that too.


posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 03:34 PM
Churches and institutionalized religions help governments to keep their people under control, to keep complaining and potential rioting at a minimum. It is always "good" if someone can turn to religion to find an "answer" to the problems in this world, including their own....a good distraction!

This is the reason governments are usually in bed with their churches. THANK YOU for this mini-epiphany!!

P.R. did not protest against god by the way. P.R. protested against their current gvt and the gvt/church link.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 03:35 PM
Originally the sentence was supposed to be 7 years, now it has been reduced to 2. What they did was not necessarily awful if they did this at a party of theirs, but they did it in a church during worship knowing that their actions were meant to offend the worshipers, the church, and the President. This group is generally looked down upon with contempt in Russia although a plurality of Russians believe such a steep conviction for this crime is extreme.

I do not particularly view this as bad. Putin is making an example out of them; this was bound to happen to someone at some time. The statement is that Russia under the leadership of Putin shall become ever closer to the Russian Orthodox Church and censorship of action/speech will increase to protect this growing fondness between two former allies turned enemies. Under his leadership Russia has been demonstrating not only to those within its own borders but also to those outside of them, that it is a reforming nation; one whose destiny will be shaped, not by outside forces, but through the interconnection of Russian elite, government, church, and ethnic citizens. This will inevitably exclude many, but if they want a globalized, universalized, liberal democratic, and egalitarian society they most look elsewhere.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 03:40 PM
i suspect they will all be released very early in their sentences, the point (don't piss off the church) having been made.

and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova is too pretty for jail (sigh)

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