posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 11:43 AM
any feed back is appreciated good or bad or whatever?
Confessions of a Serial Procrastinator
I have the best job in the world where I get paid for selling people a line of whatever. I have many allies and detractors alike. They feed me money
as if I’m their sugar daddy yet I fear them since one slip of my tongue could it all.
It is not I don’t see the end coming or the result of what is going to happen when the bills come due. I know what to do! I will just move the goal
posts further down the road. If I stay in the bubble I can ignore the world not to my peril but to yours.
In my world, there is cash galore and at every turn they are throwing it at you… ten thousand here; a million here or there and then there are the
perks of living in the bubble.
While my minions whittle away at the sacred tree of liberty from all sides I watch my approval rating slide I have no fear because the bubble is my
The bubble is real and those outside the bubble don’t have a clue; They don’t have the access; They don’t have the money. But I fear them
because they can destroy me and my world and prick my bubble when they vote against me, an incumbent!