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3 Earthquakes in Southern Cali in the past 14 hours

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posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by nightstalker78

Originally posted by ThePublicEnemyNo1

Originally posted by nightstalker78
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

Dude is a clown. I'm not sure why it's confusing you though.

He says "we are getting extremely close to the 104 hour warning".To me that means he hasn't issued any type of warning yet.

He's pretty much beating around the bush.
edit on 10-8-2012 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

I won't accuse him of being a clown however, I am worried about the possibility of being stuck under a bunch of rubble wether someone predicts the "Big One" or not. Do you live in So CAl?

I see you live in maybe you might not understand. I'm sure you know how frightening a hurricane can be...I was out there in 1992 when Andrew hit and it was scary. But an EQ over a 6.5, would really destroy our lives out here. I wish some of you would be a tad bit more sympathetic to our worries instead of calling us "Paranoid" or how about using different words to describe your view of us? We have a multitude of reasons to be "Paranoid" when there's unusual EQ activity.
edit on 8/10/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

That's just my point. There's no need to get so worked up over what someone on the Internet says.If an EQ is going to happen it will no matter what you read.They cannot be predicted.There's no reason to get so upset about some prediction you read on here or on any other website.Living where you do you should know at some point it is going to happen and prepare accordingly,just like here in Florida we've got to be ready for the Major Hurricane that's bound to hit again.
edit on 10-8-2012 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-8-2012 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

I fully agree with you. I'm not worked up but I am concerned. As you know I'm sure, we have EQ's every single day throughout the state. But these recent ones are quite alarming is my point and something that every Californian should take notice of and as you said and as I have stated in a previous post in this thread "Prepare" for.

The post of mine you replied to was me replying to another poster about the status of this Mitchell Coombes. The ATS poster stated that it appeared that MC had taken down his warning, when in fact it is still on FaceBook as you saw in my screenshot before I deleted the post. That's what that was about. I thought about that post and decided to remove it as I don't want to come off as a fear monger, in addition this thread isn't about his predictions. Nonetheless, I for one am a bit uneasy with the recent EQ activity considering I lost everything back in 1994 after the Northridge Quake which was a 6.7. This same EQ pattern occurred back then.

Anyway, you're right what's gonna happen is gonna happen or it isn't....plain and simple. We should all stay prepared for any natural disaster.

Although EQ's can't be predicted...previous patterns sure say a lot IMO

edit on 8/10/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 10:53 PM
It's really hard to say whether or not I believe in psychics. I still don't know what to think of the girl who posted the blog because I did see she had been right about a few things in the past. That's what makes me wonder, did she just get lucky? She seemed to have a lot of supporters on her page, people thanking her for the information, nobody questioning her or calling her a fear mongerer. As for Mitchell, he claims he is not psychic but has inside information. I did see his prediction about Japan and the time stamp, I don't know if there's a way to fake that. Maybe another lucky guess. He seems to be playing around with his updates quite a bit, they go from there to gone to there again every few hours. I think he's just a kid enjoying the attention, but there's still a bit of doubt and concern.

Yes, we should go on with our lives and not worry about what someone on the internet says. But it's a very real threat living in So.Cal so it doesn't help to have multiple people "predicting" the same type of event around the same time, especially when they have some previous record of being right. I don't know how many things either of them have said were going to happen that didn't. Most people would tend to erase any evidence of failed predictions to save their image. I don't believe that HAARP causes earthquakes or that the government would purposely cause them in their own country if they had the power to. It just sounds silly to me. All we can do is prepare and go about our business. If it's going to happen, there's nothing we can do to stop it. If it doesn't, great!

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

I know who you were replying to,just felt like I had to say what I did. There's just been too many posts going around lately about this MC person.And as you stated,this really isn't the thread for it.

As I've never been through an earthquake,I can only imagine how terrifying it must be.Especially having to go through a strong one.I'm sorry for what you went you through,I fully remember seeing it on the news and I was scared for those that lived in that area.There's no sense in worrying though.If I worried about when the next hurricane andrew was going to happen,I'd be completely gray by now.Things will happen as they do.That's why they're called natural disasters

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by nightstalker78

Originally posted by ThePublicEnemyNo1

Originally posted by nightstalker78
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

Dude is a clown. I'm not sure why it's confusing you though.

He says "we are getting extremely close to the 104 hour warning".To me that means he hasn't issued any type of warning yet.

He's pretty much beating around the bush.
edit on 10-8-2012 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

I won't accuse him of being a clown however, I am worried about the possibility of being stuck under a bunch of rubble wether someone predicts the "Big One" or not. Do you live in So CAl?

I see you live in maybe you might not understand. I'm sure you know how frightening a hurricane can be...I was out there in 1992 when Andrew hit and it was scary. But an EQ over a 6.5, would really destroy our lives out here. I wish some of you would be a tad bit more sympathetic to our worries instead of calling us "Paranoid" or how about using different words to describe your view of us? We have a multitude of reasons to be "Paranoid" when there's unusual EQ activity.
edit on 8/10/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

That's just my point. There's no need to get so worked up over what someone on the Internet says.If an EQ is going to happen it will no matter what you read.They cannot be predicted.There's no reason to get so upset about some prediction you read on here or on any other website.Living where you do you should know at some point it is going to happen and prepare accordingly,just like here in Florida we've got to be ready for the Major Hurricane that's bound to hit again.

ETA : I do sympathize with you guys out there. I'm sure it's like walking on eggshells not knowing when it's coming.But surely reading predictions doesn't help matters.By the way,when I said paranoid,I wasn't just refering to those that live in California.It seems the ones doing the fear mongering do NOT live there.

edit on 10-8-2012 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-8-2012 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-8-2012 by nightstalker78 because: dang spelling

Sure, don't get worked up by it, but, you shouldn't ignore it if there are signs. Ignoring it (signs), would be ignorant. You sound like one of those people that would tell people "well, too bad, you should have prepared" (after a catastrophic event), seriously, you do.
edit on 10-8-2012 by acidsweep because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by nightstalker78

Thank you and I must say that a hurricane must be right up there with the worst of natural disasters since they happen every single year and destroy thousands of lives. Billions of dollars in damage...lives lost...houses under

Thank you again for such comforting words

Our land out here is over valued, under insured and you can bet your money that FEMA can't handle anything beyond what happened out here back in 1994. As a matter of fact, there are people still waiting on FEMA to assist them to this day from the 1994 Northridge quake. So staying as prepared as possible including having the proper insurance is a necessity.

The insurance companies played games with thousands of people. I fortunately was only prepared in that I was fully insured, including EQ insurance which at the time was an addition to your policy. Many people didn't know this back then and they lost everything and got nothing in return.

Like I said in a previous post...I'm as prepared as I can be (I think). I hope none of us have forgotten anything in our "Preparedness Kits" and that goes for anyone anywhere.

When Mother Nature gets angry...we're all just in her path like ants on the ground.
edit on 8/10/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by acidsweep

Nope,way to take what I said and twist it.

Living in California,you KNOW that an EQ can happen at anytime.

Just like living in the midwest,you KNOW a Tornado could come along and wipe you out.

And just like living where I do(florida) you KNOW that a Hurricane can come on through.

Yes,I realize earthquakes can't be predicted.But they do happen in California ALL the time.

My point is,no matter where you live on Earth,you're prone to natural disasters.All you can do is prepare for them,no matter what they are.
edit on 10-8-2012 by nightstalker78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by riverwild

If Haarp says it can predict weather and possibly EQ by their equipment, it might be possible for someone to know if the cloud patterns show possible EQ. I can tell the way clouds are if a tornado is possible.When clouds are going in three directions it helps tornadoes form. Learned that talking to the oldtime farmers in Sheboygan Wisconsin. I have used that information for the last 28 years. A tornado can still form with two different directions if the ground wind is different than above also. Of course there may not be clouds in those wind layers so this is not always accurate for discounting tornadoes. The chances are just better if there are three wind directions observable..

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by ThePublicEnemyNo1
reply to post by nightstalker78

Thank you and I must say that a hurricane must be right up there with the worst of natural disasters since they happen every single year and destroy thousands of lives. Billions of dollars in damage...lives lost...houses under

Thank you again for such comforting words

You're welcome.

I think really any major event,whether it's a hurricane,tornado,earthquake,flood or blizzard can be catastrophic.

I left the northeast for Florida.I traded in Blizzards for Hurricanes

If I had to do it again,I wouldn't.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

I still don't understand this HAARP deal. I'm a Biologist and the things that I have read on ATS about HAARP are concerning. What's the deal with HAARP and/or the predictions if anyone cares to elaborate.

Thanks in advance

edit on 8/10/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

I wish I knew what the deal with HAARP was...they are notvtalkingbthat's for sure. Government says its harmless

I posted earlier that what I heard about this MC kid, is that he is a hacker, not so much psychic.......he hacked into HAARP way back and figured them out ( so he says).

he calculated that once they fire the thing up for an experiment or whatever nefarious thing it does, it can't be shut down and sometime they end very badly ie: the Japan quake and tsunami. And he calculated it runs it's course in about 104 hours.

So he starts his countdown when he ses HAARP fire maybe he couldn't hack it this time or they found him or he's full of it.

Supposedly HAARP plays around with energy in the atmosphere.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 12:06 AM
According to another thread just posted on ATS Mitchell just started the countdown about an hour ago.....good luck...hope to god he is wrong.

103 hours and counting.

Oh forget it....another false alarm of false info......
edit on 11-8-2012 by timetothink because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by ThePublicEnemyNo1

There are harp sensors that pick up atmospheric disturbances used to evaluate haarp and then theirs their grid for sending directional frequencies out to try and alter the weather. I don't know how their weather testing is going but the Haarp sensors are capable of picking up and analyzing natural phenomenon also. The 8.7 and 8.6 are bursts that Haarp detected and they are adding up. I doubt if this is clear, it's after one here and I'm getting tired and a little

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 12:11 AM
Ok I was not falling for this, only like 20%,

Until I just tried to download a countdown timer off Google and every single one got 404d?????

What the heck? Whos messing with me?

Not funny!

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by timetothink

Missed it! But I thought he already posted the 104th hr countdown on Wed?

Anyways, nothing happening in SO CAL, but lot of mini EQ along the coast of N. America which I find it rather concerning and unusual. The heatwave is another factor too. My "feelings" that I had prior to the 4.4 EQ has now faded... I don't know if I am being ignorant about nothing happening, or if I am blocking it off.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by spiderLL

He has only posted the pre-warning. The countdown hasn't started yet.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by tracehd1
Please tell me that Eric Coombes hasn't over taken this thread too? I've already left one good one...well, it started out good!!

I was reading a woman's comment in here about her dreams about something coming...I've noticed an up- tic of people feeling....panicking feelings, or maybe feeling a little more stressed then usual...

Has anyone else noticed that there's an up- tic in people saying they're dreaming vivid bad dreams, and physics coming out of the wood work saying they're seeing bad things?

Has anyone noticed people are acting a little more hostile!? Mean?

Just curious....
edit on 8-8-2012 by tracehd1 because: (no reason given)

I had a dream the other night with a room that generated lightening with the words HOLLYWOOD lighten up, and Ryan Seacrest was the host lol, but i rarely have dreams and this one stuck. Something serious is going to happen in California, I am just trying to pin point what exactly that is.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 03:38 AM
Does is not surprise all of you that only a Gale warning is out on all the government systems when all of these people from around the US think something serious is about to happen? The creepiest site I found had two huge red stars on Cali with magnitude strengths across the US. What do they not want us to know. People from Cali are also reporting activity that is not usual. I am starting to think that Michelle is on to something here. Call me superstitious but this is all too real for me to handle. God look over all you California people, for I have family close to the coast.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by ThePublicEnemyNo1
reply to post by rickymouse

I still don't understand this HAARP deal. I'm a Biologist and the things that I have read on ATS about HAARP are concerning. What's the deal with HAARP and/or the predictions if anyone cares to elaborate.

Thanks in advance

edit on 8/10/12 by ThePublicEnemyNo1 because: (no reason given)

HAARP comes down to weather control and chemtrails according to ATS. ATS says that planes scatter chemicals from HAARP airplanes and no one is sure what exactly they are spraying, or why for that matter. Even interviewed pilots have no idea. I have tried to research HAARP but just keep going in circles with what exactly it is they do.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by unknownusername
Isn't there a special alignment in the planetary bodies coming on? I have heard here and there but nothing concrete. Is that what the EQ predictions here are about? I'm getting my tomato plants indoors.

yes there is a planetary alignment coming this sunday but I do not think the gravitational pull would be great enough to set off an EQ of this magnitude.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by rickymouse
reply to post by riverwild

If Haarp says it can predict weather and possibly EQ by their equipment, it might be possible for someone to know if the cloud patterns show possible EQ. I can tell the way clouds are if a tornado is possible.When clouds are going in three directions it helps tornadoes form. Learned that talking to the oldtime farmers in Sheboygan Wisconsin. I have used that information for the last 28 years. A tornado can still form with two different directions if the ground wind is different than above also. Of course there may not be clouds in those wind layers so this is not always accurate for discounting tornadoes. The chances are just better if there are three wind directions observable..

Ahh yes, the tornado clouds, along with the stillness of the trees and quietness of the birds prior to it hitting. I have only been caught up in one tornado and that was one to many. It was quite frightening to say the least.

You feel helpless, no where to run, no where to hide. There you are and there it is! At least with tornadoes, some people have shelters to get into "if" they can get there quick enough. I dont think there is any safe place when an EQ hits (except maybe an airplane).

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