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JFK Assassination: Over the top Conspiracy and Attempts to keep the matter embellished another 50 yr

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posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 09:11 AM
James Fetzer also believes that no planes hit the towers on 9/11 and that all the videos of planes hitting the towers were faked, and that all the witnesses who saw planes are lying and/or possibly saw holograms.

Fetzer's assertions are a known HOAX and have been proven as such for years now.

Since Fetzer continues to perpetrate the HOAX that is "no-planes on 9/11", how can anything else he says be taken seriously?

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 09:36 AM
I've not much to say on JFK really, he made many enemies and it was clearly a group of individuals close to home, (Cough Cough, members in Warren Commission), that aided and abetted in his murder,

I'd just like to chime in with an alternate theory, suggested bu Dr. Peter Beter, that a weapon within the front, right car seat administered the fatal blow..

I don't know if that's far fetched or not,

But I will always remain curious of the fact the car was ILLEGALLY dismantled before it could be investigated with 48 hours of the murder.

Multiple shootings were for good measure and distraction, apparently.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 09:57 AM
As far as JFK being assassinated, it was an inside job.

* After the "Bay of Pigs" failure, Kennedy had fired CIA director Allen W. Dulles, Deputy Director Charles P. Cabell, and Deputy Director Richard Bissell.

* Kennedy also made the statement that he would "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds."

* Kennedy had also stripped the CIA of responsibility for paramilitary operations like the "Bay of Pigs" and turned them over to the U.S. Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

* Following presentation of the "Operation Northwoods" plan, Kennedy removed General Lemnitzer as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

* American armed forces leaders began to perceive Kennedy as going soft on Cuba, and the President became increasingly unpopular with the military, a rift that came to a head during Kennedy's disagreements with the service chiefs over the Cuban Missile Crisis.


President Kennedy was absolutely against the military industrial complex, and he made it known that it wasn't a secret. The military/CIA "perceived" that President Kennedy was a national security risk and took him out. As a result, the military industrial complex now controls the U.S. and it's foreign policies around the world to this day.

edit on 11-8-2012 by _BoneZ_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 12:05 PM
Disregard how JFK was killed its moot.

Instead focus on why he was killed:

Exectutive Order 11110


Dissolving the CIA

This speech

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
As far as JFK being assassinated, it was an inside job.

* After the "Bay of Pigs" failure, Kennedy had fired CIA director Allen W. Dulles, Deputy Director Charles P. Cabell, and Deputy Director Richard Bissell.

* Kennedy also made the statement that he would "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds."

* Kennedy had also stripped the CIA of responsibility for paramilitary operations like the "Bay of Pigs" and turned them over to the U.S. Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

* Following presentation of the "Operation Northwoods" plan, Kennedy removed General Lemnitzer as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

* American armed forces leaders began to perceive Kennedy as going soft on Cuba, and the President became increasingly unpopular with the military, a rift that came to a head during Kennedy's disagreements with the service chiefs over the Cuban Missile Crisis.


President Kennedy was absolutely against the military industrial complex, and he made it known that it wasn't a secret. The military/CIA "perceived" that President Kennedy was a national security risk and took him out. As a result, the military industrial complex now controls the U.S. and it's foreign policies around the world to this day.

That was a good part of the domestic side that declaired JFK was a Communist, which was their big issue.

One has to remember the Cuba Castro deal started because Batista was so corrupt, so a Houston Oil Services persons that ran Schlumber off of East Carrinean Island helped Castro to return to Cuba and oust Batista. This person was PERMINDEX associated Jean DeMinil of Houston. Other PERMINDEX types were Ferenc Nagy in Dallas, and Clay Shaw in New Orleans. There was an International Interest in getting rid of JFK because he opposed the Israeli Bomb, and they were trying to kill General DeGaulle in France over similar Israel factors.

The anti-Communist hate directed at JFK came from the John Birch Society types like Rep. Rousellete of California, who took over Nixon's old spot. General Walked hated JFK with a passion. The Dallas oil boys hated JFK over their Oil Depletion Allowances issues. So, there was a strong alliance in Dallas involved to kill JFK, a larger and more powerful lot in DC that included Joint Chiefs, Hoover, LBJ. There also existed a combination foreign group with Zionist interests that Hoover was associated called DISC, which was run by Louis Bloomfield out of Montreal Canada. And there existed the Mafia domestically that hated JFK for screwing up Cuba and their investments there. It was a big cooperation to kill JFK, and it required the cooperation of the highest elements in the US Govt. to pull it off and fabricate the faked up Warren Report to fool the US Public.

While those you name are important, I'd have to toss in all the Anti-Communist types that were behind big banking and the war industry, and the Europeans Bilderberg and PERMINDEX as not backing JFK. This is why money and profits drive the US and not issues like the public good. JFK was becoming the peace maker with Khruschev and Castro, and that made him the socialist and communist president in the eyes of the big money capitalists. Due to that they saw the next step in their capitalist directions would be equalization of wealth in a socialistic US system being ushered in by JFK.

The Joint Chiefs were all for a full scale attack on Cuba and Russis while the US nuke weapons stockpile was well ahead of Russias and guarateed a win, but at what cost to the US. JFK and Khruschev knew things became way to close over the Cuba Missile affairs and both were headed toward mutual cooperation as Khruschev had proposed to Eisenhower in his visits to the US in the mid-50s. Here the thing that ended this peace seeking was the Gary Powers U-2 spy plane issues, which were being inflamed by LHO acting like a US defector to Russia and giving the Russians all the U-2 secrets so they could make a rocket to shoot down a U-2. In this time, that appeared to be funded by those interested in stopping all US cooperation with the Communists and this effort was called the Mil / Ind Network by Eisenhower to JFK. What that meant was the CIA and PERMINDEX were in full scale cooperation and like thinking in those times. The US had NAZIs spies under Ghelen Organization and NAZI weapons designers for nuclear missle delivery system, and the system to protect capitalism was that largely designed by Dulles as WWII ended.

JFK blew Dulles out of the saddle, JFK was going to blow the Fed Res out of the saddle of US economic profiteerting and control, JFK was going to expose the Roswell and Ft. Bliss NAZI UFO deal, and was going to make peace with Russia and Cuba. That was the last thing any of the mega-capitalist planners that rose from the ashes of WWII wanted to hear. Just follow the money and the JFK is a Communist chant and that gets to most of the rest of the story. All the Joint Cheifs were was simply the horsemen for the money holders, who pulled the strings to run the US and really elects all the high level US Politicians these days.

Problem was that JFK would not be bridled by the elite. JFK wanted more wealth equality and less mega-rich that would control the US as in the warnings of the Mil-Ind Network being too powerful from Eisenhower.

There is not one big politician in the US that gets elected but for the huge corportate money donations being directed by the rich and their bankers. Folks in the US think they elect their leaders, but the real issue is the rich and their corporate holdings pick the leaders before they even get a chance to vote. Which is the problem with the US system, as the small people's interests have about zero representation, as those the corporations elected demand a huge payback to stay in office and feed their ego for more power.

edit on 11-8-2012 by MagnumOpus because: The horsemen and the bankers money control over the US, Bilderberg alliances and big money rule

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by ConspiracyBuff
Disregard how JFK was killed its moot.

Instead focus on why he was killed:

Exectutive Order 11110


Dissolving the CIA

This speech

I would not say that checking into how JFK was killed is moot, because doing so leads to the Dallas conspirators and looking at their helpers one finds the rest of the criminals.

In Dallas, one discoveres the JFK haters like General Walker and the John Birch extremeists to include Rousellot. One then discovers the parade route special method to slow down JFK, to have him ride without the top on the Limo, and how things like General Cabel's brother is in that mix. How essentially mafia type CIA kill methods were used in the JFK hit.

Looking more deep at Dallas, one also discovers that LBJ's Warren was as corrupt as a three dollar bill, and almost all on that panel were also. And due to that major effort, most of the US Govt is similarly corrupt in this day. Part of forcing the issues out on JFK is doing the real crime solving and enlisting the public's support to expose all the story, and not the fantasy games of misleading information.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
James Fetzer also believes that no planes hit the towers on 9/11 and that all the videos of planes hitting the towers were faked, and that all the witnesses who saw planes are lying and/or possibly saw holograms.

Fetzer's assertions are a known HOAX and have been proven as such for years now.

Since Fetzer continues to perpetrate the HOAX that is "no-planes on 9/11", how can anything else he says be taken seriously?

Sounds like you have seen right through Jim Fetzer. There is something wrong with lots of his presentations, and he plays up being some kind of expert being backed with other experts. When one looks at this expertise it falls flat on its face due to more ignorance of technical analysis issues than true proficient knowledge.

Imho, Jim Fetzer is so off the wall on so much information that one has to wonder if he has this brain defect, where people can tell the difference between reality and fantasy.

Found: The Particular Brain Fold That Helps People Distinguish Between Imagination and Reality

One of the keys to keeping the JFK assassination interest alive is the Zapruder Film's tragedy and the passion people feel for JFK's life being ended this way. And Jim Fetzer's interest appears to be only to have the Zapruder Film disappeared with his constant bogus attacks.

One can look at the Mary Moorman Polaroid photo and see that it exactly matches the positions of Jackie and JFK in the car during the gunshots and many other films and photos also agree with the Zapruder Camera's eye.

But there is something seriously wrong with Jim Fetzer's visions on finding truth. imho

One sees he and his associates trying to claim a dark area on a film is a conspiracy. They really screw up bigger techincal issues like 8 mm film registration jitter and film moving in an out of focal plane areas causing frame to frame focus inconsistency issues.

It is these failures in critical thinking and analysis that truly make the tin foil hat theme come into vogue for these over the top and misleading games on conspiracy. imho

edit on 11-8-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Such games appear dishonest imho

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by trysts

Just my opinion, MagnumOpus, but I don't think there were two shots to the head. The video above is not convincing to me at all. I see one shot to the head in the Zapruder film.

It is hard to see without the frame to frame closer look. This little gif shows the head movement forward with the right temple eruption. The energy of the first bullet hitting from behind imparts the forward impulse motion. The rear of JFK's head is fine in this gif sequence:

But what most people watching Zapruder see is the larger of the motion from the second shot hitting from the right front:

Then in the last frames for this gif one sees the bulge at the rear of JFK's head from that impact forcing brain material rearward and under the scalp. It shows up better with the magnification of the frame done with Bob Harris You Tube video.

Using the frame by frame views, one sees two different motions for JFK's head due to shots from two separate directions imparting the motion of the directions of the bullets.

This closer in look shows the damage after the second shot and the rear and side motion for JFK's head. Looking close one can see the scalp bulge at the rear of the head, and the missing skull at the top and the torn scalp moved to the rear.

I don't know if that helps you see the details better, but that is what the Zapruder Film's motion anaysis shows.

edit on 11-8-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Real Physics applied to Assassination

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 03:42 PM
they have all been puppets every sense JFK they get payed well for there lies.
right now we have the best fall guy money can buy .... every one of them get grey real early, its hard to sleep with all the twisted tells..theres no rest for the wicked

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by MagnumOpus

Originally posted by trysts

Just my opinion, MagnumOpus, but I don't think there were two shots to the head. The video above is not convincing to me at all. I see one shot to the head in the Zapruder film.

It is hard to see without the frame to frame closer look. This little gif shows the head movement forward with the right temple eruption. The energy of the first bullet hitting from behind imparts the forward impulse motion. The rear of JFK's head is fine in this gif sequence:

But what most people watching Zapruder see is the larger of the motion from the second shot hitting from the right front:

Then in the last frames for this gif one sees the bulge at the rear of JFK's head from that impact forcing brain material rearward and under the scalp. It shows up better with the magnification of the frame done with Bob Harris You Tube video.

Using the frame by frame views, one sees two different motions for JFK's head due to shots from two separate directions imparting the motion of the directions of the bullets.

I don't know if that helps you see the details better, but that is what the Zapruder Film's motion anaysis shows.

edit on 11-8-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Real Physics applied to Assassination

Well, that was really hard to view for me, MagnumOpus, but thank you for finding and posting it. I still don't see two shots to the head. Thanks for your effort though!

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by trysts

Well, that was really hard to view for me, MagnumOpus, but thank you for finding and posting it. I still don't see two shots to the head. Thanks for your effort though!

It is shocking to watch JFK get killed and America should never forget how their freedoms were impaired by this crime.

That first animated gif was basically the Richard Feynman, the Nobel Physicist from Cal Tec, analysis that showed one shot came from the rear of JFK. David Lifton asked Feynman to tell where a bullet came from by study of the film frames The basic theory is when a high velocity bullet looses energy in the head it drives the head in the same direction. So, the first bullet drives the head forward, then the second shot from front area reverses that. First ones exit area blows off the temple area of JFK's head, and the second blows off the top of the head, tosses material on the Motorcycle cop, and makes the bulge area under JFK's scalp at the rear of his head.

Lots of the Jim Fetzer pseudo science claims were refuted in a theme named: "Was The Zapruder Film Faked or the Nay Sayers Fake?" Lots of interesting reading there on Zapruder analysis.

posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 06:27 PM
With all that has been written about the JFK assassination, the things most central to the plot usually are not placed close together in the development of the theme. One of these is the factors traced to the Dal-Tex Building, which was the home to the Dallas Police Department and the building in which LHO gets gunned down.

The Dal-Tex Building (Dallas-Textiles Building) was owned by Morris Jaffee, who was the big LBJ bank roller for his election with JFK. Morris Jaffee was made rich by collusion with LBJ and the USAEC on uranium deals, and took over the Bobby Baker and Cotton Allotment rip off deals. In the Dal-Tex Building was one of those faked fronts for uranium deals that appears to have him partnered with HL Hunt. It appears this area is where the rear shots at JFK were taken, straight down the road to the Limo to have zero lateral motion problems to track the guns.

So, the stack of Dal-Tex issues even includes that the building appears to be where three shots were fired and two of them hit JFK. The first one appears to have hit the metal rail on the fire excape and tossed out a bunch of little sparks on the road and this is the root of the FBI screwing up two films they took away that day. It didn't stop there with the FBI as Hoover has the Agent that LHO was telling of the plots to burn all his notes.

The two other shots hit JFK and one was in the back and bullet exit the neck. The third was into the back of the head and blew out the right temple area of JFK's head. Another JFK head shot at nearly the same time hits JFK in the temple area and blows off a good part of the top of his head, and blows material under his scalp to the rear of the head.

Now, add onto this and we find Ab Zapruder's Dress business is in the Dal-Tex Building and he just happens to be standing in the exact perfect spot to take the dramatic movie for JFK getting his brains blow out on the streets of Dallas. The FBI doesn't just take that film, they make a copy and Zapruder sells the film to Life Magazine the next day for $40,000 and that film's bloody photos push another story that Bobby Kennedy fed Life that would ruin LBH and put him in jail. The FBI's cooperation in getting the Zapruder Film to Life Mag was absolutely essential for the success of the operation, and Hoover was LBJ's good pal and neighbor.

Author Mike Piper gets into a few of the Jewish associations, and persons like Morris Jaffee, Ab Zapruder, and Jack Ruby are all Jewish. Now you get the picture for why Jack Ruby has to return to the scene of the crime and gun down LHO in the basement of the Dal-Tex Building. LHO had pentrated PERMINDEX, Gen. Walker and John Birch, and he knew way too much, enough to get the upper elements in Dallas and Washington into the electric chair, and Zionist tossed into the wind.

Now, some of the other issues they forget to show everyone is the USAEC basically bought LBJ the election with JFK, since the USAEC paid LBJ crony Morris Jaffee millions of dollars on the uranium deal scheme. LBJ is infamous for rigging Govt. Pay-off and he was already in deep trouble for that with Bobby Baker's Ag Dept Cotton deals and others, and even tied to a murder there. One also needs to keep in mind that Hoover's strong arm got LBJ on the JFK ticket.

So, the USAEC owned LBJ and the USAEC in Oak Ridge hated JFK with a passion for ending atmospheric tests, resisting taking on the Soviets with Nukes, then making peace efforts with Cuba and Russia that would put the USAEC out of the weapons business. The USAEC was loaded with Jewish scientists and managers and they hated JFK too. They call Dallas the City of hate, but Oak Ridge was far worse on hating JFK.

What does one find but LBJ is kissing up to the Jewish folks in various high places, including Zionism, so we see Louis Bloomfield being a highly placed USAEC associated security person that is tied in with the "Defense Intelligence Security Command", DISC, which Hoover set up to look for espeonage elements in the USAEC and the Huntsville, Ala., Redstone Arsenal Rocket National Defense areas. Louis Bloomfield is a raging Zionist and would do anything to support Israel and suddenly LBJ starts to walk that walk and talk that talk of Zionism.

Louis Bloomfield also leads the PERMINDEX foreign intelligence unit tied to trying to kill General DeGaulle because he won't back Israel's nuclear weapons project at Dimona, Isreal. A good many of the PERMINDEX foreigh ties are in the US, from Jean DeMenill in Houston (he started the Castro take over of Cuba), to Ferenc Nagy in Dallas, to Clay Shaw in New Orleans. It is really difficult to miss all these Jewish benefactor for Israel types hooked right in the middle for the JFK hit issues, and LBJ's working them for support.

So, other things, like large amounts of unanium go missing from NUMEC in Apollo, Pa. and the person that runs that is Jewish. It so happens that a bunch of Mossad types are seen being close with NUMEC's operations and the urnaium signature in Israel that US Intelligecne finds matches that of uranium from NUMEC and the USAEC's Portsmouth Gas Diffusion Enrichment methods.

Then, if that isn't a red flag, we find out that LLNL's Edward Teller is a frequent guest in Israel and LBJ inquires with him if the Zionists have their bomb now and he tells LBJ that he thinks they have. So, after JFK gets offed all this uranium goes missing, Ed Teller ends up running to Israel a huge number of times, and you get the picture for another one of the LBJ pay offs going to the Zionist elements associated with the USAEC.

What started the JFK hit came from all this basic racketeering operations using the USAEC to buy their own politician, just as the corrupt Texas 8F Group had been doing for decades before the USAEC decided to buy their own Texas Politician. The Texas 8F group even installed various persons from Sec. of Treasury to the Sec. of Defense, and they bought high offices all the time. LBJ was for sale to the USAEC.

Mike Collins tells you part of the story, but the Dal-Tex associations tell you the right place to look is all these Jewish benefactor games to get JFK out of the way and install LBJ. Look at Hoovers and LBJ as good buddies and connect up Louis Bloomfield and PERMINEX and you get the right idea that the JFK hit was both domestic, as well as European Foreign Elements , and Middle Eastern Zionist----so it was triad effort to get rid of the JFK that Oak Ridge called a Communist.

So, the Zapruder Film is pretty infamous for its essential role in saving LBJ from prison, keep the crooked politician the USAEC bought out of Jail and it would come out on the Morris Jaffee USAEC games being just as corrupt as the Bobby Baker Dep. of Ag deal.

It got down to make LHO the Patsy, since he failed to do his TSBD deal, that they needed another fall guy and the Jewish Zionist Ruby took the fall, but he eventually wanted out as the deal to get him off didn't mature. They convinved him that he would be a Hero for killing LHO and they would get him off of the murder charge like LBJ's dirty court rigging deals got LBJ's hit man, Mac Wallace, sprung earlier. Mac Wallace fingerprint was in the DSBD shooter's nest, where he was supposed to kill LHO, but LHO failed to make his apprearance.

Since, that like deal that Mac Wallace got didn't happen, Ruby was willing to talk to get out of jail. He did talk to persons like Dorthy Killgalen and she suddenly dies and all notes disappeared.

This was the major corruption in high places that still ruins American's Freedoms today.

edit on 18-8-2012 by MagnumOpus because: Major corruption in high places

posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 06:37 PM
In this interview a man claiming to be a time traveler says that there was only one alternate universe where kennedy wasn't shot, and he told the world about aliens but they weren't ready for it and the world went to #. And oddly enough, in every other dimension kennedy was assassinated, just goes to show you that it was really a planned assassination.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

I think as is the case with garden variety conspiracies, the key to coming to terms with theJfk tragedy. Is to look at context. In this case, context is johnson. There you have it. Problemo solved.

posted on Aug, 19 2012 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Is the zaprudeer film authentic?

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

My take on something like the Zapruder film is that it cannot be authentic. By that I mean, things like this that they want us to see must have been altered, tampered with and so forth, so that we are. Lead to the bad guys version of things.

posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Since I have a bit of time, and you seem so knowledgable, I'd like to say more, ask more, about the Zapruder film.

I have not studied the Kennedy assasination in any great detail. I have spent a lot more time studying U.S. government_American Indian "relations", 9/11, U.S. Space Program, Public Funding of medical research issues MagnumOpus. As is the case with most Americans, the Kennedy assination does interest me.

When I see something like the Zapruder film, and when I say "see", I mean in addition to watching it, becoming aware of how it was said to have been made and how LIFE came to own the film, I think first and foremost that they want me to see this thing so that I am swayed in some particular way. Not that the film was shot on a set, but that it was intentionally made this way by orchestrating the assination to go down and be filmable just like we do wind up seeing it in the Zapruder film, from just that vantage with or without some editing.

So as best I can tell, Kennedy's death is so captured here. But how was it that the film was created just like this? Because what I do know is that there is no way this thing was spontaneous. The driver slowed, people were standing here and there for one particular reason or another. And speaking to this was the genesis of my questions?

How was this Zapruder film staged? How was it tampered with? Zapruder must be a player here. How is it possible foir this guy to film this thing and not know what was going down?

Can you give me a single or several reliable references that address the Zapruder film issue MagnumOpus? I would like to educate myself. Thank you.
edit on 20-8-2012 by patrick1000 because: seem so, just like we do wind up seeing it in the Zapruder film, standing

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by patrick1000
reply to post by MagnumOpus

I think as is the case with garden variety conspiracies, the key to coming to terms with theJfk tragedy. Is to look at context. In this case, context is johnson. There you have it. Problemo solved.

There is no doubt that LBJ was into the JFK hit up to his neck, but he had lots of help. Especially Hoover's help, and lots more. LBJ never was his own gunman, and one of those gunmen was in the DSBD.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by patrick1000
reply to post by MagnumOpus

Is the zaprudeer film authentic?

I have looked at it extensively and compared all the other films and photos with it and they all match.

Life damaged the film in many small areas, but overall it is the original shot by Zapruder.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by patrick1000
reply to post by MagnumOpus

My take on something like the Zapruder film is that it cannot be authentic. By that I mean, things like this that they want us to see must have been altered, tampered with and so forth, so that we are. Lead to the bad guys version of things.

I think it is authentic. One of the problems with the JFK assassination is that it sells books for whoever came come up with a new conspiracy theory. JFK has lots of conspiracy, but the Zapruder Film served a special purpose to save LBJ's neck by kicking an article of him off the pages of LIFE MAG.

Too many authors see every litte tiny thing on the JFK assassination as a new book and another mint to be made.

After 50 years of profits and wild imaginations, many authors want another 50 years to book profits.

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