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WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL: Surveillance Cameras Around the Country Are Being Used In a Huge Spy Network Ca

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posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by totallackey

am I?what are you talking about?no man im just not a fan of apathy.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 02:05 PM
Anyone who has ever seen the BBC series MI-5 aka Spooks knows that CCTV footage is often used in conjunction with facial recognition via a criminal/mugshot database. It was only a matter of time before spy-dramas inspired, or predicted, a real-life counterpart... just as science-fiction has inspired if not predicted real-life achievements like satellite technology (Arthur C. Clarke) and artificial intelligence to name a few.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 02:09 PM
Reminiscent of the scene from The Dark Knight, where everyone's phone signals are used as a complete 3D map of Gotham.

It's not a long shot to assume a similar program, no matter how mad it sounds, is in use by those in the know.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Kino321
if youre not doing anything wrong, whats the problem?

cctv is doing alot more to keep you safe than anything else

Yeah, if it wasnt for cctv a load of people might have been killed on 7/7/05 in London. I bet the family of those potential victims would wholeheartedly agree with you. CCTV, best thing since sliced bread.


Cameras dont stop speeding or road traffic accidents or rape or murder or robbery or even shoplifting. In fact they dont do much of anything. Of course if you can show me that the increase in cctv has reduced crime in any way shape or form then your argument might have a leg to stand on. Otherwise its laughable.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by MartyrCollect
Reminiscent of the scene from The Dark Knight, where everyone's phone signals are used as a complete 3D map of Gotham.

It's not a long shot to assume a similar program, no matter how mad it sounds, is in use by those in the know.

Excellent example of fiction potentially inspiring cold, hard, and real, technology.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Kino321
if youre not doing anything wrong, whats the problem?

cctv is doing alot more to keep you safe than anything else

No Problem? I suppose govts and police are always scrupulously honest and are never corrupted?

How in the hell is being car jacked or mugged on cctv any" safer" than being mugged without it????????

After all "Safety" IS the most important thing... huh(?)

edit on 12-8-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-8-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by ninjas4321

WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL: Surveillance Cameras Around the Country Are Being Used In a Huge Spy Network Called 'Trapwire'

Every few seconds, data picked up at surveillance points in major cities and landmarks across the United States are recorded digitally on the spot, then encrypted and instantaneously delivered to a fortified central database center at an undisclosed location to be aggregated with other intelligence. It’s part of a program called TrapWire and it’s the brainchild of the Abraxas, a Northern Virginia company staffed with elite from America’s intelligence community
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:
edit on 11-8-2012 by ninjas4321 because: (no reason given)

Tell us something we don't know. This is not new or surprising. Its easy to monitor people. Via video or through the net. The problem is, how do you keep track of all the information ? Even a well written program to keep tabs on it is not fool proof of mis-information.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 02:16 PM

When you're out and about, you shouldn't be up to naughty business anyway. If you do, well, expect to get caught out for it. Simple.
reply to post by Druscilla

Or you can be like most: the paradox of the shill to the civil liberty-snatchers, he who is neither criminal, naughty nor wants to be watched everywhere he goes.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 02:18 PM

cctv is doing alot more to keep you safe than anything else
reply to post by Kino321

How? Most are pointless and of too poor a resolution for any meaningful facial recognition of criminals. It's just a camera besides all that, not that it can physically do anything to stop or prevent a crime either.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 02:20 PM
Sounds like Person of Interest; hope they've got a few badass ex-CIA paramilitary operators on the payroll at Abraxas!

This isn't really a surprise, though, and it's not going to hurt or help much with turning our government into some quasi-1984 institution. According to the USPTO filing, the only thing that's changed from basic surveillance is the "rules engine" that automatically attaches "threat levels" to people. That's the same thing regular average Joes working in security have been doing for years. They still have no capacity to do anything with this information unless someone takes (illegal) action.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 02:29 PM
And... Who watches" the watchers"?
Say I'm "Joe gs-9" surveillance operator#7.
I find out lowlife dirtbag "fast Jack" is sleeping with my wife;drinking my beer; and kicking my dog while I'm at work. I can find out where lowlife "fast Jack" lives.
I know what the cameras can see and what they can't; So I wait until you ( "John Q public") walks into fast jacks building;I a slip in the back in a blind spot and commit a murder. When the police investigate they have you walking into jacks building.

Bad form. People should stand up against giving authorities even more access and power. Not shill FOR it.
edit on 12-8-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-8-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-8-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla

I don't see how this is shocking or even a bother.

People of religious faiths are suppose to act like their choice of higher power is watching them at all times anyway.

When you're out and about, you shouldn't be up to naughty business anyway. If you do, well, expect to get caught out for it. Simple.

That's my general opinion.. when you're out in public spaces you probably shouldn't be under the illusion you have privacy .. When you exit your house and you're in the public sphere, you're open to be photographed or recorded by anyone and there's nothing you can do because it's perfectly legal ... Just ask celebrities who get bombarded by paparazzi who then in turn sell the photos to the highest bidder.. all perfectly legal ..

So I don't really care if the government has a camera aiming at me outside..

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by 46ACE
And... Who watches" the watchers"?
Say I'm "Joe gs-9" surveillance operator#7.
I find out lowlife dirtbag "fast Jack" is sleeping with my wife;drinking my beer; and kicking my dog while I'm at work. I can find out where lowlife "fast Jack" lives.
I know what the cameras can see and what they can't; So I wait until you ( "John Q public") walks into fast jacks building;I a slip in the back in a blind spot and commit a murder. When the police investigate they have you walking into jacks building.

Bad form. People should stand up against giving authorities even more access and power. Not shill FOR it.
edit on 12-8-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-8-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-8-2012 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

Well again - it is still all perfectly legal, there's also nothing to stop me from putting up cameras aiming at the side walks and streets around my house .. recording what everyone is doing and storing it on my drive forever.. once you're in the public space, you have no privacy.. it doesn't concern me personally and I don't look at it as invading my privacy.. it would be another thing entirely to have the government require cameras in my home so they could keep tabs on me in my own house..

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 02:38 PM
what really funny about this system is - it ignores people or things it can't ID, so if you want to remain annonymous its simple - put on a eye patch or where a large hat so it doesnt recogonize you as a human.
super baggy clothing like a mo mo witha hula hoop for a waist --- etc, the system will ignore the object.
and will really not raise any red flag or anything - so, now you know the secret - if you have a license plate - it will read it, if you dont it wont. so much for smart computers.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:00 PM
Don't worry, it's only for criminals and terrorists....

The Global Intelligence Files by WikiLeaks

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:02 PM
Welp, I'm just about ready to go ballistic and go across the country to the WH personally...

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:12 PM


posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by ninjas4321

WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL: Surveillance Cameras Around the Country Are Being Used In a Huge Spy Network Called 'Trapwire'

Every few seconds, data picked up at surveillance points in major cities and landmarks across the United States are recorded digitally on the spot, then encrypted and instantaneously delivered to a fortified central database center at an undisclosed location to be aggregated with other intelligence. It’s part of a program called TrapWire and it’s the brainchild of the Abraxas, a Northern Virginia company staffed with elite from America’s intelligence community
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:
edit on 11-8-2012 by ninjas4321 because: (no reason given)

The People in England act like its nothing to have this system in place. I am very much appalled that it was put in place without our knowing about it and sitting behind their keyboards without getting out and actively doing something about it in their local areas. I guess folks are too scared to do anything and when they start rounding people up, it will be to late.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:26 PM
But... but... the Illuminati are the good guys. Really, those who want to spy on you are your friends. They want to keep you safe, that's all.

B-bb-bbut, if you believe in God keeping you safe, w-ww-wwhy don't you want to trust us? It's the s-ss-ssame thing right.. right? Guys... guys? Hello?

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:31 PM
For anyone wondering about the validity of this report, I'm not sure if this is related, but it certainly seems to be. Who'd of thought you could just go to and find related information?

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