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letter to Rt Hon. William Hague MP re Julian Assange

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posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 05:17 AM
I wanted to draw attention to this letter I have written to William Hague about the UK government's treatment of Julian Assange.

I believe this is a very serious issue that affects us all in relation to free speech and speaking out against corruption and injustice. If they can do this to one man then they have the power to do it to anybody.

I am most disgusted and upset with the utter lack of humanity being shown by the UK government toward Mr Assange. It is most brutal.

I also believe that the charges against him are trumped up, just like they did to many other men in powerful places in recent years if for some reason they dare to show any kind of dissent in their professions.

I would urge everybody to start to speak out against injustices and bad behaviour by authorities and governments in this world. It is the ONLY way to change things. Just writing on ATS will not change anything. Only active participation and communication with the authorities to tell them what we think about their behaviour will change anything. I still believe that the more pressure they are under from the general public the better chance we have of maintaining humanity and dignity in civil matters.

Thanks for your time and here is the letter:

"To The Rt Hon. William Hague MP.
Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs

Dear Sir,

I am writing to protest in the very strongest terms about the government's treatment of Julian Assange. The behaviour of the British Authorities in this case has been most shocking and upsetting to witness.

As it stands Mr Assange is not a criminal. He has not been tried or convicted of any crime yet the government is treating him no better than it would a criminal or terrorist.

It is my own belief that Mr Assange has actually committed no crime, not even in Sweden.

I think you need to be made aware that more and more people are seeing through the media illusions. It appears that any time the authorities are displeased with the performance of prolific men they can trump up allegations and splash them all over the world media without any consideration for justice or truth.

The bully boy tactics of the police at the Ecuador Embassy in London disgusts me. Watching the footage earlier they looked no better than SS Officers in Nazi Germany.

I am deeply concerned about this. I think you should be, too and all men and women who are prolific in politics and media. One day it could even be you, my friend, if you displease "them" with your performance or say the wrong thing. Are you happy with those kinds of threats hanging over you? Is that the right way to conduct ourselves?

I am absolutely ashamed to be living in the UK right now. I find that even I am bullied, ostracized and isolated because of my views and beliefs.

I ask you in the strongest terms to conduct this whole affair with more dignity and humanity because the whole world is watching you and the UK government right now.

I wish you well and thank you for your time and hope the UK can learn not to be such a brutal country in its dealings with those who speak out about injustice in our world.

your's sincerely,

edit on 17-8-2012 by Revolution9 because: spelling

edit on 17-8-2012 by Revolution9 because: spelling

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by Revolution9
It is my own belief that Mr Assange has actually committed no crime, not even in Sweden.

I am sure many people believed that Ian Brady, the Moors murderer was set up. Of course, after due process he was prosecuted and found to be as guilty as sin by a jury. It’s all to do with evidence and legal process. I am not likening Brady to Assange, just drawing a parallel.

It is irrelevant what you believe.

It is up to due legal process to be allowed to investigate the accusations that Assange committed several sex acts, which in Swedish law are criminal and which left two victims. At the moment, none of us have access to the exact details so none of us can make an objective decision as to Assange’s innocence or guilt. Only due legal process will expose the facts.

Take the diversions aside and concentrate on the fact that a crime needs to be properly investigated.


posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 05:34 AM
nice letter there fella, and any reasonable man would act on it. but i can't see the fighting foetus doing anything other than his masters bidding.

we truly are living in a country that has gone to the dogs, bullying the little man in the street and anyone that speaks out against the ruling class.

I find it enraging that the people of this country sit and allow the 'elected' government, supposedly acting on our behalf, to act in such unjust ways.

lawful rebellion first,'s up to the politicians.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by Revolution9

Nice effort. I usually wouldn't be bothered with such actions, even though I support Assange. After he squashes your letter, he will go for the buzzer shot...a nice 3 pointer from the half way court.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 05:50 AM
An adult who routinely lied about his ability to drink volumes of alcohol should never be put in any kind of position of authority.

What I don't understand is, all these Tory MPs like Hague, Gove, Hunt, Osborne and Fox, if they really wanted to work for the U.S. government, why didn't they just emigrate and get jobs there?

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by Revolution9

Australia's diplomatic silence on the issue is just as disturbing.

Our Minister for Foreign Affairs, Bob Carr, is in a position to exert influence towards amicable agreements - yet he chooses to wipe his hands of the ongoing of the same I guess.

Bravo for initiating your corresponence.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 06:00 AM
It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who blindly fall for this megalomaniac's game...Assange is wanted for questioning in Sweden in relation to allegations of sexual assault and rape. He does not want to have to be subjected to the judicial process in Sweden, in England or in any country.

As far as Julian Assange is concerned, he is above the law.

Originally posted by Revolution9
I believe this is a very serious issue that affects us all in relation to free speech and speaking out against corruption and injustice. If they can do this to one man then they have the power to do it to anybody.

Since when did sexual assault become a form of protected "free speech"?

I am most disgusted and upset with the utter lack of humanity being shown by the UK government toward Mr Assange. It is most brutal.

Oh yes, most brutal. The poor man was put under "mansion arrest" for a number of months (because, obviously, he is a serious flight risk), while the extradition process was underway.

I also believe that the charges against him are trumped up

The key word here is "believe"...

Dear Sir,

I am writing to protest in the very strongest terms about the government's treatment of Julian Assange. The behaviour of the British Authorities in this case has been most shocking and upsetting to witness.

As it stands Mr Assange is not a criminal. He has not been tried or convicted of any crime yet the government is treating him no better than it would a criminal or terrorist.

It is my own belief that Mr Assange has actually committed no crime, not even in Sweden.

Mr. Assange is not a convicted criminal...he is an alleged criminal. He is an alleged criminal who will go to any lengths to avoid even being questioned about his "alleged" rape of a woman in Sweden...let alone be charged, let alone face trial, let alone be found guilty, let alone serve prison time if he is found guilty of this alleged crime....which would, then, in fact, make him a convicted criminal.

You are buying into this game he has created, that it is actually the U.S. Government that is behind these sexual assault charges...something they have cooked up so that they can get him to that they can have him extradited to America (why wouldn't they just extradite him directly from Great Britain ?).

The bully boy tactics of the police at the Ecuador Embassy in London disgusts me. Watching the footage earlier they looked no better than SS Officers in Nazi Germany.

Oops...selective vision. Mr. Assange broke the law by not abiding by his bail conditions...making him subject to arrest. The authorities are well within their rights - duty-bound actually - to take all measures necessary to locate, and then arrest this fugitive from the justice system.

I am absolutely ashamed to be living in the UK right now. I find that even I am bullied, ostracized and isolated because of my views and beliefs.

I hear Ecuador is looking for new citizens...

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by mobiusmale

I've been reading the current threads that have been started that deal with the "Assange" situation. What I find a bit odd is that after reading the main Thread titled "Britain threatens to storm Ecuador Embassy to get Assange" in which a lot of good background info has been provided, people can still post in threads like this one and offer pretty much the official establishment viewpoint ie that he is a unconvicted sex offender that needs to go to sweden and stand trial.

I am shock by the naivete of these people, please do some research and you will see there is another agenda at work in this case. Don't blindly follow every dam word that you hear on the main news channels.

I guess these people probably want Gary McKinnon to be extradicted to the US and be locked up for 40 years for computer hacking....!!!!!

C'mon Sheeple Wake Up....!!!!!

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by mobiusmale
It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who blindly fall for this megalomaniac's game...Assange is wanted for questioning in Sweden in relation to allegations of sexual assault and rape. He does not want to have to be subjected to the judicial process in Sweden, in England or in any country.

Assange has volunteered to answer questions. Sweden has declined. If they want answers, he is there and able to be questioned.

Sweden dropped the original case against Assange because there was no evidence of criminality. The accusations resurfaced again when the USA decided that they wanted him for the release of information relating to their criminal, immoral or corrupt activities in theaters of war.

When was the last time you saw the UK extraditing a person based on "inquiries"?

Sweden has refused to guarantee that he will not be extradited to the USA to face charges there.

The USA has a history of Human rights abuses, including the torture of detainees, cruel and unusual punishment, extrajudicial killings (assassinations based on accusation), indefinite detention without trial...

Once again we have people changing the rules to suit their political opinion. Human rights are great, as long as you don't upset the USA. In that case, the constitution, international law, diplomacy and all other fundamentals can be kicked aside temporarily to deal with the person causing you discomfort and embarrassment.

I'll say it again - Assange is not wanted for questioning over crimes he has allegedly committed, he's being asked to be interviewed about events. He has stated that he is willing to answer those questions. Sweden has refused to comply.

The burden of proof is on Sweden. They have no place demanding extradition when no charges exist.

As for the UK legal process which allowed him to be released on bail, this is clearly corrupt. How they came to that decision is open to serious scrutiny. You cannot charge and release on bail someone who is not even accused of a crime.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by mobiusmale
It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who blindly fall for this megalomaniac's game...Assange is wanted for questioning in Sweden in relation to allegations of sexual assault and rape.

The rape thing is curious. 99% of people who hear the word 'rape' will think of something that's not really similar to the 'rape' charges that Sweden's been pushing*. Not saying what he did was right or wrong, just that the word 'rape' used within this context brings a set of baggage to all this that preloads opinions of what Assange is meant to have done.

Also, the women's testimonies seem a little weird and motivated, to say the least.

The effort that has gone into bringing this together is bewildering to the point of being beyond suspicious. It's farcical.

*yes, I understand that Sweden get to define the rules in their own country, but the explanation of what 'rape' means in this context is hardly getting any coverage.
edit on 17-8-2012 by Merriman Weir because: stuff

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by detachedindividual

Assange has volunteered to answer questions. Sweden has declined. If they want answers, he is there and able to be questioned.

Perhaps so...and I understand that his most recent "offer" is to answer their questions from the comfy confines of the Ecuador Embassy...thus ensuring that if his answers were to lead the Swedish authorities to decide to charge him, he could not be arrested (as he is technically on Ecuador soil).

But you miss the point...or rather you help to make my point - that this is just another example of Assange believing that he gets to make the rules of engagement in a criminal investigation, in which he is the prime (only) suspect.

Why should Sweden be forced to meet him on his a foreign country (within even another foreign shell) when he has refused to obey a lawful order to appear for questioning...and is fighting tooth and nail against a lawful extradition order?

Sweden dropped the original case against Assange because there was no evidence of criminality. The accusations resurfaced again when the USA decided that they wanted him for the release of information relating to their criminal, immoral or corrupt activities in theaters of war.

More of the Assange-spun fantasy....happily lapped up by his adoring public.

As Claes Borgstrom, the laywer for the two women involved was quoted "...Borgström rejected the notion that the rape case and the extradition demand form part of a conspiracy to damage the reputation of the WikiLeaks founder. "It has nothing whatsoever to do with WikiLeaks or the CIA and I regret very much that Julian Assange does not publicly say that himself. That would be a way of leaving all these rumours," he said. "There are no political ingredients in this at all, but I quite understand that there are rumours.

"WikiLeaks is headline news all over the world at this time and Assange is suspected of a sexual crime in Sweden, so of course people think there is connection. There is nothing, zero."

Sweden has refused to guarantee that he will not be extradited to the USA to face charges there.

Again, Julian trying to make the rules associated with his answering questions surrounding a sexual assault case in Sweden...

In the first place, why should Sweden have to agree to suspend an investigation into a Swedish criminal case, unless it guarantees the suspected criminal he will be protected against having to face criminal charges in another country, on completely unassociated matters? could they possibly agree to not extradite to America...or anywhere else...when no charges have been filed by that other country, nor has an extradition request been made (therefore Sweden would has no facts on which to deliberate)?

The USA has a history of Human rights abuses, including the torture of detainees, cruel and unusual punishment, extrajudicial killings (assassinations based on accusation), indefinite detention without trial...

Once again we have people changing the rules to suit their political opinion. Human rights are great, as long as you don't upset the USA. In that case, the constitution, international law, diplomacy and all other fundamentals can be kicked aside temporarily to deal with the person causing you discomfort and embarrassment.

The United States has nothing to do with this criminal is a sexual assault case involving two women, with Saint Julian playing the central role, which allegedly occurred in Sweden.

I'll say it again - Assange is not wanted for questioning over crimes he has allegedly committed, he's being asked to be interviewed about events. He has stated that he is willing to answer those questions. Sweden has refused to comply.

The burden of proof is on Sweden. They have no place demanding extradition when no charges exist.

Sweden has refused to comply with a suspected rapist's demands...interesting. And...apparently the legal systems of both Sweden and Great Britain beg to differ with your learned legal opinions.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by paraphi

I am sure many people believed that Ian Brady, the Moors murderer was set up. Of course, after due process he was prosecuted and found to be as guilty as sin by a jury. It’s all to do with evidence and legal process. I am not likening Brady to Assange, just drawing a parallel.

You're not likening ... but making a parallell. Have you had your head examined lately?

Basically this post of yours, likening Assange with Brady ... makes you look either of two things. A retard, who really has no clue of things and thinks apples can be compared to oranges ... or something dispicaple, who hates Assange because he's pouring out information about bad men ... perhaps those bad men, are your personal friends ... or maybe they are you distinctive colleges ...

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by mobiusmale

Sweden has refused to comply with a suspected rapist's demands...interesting. And...apparently the legal systems of both Sweden and Great Britain beg to differ with your learned legal opinions.

That Julian Assange is basically stupid and arrogant, is not in question. That he should be questioned on the event, is not in question.

Sweden is a country that is likely to sell him out ... it has a track record of playing all sides in WWII, conducting experiments on prisoners, and the mentally sick. Allowing US black ops, to snatch a person in front of the public with loaded weapons in a public airport in Stockholm. The current foreign minister of Sweden, a known TPTB tool

This is what is in question ... not wether Assange should or should not answer to the accusations. This is also the reason, why he is granted Assylum ... Sweden is a country, that is likely to be accusing Assange, on political grounds rather than factual, and there is full reason to believe that they have an Ulterior motive, that is life threatening to Assange.

On the other hand, we can question Assange's motive for requesting an assylum in Equador. Is Equador a safe haven? is he better of in Equador than in Sweden. Now, these are questions that should have been asked, rather than argueing the obvious political bias in the case. Personally, I'd speculate on wether the man isn't really playing a game here ... is he really so stupid, as to fall for that trap in Sweden? is it possible he did that on purpose, knowing Sweden would try and catch him on a case, which he knew in advance or perhaps even setup, as a case that in any other country ... wouldn't be permissable in court? Is it possible, that he is using his life as a stake in the issue, and setting himself up in Equdor for "snatching" and possible "black ops", by the US government? I mean, people ... Equador ... it's probably crowded with CIA affiliated guys, since the "war on drugs" era.

edit on 17/8/2012 by bjarneorn because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by mobiusmale

So you really believe this about a rape charge & nothing else?
It's lucky for the PTB that there're people like you out there.
Lap it up boi & they'll keep feeding you.

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by mobiusmale
It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who blindly fall for this megalomaniac's game...Assange is wanted for questioning in Sweden in relation to allegations of sexual assault and rape. He does not want to have to be subjected to the judicial process in Sweden, in England or in any country.

Since when did sexual assault become a form of protected "free speech"?

Good letter, I would have been a bit stronger, but the intel community already knows who I am and I just don't care what they think anymore.

Now, since when did a broken condom become rape? What planet are these idiots living on? Oh yeah, this planet, with the rest of the government idiots, tools and meat puppets. A broken condom should be a "WARRANTY ISSUE" wherein the condom manufacturer is actually held culpable and responsible for their defective product. So, if Assange used the condom in "good faith" and trusted in the manufacturers ability to produce their product, then the manufacturer should be charged with rape (since corporations are people apparently).

This Assange thing is just crazy, you'd think they could come up with better charges that at least had some foundation in at least an alternate reality if they are going to try to railroad the guy. This entire situation is just a warning to whistleblowers that they better not do it, otherwise, you're pooched.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by bjarneorn
Makes good reading for just a rape charge.
What do you think?

posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by supamoto
reply to post by mobiusmale

So you really believe this about a rape charge & nothing else?
It's lucky for the PTB that there're people like you out there.
Lap it up boi & they'll keep feeding you.

Hahaha....brilliant retort. I salute you for your unassailable arguments and keen debating style. kind I will say...t's lucky for Assange that he has people like you who will swallow whatever conspiracy theory rubbish his lawyers conjure up, in an attempt to avoid taking responsibility for any (unrelated to whistle blowing) criminal activity he might undertake.

Assange thinks his celebrity status gives him a license to sexually assault women...and do who knows what else.

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