posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 06:17 PM
I have gone on an Anti-Olympic Doom and Gloom campaign, smearing nothing but love and positive vibes in all the hateful doom n gloom threads.
These Olympic games have brought to us, so many accolades, many records, many broken hearts, and the most amazing Olympic Stadium, hell STADIUM ever
built. Just incredible.
With 4 months, 9 days left to go until 2012, I highly doubt anything catastrophic will happen.
I have said it before and I will say it again, December 22 2012, I will log on to ATS for the final time, delete my account and move on to reality. I
urge everyone else to do the same. As this industry we have grown to love and hate is filled with nothing but fear mongering, useless moderators,
useless "informants" useless"sources", all things people can hide behind to bilk more and more of your hard earned dollars out of you and keep you
locked in FEAR!
The greatest conspiracy of all time: The conspiracy.