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Tsunami warning Australia maybe true. What are the Government try to tell us here

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posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by fireyaguns

Those clouds when I see them up here in Canada tell its gonna be windy the next day, so it will probably tell you the same thing, Keep an eye out for a windy day.
edit on 9-8-2012 by WarriorOfLight96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 10:37 AM
it just looks like dense cirrocumulous to me, the band through it is interesting but it may be a contrail or anything else.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 11:49 AM
There's a picture of Mitchell Coombes, in some type of pub recently. He looks about 20 and not too worried.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 12:11 PM
Been getting the same cloud formations on and off here in the UK for the past month that I've seen.
The earth has moved a few times since then but not of the seismic variety.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by fireyaguns

I'm not sure if you were thinking they purposely put those ads up, but I didn't see them. I'm guessing the adds were influenced by previously visited sitesnor searches.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 01:35 PM
If this earth quake Tsunami does happen, the guy who made these predictions is going to lose his job.

He will be fired because if this happens he must work for Haarp and he's leaking information,

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by fireyaguns

Noctilucent clouds are getting worse all around the world, being seen even in the Atlantic Ocean. Noctilucent clouds were until the last few years only seen in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

Night clouds or noctilucent clouds are tenuous cloud-like phenomena that are the "ragged-edge" of a much brighter and pervasive polar cloud layer called polar mesospheric clouds in the upper atmosphere, visible in a deep twilight. They are made of crystals of water ice. Noctilucent roughly means night shining in Latin. They are most commonly observed in the summer months at latitudes between 50° and 70° north and south of the equator. They can only be observed when the Sun is below the horizon.

They are the highest clouds in the Earth's atmosphere, located in the mesosphere at altitudes of around 76 to 85 kilometres (47 to 53 mi). They are normally too faint to be seen, and are visible only when illuminated by sunlight from below the horizon while the lower layers of the atmosphere are in the Earth's shadow. Noctilucent clouds are not fully understood and are a recently-discovered meteorological phenomenon; there is no record of their observation before 1885.

Noctilucent clouds can form only under very restrictive conditions; their occurrence can be used as a sensitive guide to changes in the upper atmosphere. They are a relatively recent classification. The occurrence of noctilucent clouds appears to be increasing in frequency, brightness and extent. It is theorized that this increase is connected to climate change.


Bad ju ju, these things didn't start appearing in warmer regions of the world until about 2 years after the Volcano Krakatoa exploded. It's also thought they might be caused by changes in the atmosphere. Something is definately going on with the planet. Anyway, clouds that used to only be in the polar regions, showing up in nonpolar regions, gotta mean something, and the government is hush hush. I've been seeing these clouds here in Arkansas at mid day, not in the evening.
edit on 9-8-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

I have been seeing these clouds right next door in Memphis.

I do not remember seeing them in the past.

Good find....thanks for the heads up.

All hail Yeshua!!!

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by fireyaguns

Don't you find it odd that those kinds of clouds existed before HAARP? How does shooting photo's of common cloud types predict an earthquake or prove anything about HAARP?

Of course you plant a false idea into peoples heads enough times, people can be tricked into believing in anything. You have no doubt been seeing those clouds your whole life, so why do they suddenly lead you to think the HAARP myth is true? Have you never looked up before?

Cirrostratus and Cirrocumulus clouds are not rare or unusual at all.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by hp1229
There was a prediction post yesterday which gathered some 1050 responses so far
Is this what the person was
trying to predict?


That thread is closed and I missed it. Mud slinging?

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by FlySolo

Originally posted by hp1229
There was a prediction post yesterday which gathered some 1050 responses so far
Is this what the person was
trying to predict?


That thread is closed and I missed it. Mud slinging?

you didn't miss much...just a sad individual with a messiah complex and lots of multis

he never backed down and continued with the lie even when caught.......

so yeh many lolz to be had

edit on 9-8-2012 by Ph03n1x because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 04:53 PM
Im going to put this really simply so everyone can understand,

Who would you rather trust?

The "local" who's lived in an area their entire life, relies on good weather to perform his job (ie: lets just say for arguments sake, a fencer) and is constantly "looking up" to see and plan that days actions. I've been a fencer and i know well how that works, certain jobs can only be done in certain conditions.. so they know their seasons. This person has nothing to gain by stating "the odd" about what they see.. to them a spade is a spade.


The Highly invested (or paid..) Expert that's quick to dismiss anything they can't explain if they didn't experience it firsthand. Always falling back on the premise that this is all natural and happens every day you were just to stupid to notice it until now.

My moneys on the local, and my own eye's. I don't need a site to tell me somethings wrong above my head, maybe below.. it's all linked when it comes to weather. but ive sat through some real freaky storms the past few years (my location.. luckily enough is right in the path of most of them just before they hit sea level and decimate Sydney.. and that's what they do.. alot..) I've watched clouds change rapidly (too fast.. not right) and lately the days are bi-polar, nice and warm one hour freezing the next (no crap i kid you not it's insane)

Now tell me thats all just "fine" again... it so help's me understand what's happening... not

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Ph03n1x

Originally posted by FlySolo

Originally posted by hp1229
There was a prediction post yesterday which gathered some 1050 responses so far
Is this what the person was
trying to predict?


That thread is closed and I missed it. Mud slinging?

you didn't miss much...just a sad individual with a messiah complex and lots of multis

he never backed down and continued with the lie even when caught.......

so yeh many lolz to be had

edit on 9-8-2012 by Ph03n1x because: (no reason given)

How was he caught? i got bored i didnt hang around.
edit on 9-8-2012 by thedoctorswife because: typo

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 05:38 PM
I'll add fuel to the fire. I noticed the sun stop sweeping across the ocean, during sunset, for the past 3 months.

Pretend this is the horizon: _________________________ and this is the sun setting over the horizon, throughout the year, like this: 1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8, (1 being let's say Jan, 2 Feb, 3 March...)then sweeping back in the in the opposite direction, starting at position 1 like this: 8_7_6_5_4_3_2_1. Well, 3 months ago...the sun stopped here: __________________1 and hasn't moved. It looks like it's moving to the ________________2_1 now.

Why is that a big deal? Well, i read somewhere, a while back about the poles shifting(?) and the hot places would turn cold, and the cold places would become hot. They were saying that the seasons would change, and something else (i can't remember) that had to do with the sun. That's when i started taking notice at the sun's position...during sunset hours. This was about 3 years ago. This is why i've been kinda scratching my head, as to why it's taking the sun so long to move, from that same position. I'm on the Pacific Coastline, if any one is curious to know my location.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by thedoctorswife

Sry for the totaly off topic reply..

I noticed a big mistake in the screen-grab he used from facebook, he fell into his own hole soon after that

Back to topic, as it's probably the most important topic on earth right now.. no bull

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by AlphaHawk
reply to post by fossy

Proper Link to the article.

I know you didnt originally post it (i just grabbed this one)

Please dont use as a source, as far as Australians go its a joke. Most of their headlines are pretty much the same as the trash mags (So Stephanie Rice's "relationship" with Kobe Bryant) etc, they do it to pull traffic, their fave at the peek of the 2012 hype was to use "psychics" that where banging on about the end of the world.

Why should you believe me they are a bias news agency: Read This.

Anyhow back on topic, I for one dont believe this would happen heres my "evidence":

Age Article on an Insurers risk report
AU Geosciences Quake risk map

If take a look at them both you will see sydney isnt classified as a "risk" (Accoridng to Geosciences AU), however the insurance risk report said its possible (and i think it was there) listed it as a maximum quake of 6.5 of a short duration (enough to scare, and possibly damage, but not be catastraphic)

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by Xarian6
reply to post by thedoctorswife

Sry for the totaly off topic reply..

I noticed a big mistake in the screen-grab he used from facebook, he fell into his own hole soon after that

Back to topic, as it's probably the most important topic on earth right now.. no bull

It was something to do with the date, wasnt it? it just suprised me that people continually fueled his fire after he was repeatedly asked to show a screenshot of his convo with Mitch, I mean i would, wouldnt you? this would probably be the most important document one would ever have in ones life.
I said on the thread, walk away people, wait for sunday, but people never listen, ive been guilty of this too, in my earlier time on ATS, but it really is a case of dont feed the trolls, you learn by your mistakes.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 06:26 PM
I'm sitting on my porch in south Sydney looking across to the city and lo and behold, the clouds look completely normal. Just a strong southerly pushing some cumulus along quite quickly with bits of sunshine poking through.

There is a high wind and ocean swell warning for the coast of NSW this weekend.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:11 PM
They have already grabbed and destroyed all of their citizens firearms. I fear that they know something perhaps they wish to not share straightforwardly.

Thinking back to Katrina and the government post-disaster gun grabbing.

posted on Aug, 9 2012 @ 08:31 PM
link tory-e6frf7jo-1226446246156

The above is mentioned on Extinctionprotocol 2012.

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