posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 12:45 PM
Oh man do I hate snakes. This reminds of a story haha.
I have a friend, let's just call him Bob. Well Bob loves snakes, and has at least five or six of them that he keeps as pets. Why? I do not know.
Anyway, Bob used to let his python out and venture around the house from time to time, and Bob even let his python sleep in his bed with him. Why?
Once again, I do not know. One day, Bob had a party at his house and he had his python locked in his bedroom. Towards the end of the night when Bob
and everyone were heading to bed, something happened. Trying to word this is difficult, but someone managed to accidentally walk into Bob's room and
saw him sleeping and the snake was next to him. The thing about the snake is that he was stretched out alongside Bob, the snakes head was near Bobs
head and it's "tail" I guess was near Bobs feet.
The person that walked into the room noticed this, and not being a lunatic (lol), woke Bob up and told him there was a snake in his bed. Well, Bob
wasn't necessarily shaken up and didn't seem to mind. Bob continued sleeping with his python for a few more days, until one day where he had to take
the snake to get looked at for something or other. To Bob's ultimate surprise and dismay, the python was stretching itself out to MEASURE the length
of Bob in order to eat him. The doctor told Bob that if he were to continue sleeping next to the snake for a few more days, the snake would be
"ready" to devour him.
I have always hated snakes, and after Bob told me his story, I never want to own/see a snake in my life.