posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by kurthall
Originally posted by kurthall
Do any of you watch the show and is it really as good as what I saw last night?
It's still not exactly an easy answer, but now that I have actually watched the Series Finale (which just aired last night), I can at least attempt to
answer your question.....
I still think that if you liked what you saw, then you will probably like the rest of the show, but I'm gonna have to say that in general, the average
episode is not quite as good as that Finale. Close, but not quite. That Finale was just better than I was expecting.
As I mentioned previously, for the most part it is a week-to-week type of show, so most of the main story lines begin and end during 1 episode. So
watching random episodes would be worth watching.
However, during the past 1½ Seasons or so, there were 2 sporadically recurring story arcs, that you now know the conclusion to. So personally, I
would advise to just start at the beginning.
ETA: Did they also show the 'Major Crimes Pilot Episode', at the premiere that you went to?
It did seem like they put forth some extra effort, in order to ensure that they don't lose many viewers. They were successful with it, but they really
need to start slacking off from all the bureaucratic red tape BS. (Which was the increasing side-effect created by the previously mentioned story-arcs
of the last couple seasons of The Closer).
edit on 8/14/12 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)