posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by PhantomLimb
Hmm...maybe your dreams hired well paid screen writers to make your dreams awesome! (lol)
Joking aside though, I don't remember a dream referencing another like a flash back or even a spin off, but when I was a kid I used to have two
repeating dreams. They were never exactly identical, but they had the same motif and usually in the same place or situation.
The first one was always my brother, my sister, my father and I sleeping in a hotel somewhere. We all had to share the same bed and if anyone of us
touch the floor a robot would chase us around the room. I know that sounds dumb or weird, but I was around 5yrs old then and my mother left my father
and we stayed with him most of the time, so I guess the robot represented the force or fear that was splinting my family apart...maybe?
The second one always involved my family (including my mother) going to the zoo and me being the first to jump out the car in excitement only to see
my family drive off without me. I'd start crying and running trying to catch up to them and when the car finally stops...they are just skeletons
waiving at me. This one I was also around 5 yrs old and I believe was from a sense or fear of abandonment.
...Man after reading that back to myself, I might be more screwed up in the head than I!