posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 10:39 AM
you all need to see that "where over 50% of our taxes goes" video.
the federal government takes like 3 trilling or something, of all our taxes, to just lock away, virtually and fake.
think about when your pay gets cut, or they raise taxes.
"sorry we have to let you go, we gotta shut it down, we gotta cut your pay"
they have so much money, almost every single problem in america could be fixed, yet they continue to steal, yes STEAL our taxes (would you pay if you
didn't have to?)
to spend them on things the simply DO NOT WORK, and things that WE THE PEOPLE, DO NOT WANT.
no taxation without representation.
i don't see representation, i see oppression and robbery.
the economy is bad because every single day "they" hammer it into everyones heads/
"on the news today, things are REALLY bad, the economy oh noes"
its a lie.
gas prices.
also a lie.
they could make it 1$ a gallon with the money they steal, and don't get me started on how they suppress new technologies from the public, like free
they can afford it all, but they are greedy and would rather shut down schools and hospitals, and then spend millions upon millions on "get learned"
programs for kids that don't do well in school, because school sucks, and is rigged to be difficult.
school is a place of learning, but no. not any more.
take this information as you like, im going to sleep. (probably)