posted on Aug, 18 2012 @ 03:07 AM
In Northern Ireland we have riots every single year in the height of summer.
While in the Army I have been one of the oppressive, evil public order suppressors many times as part of the Security Forces.
The Army wouldn't fork out for decent public order kit for us, so we just wore 2 layers of the old issue uniforms that were a bit more flame
retardent as well as combat body armour, some shin guards, padded gloves and a normal issue helmet with attached visor nape protector. Most of us wore
balaclavas to protect our faces from flash/acid burns as well as our identities (being an Irish regiment many of us came from these areas and didn't
want our families subjected to targeting if we were recognised). It was pretty hot, but you just crack on with it.
The police were much more well protected. They had nomex flame retardent coveralls, balaclavas and base layers, armoured leg and arm guards, kevlar
gloves as well as purpose designed helmets and better (but heavier) body armour. They were able to work for many hours in the summer heat and were
replaced regularly when rests were needed. They could keep this up for weeks at a time.
We worked in base lines with a secondary reserve to replace casualties. There were regular resupplies of water and we swapped shifts and duties often.
Again, we could (and did) keep this up for weeks on end.
Petrol bombs/molitov cocktails are used against us all the time. We simply push through and the fire teams sort it out. Even if it hits you directly
the coveralls give loads of protection, and the boys just shrug it off. Each team has fire extinguishers carried as standard for this. We even throw
real ones at each other in training to get used to the feeling.
As for shining a lazer pointer at the police - some decent glasses exist that would negate this threat. If a reat threat to life limb or EYESIGHT
exists there is the option of lethal force, though it would have to be a considerable threat.
There are very few things that can be used against public order troops/police that haven't been tried before.