posted on Aug, 17 2012 @ 10:41 PM
From what I read, Costa Rico or Brazil are both ex-Patriot friendly.
Costa Rico has entire communities of American transplants, local economies accept and trade the dollar un-officially, your money goes pretty far there
and parts of the country resemble parts of the US. Land there is relatively reasonable with water front being most expensive... not unlike ocean front
in USA.
Bad part is naturalization to Coasta Rico is full of hurdles, and to work there you need permits and regulation on that is tough. For instance, you
can own a business, but you can only do the work associated with management... you can't even take out the trash if that is not one of your duties.
That is reserved to your Costa Rican nationals working for you... this preserves the employment rate for the locals.
Brazil is diverse... encourages emmigration by foreigners such as Americans. The climate and land in many areas are tropical, but many even resemble
eastern North Carolina. In fact, many tobbacco farmers from NC have moved there and have massive farms in the outlands of Brazil. Gas is very cheap,
good exchange rate, and the women are beautiful... which might be a problem since I am married.