posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 06:53 PM
Those who know me well may say I never had one to lose, but I like to think I wasn't always so forgetful as I am these days.
My memory is bad. Really bad! Recently, I was sharing my frustrations about my memory with an older friend and she said, "It isn't just you,
honey. It's nearly everybody I know." Honestly, I hadn't considered the fact that I may not be the only one growing increasingly forgetful.
I've noticed a marked difference over the past year and after I started discussing it with other people, many of them admitted to noticing the same
thing in themselves and others and if what they say is true, it's more of a problem in the past couple of years than it was before. Once I started
paying attention to the fact that it seems to be a growing problem, I made it a point to mention it to quite a few other friends and family of both
genders and basically all ages. Even my teenage son's memory has gotten significantly worse than it was a few years ago. He actually mentioned that
he couldn't "remember anything" before I started having problems. So, ATS members, I ask you. How is your memory?
I'm a female in my mid-thirties. I eat healthy, I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do any kind of street drugs and take very little
prescription medication. Memory loss isn't a side effect of the medication I do take. Lots of my food is grown at home and I drink almost
exclusively water. I live out in the boonies and breathe nice, clean air, I very rarely watch tv, I'm educated and I considered myself to have
fewer stressors than many people so I would think I would at least have a bit of an advantage over some of the others I've talked to but it appears
that this isn't the case. A few people I talked to live on fast food, at least one is an alcoholic and there's a couple chain smokers in there.
The majority of these friends and family live somewhere in the U.S., some in large cities, some not. At least one lives in the UK. None of these
factors seem to matter.
So, I ask for opinions here. Is something going on or is it only the people I know who seem to be losing their marbles?
Before anyone goes there... had an MRI for a completely unrelated condition after all this started. My brain is tumor-free, and is present.