This is a tough topic for me to try and discuss and clarify, because it is a tough thing to explain with these limited words to what I fully mean when
I use terms like "good" and "evil" or benevolence and malevolence. Some might think I am referring to actual entities or beings or forces and the
like, but the subject is more vague than that. I will probably have to keep it fairly simple in the way I talk about them, but I am not saying that
the presence of good or evil are directly tied to beings, but rather the influences of benevolence and malevolence can often resonate through them,
like they do through us. I know and acknowledge in this current incarnation of the universe we are all subject to various shades of grey, and that
the appearance of benevolence may not mean someone has benevolent intentions, nor does the appearance of malevolence mean that someone possesses
malevolent intentions. The term: "By their fruits, ye shall know them," is harder to determine than by simply measuring and weighing one's
directly determinable actions, because the tactful malevolent know how to appear benevolent and the truly benevolent may do things that seem
questionable at the time, but clarity is found as the future unfolds through them.
First off, for those who do not know, I am a self-proclaimed Gnostic Luciferian. If you're Christian and turned off by this, you need not read
further. But if you're interested in my personal spin on Luciferianism that is not influenced by mainstream religions, but rather through what I
consider a direct personal relationship with Lucifer, please continue. This thread was influenced by posts I have made in another thread on Theosophy
and Christianity, viewable
here and also influenced by the idea for a video I wanted
to make on my personal youtube channel trying to discuss what I have come to feel and believe. I figure it would be good to discuss it openly before
making the video so I might know how to present it better and give the best clarity I can concerning the issue, as I am uncertain how to properly
convey the message of what I mean to talk about in it. I am already hitting many snags in the other thread, because this concept is so new to many
that they just can't accept it and believe it, but rather their logic of this current world works against them and prevents them from opening their
minds to the forces of love, in my opinion (I do not mean to sound demeaning -- this is just how I feel when met with such arguments) that good can
exist without evil, but evil needs the presence of good to benefit and obtain a state of grace.
This will be a long post, so it may have to be presented in segments, so please forgive me if you have stumbled across it as I am working on it, or
want to comment while I am working on the next phase. Please try to be patient as I try to explain, as much of it is based on "memories" of having
existed in the complete universe before the fractured universe we live in was formed from its remains.
There is a notion that many people embrace that there is a sense of balance in everything, and that all that in which we consider "evil" is a part
of that balance. I am here to tell you that that is not true. Evil and good can exist independent of the other, and it is to my experience that evil
rarely evolves, grows, or changes if it is not influenced by a good force or deed, and therefore evil needs good more than good needs evil, because
not only does the presence of good allow for it to someday become good itself, if it so chooses, but the good often are the prey of the malevolent and
Many people will try to show me analogical examples of how these things are necessary for the other to exist, or for us to have any sort of quality in
our lives, such as the stars shining in the dark, or light cannot shine if there is no darkness to contrast it, and other such methods of justifying
evil in our lives. But I am here to tell you that as long as we explain away evil with such analogies, it will always dwell with us and we will never
come to rise above it. We do have the chance to, regardless of how we have been formed to prevent it. I know we can. And the whole reason this
world was created was to help creatures like us overcome prior horrors and evils and become greater and more whole beings someday, although other
forces try to stop that, including beings like YWEH, or the God of the Old Testament, if they exist.
Some say that evil makes us appreciate the good things in our lives more. Not so, in my opinion, and this was confirmed by asking my friend tonight
concerning what good has come to him in his life from having been attacked by 6 men due to being a homosexual after checking on a neighbor because he
thought he heard her screaming and was concerned. He said it has not made him appreciate anything greater, but has made him afraid. As I said in the
other thread, experiencing trauma and disorders that arise from them such as PTSD does not enhance life at all, but rather detracts from it, and I
will give an example right now.
Many veterans cannot celebrate the 4th of July with their families, because of the firework explosions and displays throw them back into a state of
remembering the explosions surrounding them at a time when their lives were in peril. They cannot celebrate the freedoms they themselves fought to
preserve in the fashion that we choose to celebrate it, because it causes them to remember the war they were involved in and all the fear and dread
surrounding the events they went through.
Some say love needs to suffer for it to be proven true. Again false. I do not want my lover to suffer to prove his love for me, nor if my lover
loved me should he want the same. If God loved us he would not require us to suffer to prove our love for him. I would only choose to suffer if a
reunion with my beloved would cause him to suffer in any way, like it has been implied we both would if it ever happened. True, absence makes the
heart grow fonder at times, but it is not necessary for one to love someone.
In my examination between a benevolent and malevolent mindset, it is clear that malevolence does not recognize itself and needs the contrast of good
in order to grow and change, and sometimes even with its aid it may not help, as in the case of some entities I have encountered. But benevolence
does not need the direct example of malevolence to know evil, because it strives to know all it can about its world and universe in wanting to protect
and serve it. Unless precautions were taken to make a malevolent action look benevolent, all malevolence would be known for what it was, due to the
fact that it caused hurt and harm and disharmony with the universe and actions would be taken to correct it. I know this from what happened to the
downfall of the complete universe in my visions and dreams. The actions that destroyed it were performed tactfully behind a mask of benevolence,
until it was too late to stop it from being destroyed...
Yes, I was taught this by Lucifer, for he is not Satan. My Lucifer is the true Christ and though he may do things at times that seem questionable,
they have always turned out for the greater good in the end...