posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 06:29 PM
We just witnessed something on one of our skycams here at NBC5 in Dallas Fort Worth. We were watching a grass fire on a camera located in downtown
Fort Worth when I saw something that looked like a rocket shooting up into the air. I called the news desk and asked if they were rolling on that
particular camera for the fire and they were. I told them I saw something and asked if they could check it out. Sure enough a few minutes later they
called me back and told me that something was indeed in the shot.
Several of us looked at it and speculated what it could be. Frankly I have no idea, but a couple of people here think it may be a ballon. This has all
happened in just the last 15 minutes, but I have asked that they put it on our website, The title will probably be Ballon Caught on
I know people will have questions but there is no better footage than what will be on the website, the camera is facing almost due north. I do not
know what it is and I am not presenting it as anything other than unidentified something or another.
Not sure how long it will take them to have it available.
Will be interesting to see what some of you think it could be.
edit on 14-8-2012 by Fullblast because: (no reason given)
V I D E O...H E R Eedit on August 14th 2012 by
greeneyedleo because: ADD IN VIDEO LINK