posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by jcmvrv
I have to say I honestly think it is a total fake, you can check my post history if you like, but I tend to be open minded about everything I see and
wont cry fake or real until something is conclusive one way or the other (when I say conclusive, I mean to me personally, nothing ever really ends up
conclusive in definite terms)
However I post a question on the originator of this video youtube account, just asking politely that as he has an interest in film making was he
saying this was an actual sighting or just some of his work that he was demonstrating. Nothing malicious, he deleted that comment and the only reason
I can see is that he does not want people to realise he is a film maker, and therefore its a hoax in my book
plus the other 2 videos are so similar to the first they look like they were made by the same person.