posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 05:47 PM
This is where we live.
If you have an illness disorder or ailment the amount of care you recieve is equal to your level of coverage i.e. how much money you have.
If you are ever entangled with the justice system your representation and hence your culpability is equal to how much money you have.
As human beings we have been told we're entitled to certain goods and services yet food, clothing, housing, education and security are still tied to
how much money you have.
Is it fair that two people can have the same affliction but recieve differing levels of assistance in accordance with their current cash flow?
How can we ever have a fair and equal society when the rules are structured to benefit those who made them.
There are kids literally starving to death while container ships of food are divided for maximum profit. Everyone is so concerned with losing what
little slice of the pie they have managed to gather for themselves that they cannot act; they are trapped.
It's a kingdom of dirt. We are fighting over nothing and ignoring the things that actually have meaning.
There are many of us who have left the system and you can do the same. It will be strange at first and talking to people will take some time but you
have to persevere. Those things you miss to begin with; you will wonder why you ever had them. You won't need to continually appear occupied so people
just leave you alone you will want to speak and listen; no more fidgeting with mobiles or burying your head in the paper. No more dashing from
location to location just hoping not to be disturbed. When you stop following the program and start living you will know the world and you will know
your home. You will see those who play games and those who are genuine, and you will know those who play games are just as you were and not deservant
of mockery but help.
Apologies for the rant but I have been trying to reach you for a long time and finally you have arrived. Best of luck brothers and sisters.
It's always night in space.
edit on 10-8-2012 by usernamehere because: (no reason given)