posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by AfterInfinity
So your friend is really not interested on this woman for a relationship? Or does he secretly have hopes she may want to have a relationship with him
beyond friendship ?
Sounds like a case of one friend not caring for a "friend" of his friend, because of concern.
Trying to dig up dirt, and turning your friend against someone who he is trying to help, most likely won't work, and makes you look like the bad guy
to them.
If she is really that much of bad news, I suggest you just sit back and let things unfold, and be there with the salve if he gets burnt, without
saying "I told you so".
I also think its reasonable as a friend to tell him you just can't be around this woman, and if he insists on having her there much of the time, you
will need to look for new living arrangements.
I really hope things work out for the best for you and your friend.