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National American Citizens Open Carry Day

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posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by wash777
I concealed carry, legally with license in my home state, daily. I have friends that open carry, but it is just not for me. I have known 4 or 5 people personally who have been harassed by police while open carrying, even though they were not breaking any laws. I support those who open carry legally, of course.

Not saying you are lying but I find it odd the police would harass them...I am a cop and almost every cop I know is for concealed/open carry. I absolutely welcome it..unfortunately Illinois is damn near retarded when it comes to guns among other things

Only time will tell....

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 10:20 PM
Hello everyone! I just want you all to be aware I support this idea 100% If it is legal in your city/county/state I feel that you should participate. I open carry everyday, everywhere I go within legal limits. Also know your rights if you OC (open carry). If you are stopped by the police you DO NOT HAVE to show any identification unless you are committing a crime or operating a motor vehicle. If you do get stopped for walking state that you do not give consent of a search of your person or any serial/identification numbers. We have to stop letting law enforcement act out as if we were in a police state. I have open carried everyday for about a year in VA. I have NEVER been bothered by anyone and I do carry openly in Walmart/KMart/Sears/FoodLion/Citgo/Exxon on a regular basis. Don't be a fool I suggest looking up gun laws in your state read them over. I even went as far as calling our Sheriff's Office and our City Police Office don't be afraid to ask questions about where you can carry make sure to record the Officer's name that you speak with. I am always locked and loaded. This is a freedom if you are a civilized citizen of the USA you should take advantage of it. I would also like to add that sometimes other people do give you a second glance but the majority of people don't even notice that you are carrying.

(If you were to get stopped I suggest carrying a small recording device and make the officer's aware you are recording them to make sure all parties are within legal limits.)

I openly carry a S&W 9MM SD9
I conceal carry at the same time (legally) S&W Governor 410 Shells

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 10:24 PM
Reply to post by partycrasher

Lol it should be celebrated by non felons in a sound do realize that any lunatic can get a gun because there are no checks in place to make sure they dont get them. You should be in favor of gun control if you dont think everyone should have guns.

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posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 10:28 PM
As I posted initially I am not seeking any credit or ownership of this idea but I plan to take steps to make this idea go viral. I believe it is now or never for Americans to exhibit a National American Citizens Open Carry Day and ANYONE who wants to see this become a reality feel free to express yourself and communicate this idea or any ideas you have with other gun advocates, constitutional rights observers, military personel, police, hunters and the organizations representing these citizens.

While we still have our rights let us celebrate having them as a whole.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by partycrasher

Just imagine not having heard about this event, walking outside and seeing everyone else carrying a weapon...

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 07:53 AM
I agree we need this. If for nothing else as to educate the un-armed. An un-armed man is a subject, an armed man is a citizen. I open carry every day, everywhere I go. Simply keep track of the few places you can't take a firearm into. Read the signage at all store fronts. No signage stateing"No weapons" Then you can legally carry your holstered weapon into the store. Allways check local laws & ordinances. It's a right, use it before it goes the way of the dinosaur. I feel a great day for this " Open Carry day should be July 5th." Because without the gun we would still be a colony of Britian. The gun brought us independence, it will assure we keep it.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 08:41 AM
Every day is open carry day for me. About the only time I don't is going to & from work (yes i work in a victim disarmament zone & a loonie gunman would have no problem taking out half the corporate campus before the cops arrive).

Occasionally i'll cover it up when I just don't want it noticed (like the last time i went into a theater, which was before the shooting in Colorado).

Americans *need* to see other Americans not wearing a badge carrying their arms in the open, EVERY DAY. We have been brainwashed to think guns are bad, guns are evil, gun are the tools of criminals.

We need to recondition our fellow Americans that firearms are also forces for good, the tools of fellow Americans to *stop* crime *while it is happening* like the grandpa chasing off the 2 bafoons that recently made headlines.

They are just tools. It is the *intent* of the wielder that is evil or good.

Firearms are used 60 times more often to protect lives than to take lives.
The rate of defensive gun use (DGU) is six times that of criminal gun use.
GunFacts v6.0, p19

Carry them open.
Carry them often.

Domari nolo!
edit on 2012/8/13 by mal1970 because: edit quote

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 08:57 AM
Too bad more Americans don't 'celebrate' displaying some intelligence; as distinct from their supposed right to brandish weapons of death.

O' well... maybe in their next lives.

edit on 13-8-2012 by Sablicious because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 02:49 PM
National American Citizens OPen Carry Day is a great idea!

If you don't like to be considerate of your fellow citizens who get very uneasy seeing multitudes of people walking around with loaded weapons...

But, it's your right, I guess. Who cares about being considerate anymore anyway, right?

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by mal1970

Americans *need* to see other Americans not wearing a badge carrying their arms in the open, EVERY DAY. We have been brainwashed to think guns are bad, guns are evil, gun are the tools of criminals.

edit on 2012/8/13 by mal1970 because: edit quote

No they don't. I don't think guns are bad or evil...only the people who use them in such a way. I encouraged my boyfriend to buy a gun. We keep it at home because you just never know.

But the idea of seeing people walking around with guns would make me very uneasy because you never know which of those people intends on using their weapon to harm others.

What if I'm in a bank and some guy walks in with a gun? How do I know if he intends to rob the place or not? Sure, there may be other people in the bank with a gun, but what are they gonna do? Have a stand-off? A shoot out? What about the people caught in the middle who chose NOT to carry guns?

All this talk about needing to carry around a gun because of the idiots who misuse their rights makes me nervous. When Giffords was shot in AZ, a man said he had a gun and MIGHT have been able to protect people, but he had the foresight to realize that innocent people could have gotten caught in the cross-fire. There are a lot of people who would not think ahead like that.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by nunya13

You can't go in any bank wearing a weapon. Signage states this at most banking branches. I wear my gun everyday. Allmost everywhere I go. Sure I get looks . And asked " Is that real" Isnt it against the law? I answer same way every time. Why the hell would I carry a fake gun? And NO check for yourself. Ive been told by store managers I could'nt enter with my firearm on my hip. I allways ask, where's the sign that states I can't ?

I have had to walk mangers to their owm store fronts and point out to them there's no sign stateing no weapons allowed. Which means, I am within my legal right to enter your store. And I do. I have had the law called on me from time to time, allways the same result. Officer ask's if gun is legal and registered, I say yes, they say have a good day then explain to the store manager the law.

I am a contractor, I walk up to potential customers with ny gun on my hip. I have never once had a bad reaction. They normally ask the same questions as above. As I tell them with the way things are these days, you just can't be carefull enough. I have had to use my firearm in the defense of my & my families lives. I have taken a life with the very gun I carry. I have a thread about it. If not for my gun & my actions with it, I would probally not be here writting this right now. I for one would rather be safe than sorry.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by partycrasher
We the citizens of America should declare as a whole that we are celebrating a national american citizens open carry day nationwide. This event should only be observed and celebrated by non felon and of sound mind, American citizens who are observant of our right to keep and bear arms and citizens who are concerned about our constitutional rights to lawfully defend ourselves, hunters, gun advocates, military and policemen nationwide.

This should be an entirely peaceful event where someone would only have to be on their front porch or their front lawn or taking a peaceful yet safe walk while openly carrying a handgun or rifle. This event should be organized by the NRA or another citizens constitutional rights group and should be held on a weekend day so their is less interference with celebrants employment and businesses. Entire families could be involved, institutions and groups and should become a yearly event in America to show the world that many of us are united in concern for ourselves and our nation and our constitutional rights.

I am offering this suggestion out of my concern for America and it's upright citizens and also offer the suggestion that this idea be put forth by word of mouth, internet, the press etc. until a day is established and agreed upon and organized by a major institution as I previously mentioned for this peaceful event.

I do not believe a profit or any moneys should be made from such an event, no registrations need to be made to celebrate our rights.

This is just an idea and I do not wish to claim ownership of this idea but would like to this become a reality,

edit on Sat Aug 11 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: ALL CAPS in title

Well I'm with you. Break em out wear em proud. Show just how many guns we got. Peacefully carrying on our hips, ready to use, oiled up and loaded. Well maybe not loaded. Get em out there show em.We got guns and we can be responsible. I guess the question is, to what purpose? If it's self defense, if it's revolution, when do you start shooting? That is the question. That you can start shooting, well we know the answer to that. I'm with you. Get this organized. I might even have to buy a gun. Oh damn won't this be great. Maybe everyone will have to buy a gun. I will say this, there is something attention getting about a civilian packing. Now here's an idea. Individuals could train for and earn a special patch, armband, some kind of symbol saying I'm a good guy don't worry. Of course these symbols would be very hard to come by, harder than the gun. I'm sure on one would object to restrictions on obtaining a symbol .

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by nunya13

But the idea of seeing people walking around with guns would make me very uneasy because you never know which of those people intends on using their weapon to harm others. 

This is an irrational fear. How do you know anyone intends to use a weapon to harm others? You don't and criminals who mean harm tend to conceal their weapons until they use them so as to not draw attention. Someone wearing a holstered gun is the least likely to harm you. You are running the media propaganda programming that the mere sight of a weapon means there is more chance of you being harmed when that is not the case.

What if I'm in a bank and some guy walks in with a gun? How do I know if he intends to rob the place or not? Sure, there may be other people in the bank with a gun, but what are they gonna do? Have a stand-off? A shoot out? What about the people caught in the middle who chose NOT to carry guns? 

If lots of people have guns in the bank criminals will likely avoid it and find easier pickins. They are notorious cowards. And again how do you know anyone walking in a bank isn't going to rob it? It's not usually like the movies the criminals tend to conceal their weapons until they need them. Also if some one does rob the bank how do you know a bank guard might not shoot it out with them or the guy will take hostages and stand off with the police? But for some reason you think people lawfully open carrying holstered weapons increases the chances of this when the evidence proves otherwise.

All this talk about needing to carry around a gun because of the idiots who misuse their rights makes me nervous. When Giffords was shot in AZ, a man said he had a gun and MIGHT have been able to protect people, but he had the foresight to realize that innocent people could have gotten caught in the cross-fire. There are a lot of people who would not think ahead like that.

No there are not a lot of people who carry weapons who would NOT take citizen safety into consideration in using their weapon. Armed citizens stop more crime then all law enforcement in the country combined! Concealed weapons holders have a lower crime rate the police officers! That tells us that law abiding gun owners are among the most level headed and safety conscious among us. Stop believing the media hype that the mere presence of a gun is a big danger. Facts prove it is a deterrent.

Are you uncomfortable when a police officer comes into a bank or store with a holstered gun? I doubt it. However according to your rationale you should be since they have a higher rate of crime vs concealed weapons permit holders. See how the media influences us?

edit on 13-8-2012 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

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