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Black, White, Asain,Exc. (Aliens)

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posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Intrested
DISCLAMER This thread is in NO WAY intended to be RACIAL

Yes we are all Human!!

But is it possiable that we are all from a Diff race of Aliens.

Just a thought? Why did the we all evolve so diff?? Why did the Asains get slanted eyes. Blacks get black skin, Whites get white skin. I know the genes are diff BUT Why are they Diff. Where did that come about in evloving and for what purpose.Why are we SO diff yet the same.

[edit on 11-10-2004 by Intrested]

People are different when people started migrating hundreds of thousands years ago we adapted to our climate. Black people for example are native to hot and sunnny climates like Africa. They have black skin to prevent from sunburn in Africa or other areas.

[edit on 11-10-2004 by intrepid]

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 03:02 PM
We are actually different genetically not by species, correct? A person can be born with an extra toe or nipple, or even albino so we know genetics plays a great part in the makeup of our "species". I do not think the question was from a scientific standpoint as much as a theoretical standpoint that are we different races of aliens grouped within one species. Can we not have different genetic makeups, but be part ot the same species. I think that is a better explanation than just calling someone dumb.

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 03:06 PM
HEY HEY HEY i gave back up too. Part of it is adaptation to your evironment too.

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by esdad71Now, we are all the same species but is it our DNA that could be different?

I think things are being misunderstood. Yes, of course our DNA is different because we're not clones. My children's DNA is different than mine, and my parents' is different than mine. We are all of the same race/lineage/group/whatever.

Are there classifications of types of human DNA or is it all grouped into one.

It all looks the same. We're all human.

I know that people with Downs have the same strain missing certain DNA pieces, so could this be apllied to 'race' as we have assigned to the difference in skincolor/hair thickness/musclemass/etc.

No. Downs is a trisomy (3 chromosomes instead of two.) It occurs in every part of the world and with every skin color and body build.

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 03:23 PM
this site holds some interesting information about human variations, I don't know if it will help, I don't know much about this subject myself

it is important to keep in mind that all humans around the world today are biologically quite similar despite our superficial differences. In fact, we are 99.9% genetically identical. Most of the differences between us are due to our unique individual traits and being male or female. When we are compared to many other kinds of animals, it is remarkable how little variation exists within our own species. There is 2-3 times more genetic variation among chimpanzees, 8-10 times more among orangutans, and thousands of times more in many insect species. Most physical anthropologists would agree that human variation is not now sufficient to warrant defining separate biological races, varieties, or sub-species. However, it very likely was in our prehistoric past.

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
But not, perhaps, the best of ideas here where people know what species are and what it means to label something a "subspecies." I've been pretty impressed with the depth and breadth of knowledge among our members and it's a good bet that if/when you make a goof, you WILL be corrected!

True enough, heh.

Dude, for all that you wrote, i would give you a ban for racism. why? Because you call white people the only homo-sapien as others turn out to be sub-spieces. Thats kinda cruel, dont think you will survive out there ...

Will you FOR THE LOVE OF GOD reread all my posts? I cant understand the the meaning of that simple sentence is interpreted so very wrong, when I said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about "white people the only homo-sapien as others turn out to be sub-species". I admit I used the wrong wordings to explain my point but I never said that, its twisting the what I said into something I did not.

If you can point out exactly where I said that I would be happy to accept the proposed ban.

What DarkSide and the others have been telling you is correct: There are no currently living subspecies of Homo Sapiens -- and as an anthropologist, I think I can speak with some authority here

Then please, in an anthropologists way, explain to me what Homo Sapiens Sapiens is. Last time I checked, that was a sub-species. Sure its the only one currently living and thus not really any point, but still

Next time I join a topic I think I will speak 1337 instead, there's no chance of being misinterpreted since no one understands it anyway.

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 09:09 PM
I think everyone here that was for the idea that there is sub-species to the human race made it pretty clear they were not trying to be racist. As far as speculating each sub-species evolved from a different alien, etc, I think you should refer to Panthas post

it is important to keep in mind that all humans around the world today are biologically quite similar despite our superficial differences. In fact, we are 99.9% genetically identical. Most of the differences between us are due to our unique individual traits and being male or female. When we are compared to many other kinds of animals, it is remarkable how little variation exists within our own species. There is 2-3 times more genetic variation among chimpanzees, 8-10 times more among orangutans, and thousands of times more in many insect species. Most physical anthropologists would agree that human variation is not now sufficient to warrant defining separate biological races, varieties, or sub-species. However, it very likely was in our prehistoric past.

[edit on 11-10-2004 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 09:42 PM
Skin colour is determined by levels of melonine, which is produced by the skin. This amount varies due to the exposure to sunlight as when someone who is white sun tans their skin, it is in effect the skin producing more melonine. There are genetic differences in Negroid relative to Caucasian and if you were an evolutionist then this would be attributed to the White races evolving from the northern hemisphere and the Negroid evolving close to the equator. I have read several interesting threads about the white races actually being alien to this planet, and hence a long time hatred of Blacks toward whites. If this were true (and im only specualting) then this could account for 99% of modern advancement being attributed to the white races in the last 2000 years.
Hitler and his chronies strongly believed that the Ayryans were the original White race and that their roots can be traced back and hidden in occult/secret societies that preserved the true history of the Aryans.
Read into what ive typed as you like, its only speculation and could easily be construed as "White Supremecy" but it is not meant to be.
There is more than ample evidence to prove the existance of a previously technologically advanced society('s), Von Danekin's web page is a good starting point.
My question to all learned people reading this many generations would it take after a major asteroid strike to completely lose and forget the current levels of technology and how would these current "miracles" of science be portrayed down through history to our ancestors ?

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by merka
Then please, in an anthropologists way, explain to me what Homo Sapiens Sapiens is. Last time I checked, that was a sub-species. Sure its the only one currently living and thus not really any point, but still

Yes, homo sapiens sapiens is a sub-species to homo sapiens. The other known sub-species is homo sapiens idaltu, which is extinct.

[edit on 11-10-2004 by jp1111]

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 10:24 PM

[edit on 11-10-2004 by jp1111]

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 06:58 AM
Thank you!!

Alot of good info guys

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 02:10 PM
Homo Sapiens Diluvialis or Cro Magnon, also a Sapiens.

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