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World War 3 - is upon us !!! Rapture is Even Closer!

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posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by stupid girl

What the?? ATS is the real world?

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 12:46 PM
I wonder why the more educated a person one finds the more they notice the Bible's tales are not to be taken as error free or literally.

Formal education can have a devastating effect on a person's belief in inerrancy. 46% of persons with high school education or less believe that the Bible should be interpreted literally. This dropped to 22% for persons with some college education, and to 15% among college graduates.

Could this well mean that persons trained in thinking critically notice the Bible's tales go beyond credible reality, and the churches cater to the illiterates or worship of wild folly?

Would that make it easy to start wars and have the illiterates go fight the wars and new Crusades?

Might be a new song lyric for this:

Christians may be wrong,
They may be crazy,
It might be other lunacy they are searchin 4

Christians = wild foolishness = extravagant folly

Thus, one finds why Paul had a dream and the Christians think it is reality, and why they worship forgery of the words for Trinity placed in their book of many errors and very little literal words.

edit on 4-9-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Formal education can have a devastating effect on a person's belief in inerrancy.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by stupid girl

What the?? ATS is the real world?

It isn't a tent revival, where the only words heard are those of the belief of a myth god, because their book is so politically corrupted from Jesus, The Man.

The real world doesn't take up the words of "loudmouth boasters flattering people to gain advantage" over them, as the previous YouTube clip would explain.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 01:28 PM
Looking like the US isn't going to join in with the Israeli's overbearing religious leadership in blowing up Iran:

‘US to Iran: In case of Israeli strike, don’t fire on our bases’Washington tells Tehran that it will not join in an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear program, Yedioth Ahronoth reports

With a good many of the Israeli citizens are in fear their religious finatical leaders will attack Iran, if they survive that, Israel's leaderships might soon change dramatically. Only a tiny part of the country is religious, as most are secular.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by stupid girl

What the?? ATS is the real world?

It isn't a tent revival, where the only words heard are those of the belief of a myth god, because their book is so politically corrupted from Jesus, The Man.

The real world doesn't take up the words of "loudmouth boasters flattering people to gain advantage" over them, as the previous YouTube clip would explain.

So that makes ATS the "real world"?

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Then show us why Russia and China gets along with Iran and Syria and the US, Britain, and Israel can't.

Because people who want to sacrifice hundreds of millions of people to a blood thirsty moon-demon to bring their "savior" isn't cool for us, kay? And we'll fight a war with them if we have to, to protect people like you from their fanaticism. So sit back, relax and quit yer bitchin'. In fact we're fighting a shadow war with them right now in the U.S. for the control of the nation, and if they maintain control of it, you just might end up on that moon-demon's dinner plate in whom you do not believe in, yet he and the people who follow him are no less very real. So show some gratitude and close your yap.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by MagnumOpus

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by stupid girl

What the?? ATS is the real world?

It isn't a tent revival, where the only words heard are those of the belief of a myth god, because their book is so politically corrupted from Jesus, The Man.

The real world doesn't take up the words of "loudmouth boasters flattering people to gain advantage" over them, as the previous YouTube clip would explain.

So that makes ATS the "real world"?

I guess it does for angry, resentful souls who like to troll and sow discord on internet forums.

It's much easier for hurting people to lash out at others with their mis-guided anger issues when they can do so anonymously.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by stupid girl

I don't get the troll mentality. Myself I'd just pick a hobby.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by mikemck1976

Well let us be more accurate in your judgement, if you replace MANKIND with Christains you would be more precise. As with all people and religions their are good and bad, I am a devout christain, I am not so sure on the rapture as I do my research it appears not to be scriptually based. Forget about religion, what about being a good and decent human being? People who know me do not think of me as a good christain, but as a good person. Forget the stereo-types, I encourage all people to simply treat others as you want to be treated.

If in fact the end is near, which I feel is true. Then the entire world will see. However until then I choose to conduct myself as a human being doing the best I can, leading by examples and not empty words.


posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 04:47 PM
The big issue on WWIII at the moment that is out of control is Israel's designs for Pre-Emptive Strikes on Iran's alledged nukes. Lets start with Israel's Nukes, then work on the potential new guys that won't need those if the Israel nuke threat is gone.

Isreal came into existance due to the Rothchilds bailing out the English Royals with a loan under the Lord Balfore agreement letter in WWI. After blatant acts of terrorism in Palestine after WWII, England pulled out of Palestine and gave the Rothchilds what they wanted.

Now, look what the mess looks like. The Jewish and their book started out saying they were like the face of god and they were the chosen ones. WWII decimated those with such bogus claims of superiority that collected money for their needs to world control of Europe.

Then, they get this so called homeland, and most of the country of Israel turned secular and wants peace with everyone. Now, the Country is run by religious extremists, like Netanyahoo, that have the secular Israelis running off on long vacations to the US and all around because of the crazy needs of the Israeli leaders to start wars with Syria and Iran.

This essay describes how adults' beliefs differ among various Christian countries, including the Philippines, United States, European countries and Russia. Included also is the non-Christian country of Israel as a comparison. Israel is composed primarily of secularists, although their society is governed largely by very conservative Jewish faith groups.

It would appear that Israel's model is one of dumping the extremes of religion and going into secular humanism. They largely, as individuals, no longer need the self-aggrandizement words of old books promoting we are kings and gods.

With Israel as the model, Christian's are going to be a short lived fantasy also. Christians are not god, though the book and Jesus words suggest they are.

Most all these problems come from fantasy of religion and people thinking god told them something special, but their god is bogus non-sense stemming from some beings that were just looking to exploit others. Nothing has really changed, as the churches wed the Kings and the Emperiors to lord over the masses. The Christian mind still falls for the same technique that allowed the rich to control the illiterate poor.

Yet, one more lesson is at hand------with the drop of a hat-----WWIII can make bold flashes the deliver the Christians behind the wants for wars into the heaven in the sky and they shall be no more.

edit on 4-9-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Secularism and Religion with Israel's lessons learned----dumping the drug like effects of religion on the mind

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
So that makes ATS the "real world"?

I know that you can't think anything outside of your little book and the little church themes. These are places you can get away with telling your leg grew two inches before your eyes in a few minutes without being questioned.

The real world has all beliefs, many that don't even have need to god to play daddy for them, many that value knowledge and hold truth as benevolent.

ATS allows Islam to have their say, and all the various folks are free to agree or disagree. Religions seldom agree on anything. Look at Jewish Rabbis, where you get three of them together and you get 10 differing views. ATS isn't a tent revival for Christians and many won't hold your myths on Jesus as anything other than the nonsense of the political church.

In the church one has to always agree with every little theme and their is no real freedom of thought, which isn't the real world. But it is your tiny world for allegorical fantasy themes.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by stupid girl

Originally posted by MagnumOpus

Perhaps someone forgot to tell you how forums are supposed to work. You think up an issue and toss it out for discussion.

Nah, I already told you I was ig'nert.
And ugly.

Well, I guess between you avitar name, and this admission that about sums it all up.

I hear this goes around a lot down in Texas, where they shoot down good presidents on the street, and elect corrupt ones like the Bush oil gangsters that drag the US into wars under false pretenses.

edit on 4-9-2012 by MagnumOpus because: A cluster of ignorance that promotes wars and big oil---even for WWIII goals.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

What's an avitar?

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
So that makes ATS the "real world"?

I know that you can't think anything outside of your little book and the little church themes. These are places you can get away with telling your leg grew two inches before your eyes in a few minutes without being questioned.

The real world has all beliefs, many that don't even have need to god to play daddy for them, many that value knowledge and hold truth as benevolent.

ATS allows Islam to have their say, and all the various folks are free to agree or disagree. Religions seldom agree on anything. Look at Jewish Rabbis, where you get three of them together and you get 10 differing views. ATS isn't a tent revival for Christians and many won't hold your myths on Jesus as anything other than the nonsense otf the political church.

In the church one has to always agree with every little theme and their is no real freedom of thought, which isn't the real world. But it is your tiny world for allegorical fantasy themes.

Can you like narrow that down to a three point rant? I just don't have the attention span to deal with it as it currently sits.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
Can you like narrow that down to a three point rant? I just don't have the attention span to deal with it as it currently sits.

1. Christianity is a irrational con game against the feeble of mind, where they tell they are the body of Christ. Else, if Jesus was alive, in the reality as they claim he is god, they would not need the fake Jesus as they taking the role. They play god and Jesus, such is their self aggrandizations and drug like needs to become something they are not.

2. Christianty interferes with Govt., because it has a bunch of people sitting on their thumbs praying to something that doesn't listen, while the Powers that Be continue on with impugnity herding the sheep. Such a marriage of the church to the Kings and Emperors has proven very profitable for the few. It proves to make wars easy and profitable for the Kings, Emperors, and their Bankers. Jesus teachings had no need for Kings, Emperors, or money changers, as all would live in each other's care.

3. Christianity is considered a fraud, a myth, by a large portion of the world, from the Jewish, to the Islamic, to the Masons all around the world. Jesus didn't die on the Cross and Jesus was a Man. Yet, simple reality allude the Christians because of their need for Santa, myth, and fantasy daddy that was planted at an early age. Christianty murders Jesus memory and teachings as a cult in every fashion. It is a cult that hates anyone that disagrees with them, or resists joining their myth and arrogance against rational truth.

The bottom line is such crazy talk and mindless content from the Christians cause wars over false concepts and encourage folks being taken in by nothing more than a cult practice.

Modern Christianty = Cult = Making Jesus a Myth designed by a controlling Roman political church to conquor free thought that Jesus originally proposed and everyone living in each other's care sans Kings, Lords, and Emperors.

edit on 4-9-2012 by MagnumOpus because: One recognizes those members of the cult via their arrogance and self aggrandizations.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by MagnumOpus

What's an avitar?

It is that faked up leg growth witness story you tote around.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by MagnumOpus

What's an avitar?

It is that faked up leg growth witness story you tote around.

It's certainly not fake, I haven't had a night of sleep interrupted by back pain a single day since I was healed. Before that I couldn't sleep more than 2 hours without waking up with severe pain. It's been about 3 years now of pain-free sleep.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by MagnumOpus

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by MagnumOpus

What's an avitar?

It is that faked up leg growth witness story you tote around.

It's certainly not fake, I haven't had a night of sleep interrupted by back pain a single day since I was healed. Before that I couldn't sleep more than 2 hours without waking up with severe pain. It's been about 3 years now of pain-free sleep.

I see, perhaps people should worship chiropractors that adjust folks backs so the spin's tilt isn't an issue and makes their resting leg postions more normal.

You left off the bit on your leg grew two inches in a couple minutes before your eyes. Do pass around that video, else continue to worship chiropractors.

edit on 4-9-2012 by MagnumOpus because: chicanery and over the top stories

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Never been to a Chiropractor, and even medical doctors had no idea why I was in such pain every night. I had seen several amd tried every trick in the book from new mattresses to different shoes, muscle relaxers et cetra. I was healed by God, and yes I saw my own leg grow two inches right in front of me. From that day forward Ive never had another night's rest interrupted by back pain. God is sooo good.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Never been to a Chiropractor, and even medical doctors had no idea why I was in such pain every night. I had seen several amd tried every trick in the book from new mattresses to different shoes, muscle relaxers et cetra. I was healed by God, and yes I saw my own leg grow two inches right in front of me. From that day forward Ive never had another night's rest interrupted by back pain. God is sooo good.

Such falls into the "Psychosomatic Illness" category. It appears you were such a bad person the stress wore you down. Had you not persued evils, none of that would build up.

Nature provides lots of things that don't have a thing to do with the church, from an immue system for persons that treat their body well, to freedom from stress by not doing bad things. Another hint, don't do fluoride if you value no pain in the back or arthritis.

Church, nor god, cure or cause Psychosomatic Illness, it is purely a matter of personal choices good and bad.

Using fake church concepts and their fake flattery can be just as bad as any serious drug addiction. It appears you moved from one bad behavior into another.

edit on 4-9-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Life's choices and a cultish religion

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