The Mega Quake that just happened in Russia happened again during a long alignment of the Earth, Venus, and another body, in this case Pluto. Venus
was 1 minute and 13 seconds from perfect alignment, and just at the beginning of the alignment as the theory predicts. The alignment last longer than
three days as the theory requires.
This mechanism cannot predict earthquakes, but it can identify ALL times of the year when a Mega Quake is possible and identify ALL times of the year
when a MEGA quake is not possible. For anyone interested in Earthquake causes, mechanisms, and predictions, we can definitely state that we know at
least one cause.
I can provide a simple analogy of why and how this works, and why the elevation of the bodies above or below the ecliptic plane does not matter.
Please spread this knowledge around as Dr. Omerbashich's work as outlined below, could save many lives if better known.
Just as the very obvious connection between lunar and solar tidal forces took more than 200 years to be accepted by the rigid orthodox scientific
mind, and that only grudgingly, it seems like it will take a very long time for the very obvious connection between Omerbashich alignments and Mega
Quakes to be accepted.
Mensur Omerbashich is a Serbian edge scientist who had identified a certain type of alignement between the earth and at least two other solar system
bodies as linked to mega quakes.
NOTE. Omerbashich's work clearly shows, as I will detail below, that mega quakes happen during such alignments. IT DOES NOT SHOW the opposite. In
other words, a great many alignments such as happened during this quake happen WITHOUT mega quakes.
Omerbashich is a lightning rod for criticism because, unfortunately, a great many people grossly misquoted his work to spread fear about the comet
Elenin. Anyone who reads Omerbasich's work will see that all such quotes were out of line. In fact his articles, which I will link to below,
specificallly state that the alignments with Elenin that cause so much fear would NOT cause any seismisity as they did not meet the criteria. As
everyone knows, they did not, so he was correct in that assertion.
There were a number of hatchet jobs on him done by pseudo-scientific writers such as Ian Musgrave (google him if you wish) who clearly did not
understand his work.
You can read the main paper at:
Astronomical Alignments as cause of M6+ Seismicity
As many have thrown out the baby with the bathwater due to the gross misquoting of this work by people like Terrall Croft, I will sumarize one of the
simplest to understand pieces of evidence.
At the bottom of page 5 of the paper linked above, a chart shows every 7.7 or greater quake that occured between November 16th, 2000 and March 11th,
2011, the Fukishima quake.
Every single quake occured during an alignement that last 3 days or more between the earth and two other solar system bodies. As there are about 40
such alignments a year, that last three days or more, and there were about two earthquakes per year, the odds would be calculated at 40/365 x 39/365
multiplied 11 times, if I have my statistics correct. That probability is absolutely beyond chance.
Almost half of the mega quakes happened during the full or new moon.
At the bottom of page 6 in the same report, another chart shows top 11 largest quakes ever recorded with instruments instuments. These quakes range
from the smallest one, the 8.6 Alaskan quake on March 9th, 1957 to the largest ever recorded, the 9.5 quake in Chile on May 22nd, 1960.
EVERY SINGLE QUAKE occured during a long alignment. Interestingly, as will be shown below, 9 of the 11 mega quakes listed occured during an Earth -
Venus - other alignment or during a full or new moon. The odds of this being coincidence are ridiculously, impossibly low. Anyone who is not
hopelessly rigid in their thinking can see this, although there are a lot of rigid minds around at this point in the Kali Yuga.