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811 Is The Date - Here's My Proof

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posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 07:45 PM
OK, 8:11 as in 11th of August.

Recently I asked my higher self to reveal the date of the next 'global' manufactured event. I believe it has answered my question through the following events today.

This morning I wake up late, which is not normal for me. I look at the time and it's 8:11

I turn on my computer and look what comes up on my homepage for bing

Look at the lights - obvious illuminati symbolism. I know there is a HEAP of other stuff about the Olympics that is off the charts in terms of illuminati symbology. I won't go in to it here - just search the other threads if you're interested. Here's a sample - 2 mascots standing side by side as in twin towers.

I then go on to Itunes to download an album I discovered a few days back on a music thread on GLP. The band is Vibrasphere - 2 Swedish psytrance dudes that broke up in 2010. This particular album is from 2007. Have a look at the songs and most importantly the song length.

Not only is there a song called 'wasteland' but it's 8 minutes 11 seconds long (811). Now look at song 2 it goes for 9 minutes 11 seconds (911). Now the word VIBRASPHERE could be broken down as VIBRATIONS relating to the SPHERE (earth).

So what does this all mean. I interpret it like this.

On the 11th of August there will be a manufactured global catastrophe in the form of carefully positioned massive explosive detonations and or HAARP activity (ie Fuku 3:11). This will be announced as strangely irregular earthquakes by the MSM. Targets will be major centres for population or financial sectors - such as London, Singapore, West coast of US, East coast of Australia, Japan, India, Mediteranean etc.

This will create so much chaos that anything can happen out of this - ie market crashes, wars/military intervention, biological break-outs, famines, civil unrest, nuclear disasters. All the sorts of things that would play nicely in to the hands of those who seek to dominate and control the masses in order to usher in the NWO.

Let's wait and see. Hopefully it's just my over-active imagination.

Peace Out

Stay Safe

Much Love to All

* Ned

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 07:49 PM
Hmmmm...I hope you are wrong, but it is within the possible window and we do receive such "omens" from our higher selves if we choose to notice them.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by nimbinned

Interesting that it is only a few days away. Any chance you can tell us the year and timezone specific to this event, since 8:11 can actually last for quite some time (if you think about it time zones etc), this is just more for clarification than being pedantic of course.

However i do recall the 11/11/11 (well 2011) peeps, and its what? 9 months on and nothing has changed (that im aware of)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by nimbinned

First of, this is not proof of anything.

I can see though, how you could relate most of the points you made, but I think the Twin Towers part is a bridge too far.
edit on 7-8-2012 by DjangoPhat because: (no reason given)

+6 more 
posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:00 PM
From here


1. evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true, or to produce belief in its truth.

2. anything serving as such evidence: What proof do you have?

3. the act of testing or making trial of anything; test; trial: to put a thing to the proof.

4. the establishment of the truth of anything; demonstration.

5. Law . (in judicial proceedings) evidence having probative weight.

I see no proof to your "feelings"

And yes, we will wait and see.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:03 PM
I'm going to go out here on a limb and say it means absolutely nothing.. it's far too easy to play these number games and draw the dots.. in fact you see that happening all the time on ATS .. See it a lot with the number 7 and the number 6 .. and people always get interested in it .. wait for it .. and ... nothing

Now probability dictates that one day out of all of these many ( and I do mean many ) threads .. someone will, strictly by chance, be right or partially right .. but you consider how many times people have made threads like this and chased/connected numbers and been wrong.. and how many will continue to do this.. it only stands to reason someone is going to get lucky and pull the lever and get their three numbers .. in your case 811 ..

Still .. probability is like the lottery and it's rarely on your side.. it's kind of like waiting to get hit by a lightning bolt.. so I will go ahead and say that 8/11 will be uneventful .. the only possibility I think for something recent is the fact Iran said they would stand behind Syria to defend Aleppo .. and if they do, that could be that foreign intervention might actually happen.. meaning UN forces might move in.. is that a manufactured event? no .. so I wouldn't count that as a win.

And as others have pointed out.. there's not one bit of proof.. you're essentially just placing a bet on a proverbial set of lottery numbers .. 811 .. pick three .. and the odds are not in your favor
edit on 8/7/2012 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by Spruk

Well this year I would expect.

So we are talking about Saturday or Sunday this week-end.

In what time-zone ? I don't think it matters as long as the markets are closed. If you look at the history of significant financial crashes, they nearly always happen on a week-end when the markets and banks are closed - funny that !

Peace Out

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by redbarron626

I have asked for a message. It has arrived.

You are right of course that there is no tangible 'proof' for my claim.

I can only proove that I have received a message, because I asked the question.

I do not believe in coincidence.


posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:10 PM
You are off on your date@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@OH, NO"S!

I looked up the wasteland song on you tube, and the length of the video was 8mins and 7seconds.

Head for the hills, it's-----duh, duh, duh.....TODAY!!!!

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by nimbinned
reply to post by redbarron626

I have asked for a message. It has arrived.

You are right of course that there is no tangible 'proof' for my claim.

I can only proove that I have received a message, because I asked the question.

I do not believe in coincidence.


You thought about a question and your imagination provided you an answer .. that is more likely the fact of the matter.. Would you believe, as a programmer I use that technique all the time?.. it's shown that when you're trying to solve a problem.. when you ask yourself and "sleep on it" your mind tends to continue thinking on it in your subconscious .. I often find that when I have a programming problem and I think about it before bed.. I have the solution by morning.. even if I worked on it for hours the previous day.. any other programmers here experience this?

You asked your mind a question.. your mind provided an answer.. but that doesn't mean much since the question isn't "solveable" .. You went with the first thing you saw when you woke up and your mind made connections through the day.. You saw many other numbers as your day went on, gas prices, clock.. music times.. you could have saw many other matches and not even thought of it .. but you saw 8:11 first thing and it stuck in your subconscious because you were already looking for something... just something to ponder.. the mind works this way.
edit on 8/7/2012 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:13 PM
so this is the third for the day...

we have predictions of the 10th of august
we have the 104 hour warning thread
now we have you..

quite a weekend it should be

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Sulie
You are off on your date@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@OH, NO"S!

I looked up the wasteland song on you tube, and the length of the video was 8mins and 7seconds.

Head for the hills, it's-----duh, duh, duh.....TODAY!!!!

It's a very cool song !

I didn't attach the vid because it's been cut down during the edit process. You will notice a lot of songs like that on Youtube - they don't run the full length.

OR maybe you are on to something and this is significant - run for the hills

* Ned

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Neopan100
so this is the third for the day...

we have predictions of the 10th of august
we have the 104 hour warning thread
now we have you..

quite a weekend it should be

That's EXACTLY what I mean.. now if this trend continues we'll have a prediction for something that extends to every day in the calendar year through to the end I bet.. that means someone will get a date if ANYTHING happens ANY day before the end of the year =) .. and they will be the ones yelling "I WAS RIGHT" .. and hordes of ATSers who were in that particular thread will be simply like .. "woah.. this guy is awesome, what is your next prediction!"

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:23 PM
The bing thing, that is your homepage, so it would be the first page to load up. Secondly, the olympics are on, web search engines like to change their web page to connect with current events that relate to the current date, and the Olympics being a huge international event, it's obvious that they would have an olympic web page. The triangle lights? Just because it is a triangle, does not make it an illuminati symbol, is pizza a special illuminati dish? What about pool/snooker? The balls are placed in a triangle before they are hit with a cue ball, could that be a representation of the illuminati? Illuminati being the cue ball, and all the other balls representing a different country? Thats proof of ww3 being told via a pub table game!

The song? That is the particular version of the song that you downloaded, it is likely that there are other versions availible with different lengths, as one poster above stated, the video is 8m7secs, how come this version does not fit into your theory? I woke up today at 10:08, does that mean that something will happen on the 10th?? 10/08? (because my country uses the day/month/year format, and i am in the same country that the Olympics is set in)

Be critical with your theories, infomation, sources etc etc, and don't say you have proof when it is just a hunch.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by miniatus

Originally posted by nimbinned
reply to post by redbarron626

I have asked for a message. It has arrived.

You are right of course that there is no tangible 'proof' for my claim.

I can only proove that I have received a message, because I asked the question.

I do not believe in coincidence.


You thought about a question and your imagination provided you an answer .. that is more likely the fact of the matter.. Would you believe, as a programmer I use that technique all the time?.. it's shown that when you're trying to solve a problem.. when you ask yourself and "sleep on it" your mind tends to continue thinking on it in your subconscious .. I often find that when I have a programming problem and I think about it before bed.. I have the solution by morning.. even if I worked on it for hours the previous day.. any other programmers here experience this?

You asked your mind a question.. your mind provided an answer.. but that doesn't mean much since the question isn't "solveable" .. You went with the first thing you saw when you woke up and your mind made connections through the day.. You saw many other numbers as your day went on, gas prices, clock.. music times.. you could have saw many other matches and not even thought of it .. but you saw 8:11 first thing and it stuck in your subconscious because you were already looking for something... just something to ponder.. the mind works this way.
edit on 8/7/2012 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

Yes, I do that too. My imagination is very fertile.

All I can say is that this is different. This is a Spiritual matter. My intention was for my higher self to reveal something to me that is not of my mind, NOT a creation of my fertile imagination. It's all about 'intent' and receiving from a higher form of consciousness. Others like to use the term intuition (INer TUITION).

I could go in to a metaphysical diatribe, but this isn't the place for it.

Thanks for your comments

* Ned

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:28 PM
I wouldn't call any of that PROOF.

I looks more like a self delusional attempt at gratifying a need to feel more important than you actually are by making prophetic statements regarding future events.

10,000 monkeys on typewriters, given enough time, could peck out the works of Shakespeare, so the saying goes.
The same may apply for monkeys of the hairless variety with bigger brains pretending, or fooling themselves into believing they've precognitive foresight; eventually one of those blind squirrels might find a nut.

Experience, however, indicates that prophetic predictions, visions, and warnings about future events tend to paint a picture of exactly what will NOT happen.

Thus, I'm quite rest assured now that the date 8.11 will be a quite ordinary day in which nothing of any drastic importance will occur.

I suggest you watch I Pet Goat II by Heliophant, and work on the predictive prophetic symbology portrayed all throughout that bit of video:

Have fun.

edit on 7-8-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:29 PM
I do not wish to insult you or anything, but I cannot help but think this is definitely reaching waaay out there. Coincidence is a much more likely explanation imo, not to mention that the few instances you mention are things that display billions of numbers everyday around the world. For instance, there are only so many numbers on a clock, song lengths are all usually around the same, with the one you pointed out being about double an average song, give or take a bit. This is why I am extremely leery of any predictions made in a similar manner, as there are just so many combinations of numbers displayed in the daily lives of so many people on the planet, that statistically things of this nature, and statistically of a much weirder nature, are going to happen frequently.

There is absolutely no doubt about it. There are just too many numbers. And as far as the Illuminati symbolism, maybe you are right, but I doubt it. The human mind fixates on many things. Order being one of them, so shapes are naturally something of importance to our brains, as they display patterns. There are only so many different shapes that can be made. The way the lights are arranged serve an engineering purpose, not a nefarious purpose. And how you think the two ugly mascots represent the twin towers I have no idea, as there is absolutely nothing that gives that indication, of course without reaching way out there...I mean there are two of them, and one has some orange-colored streaks on it, which I guess could be interpreted to mean something...I just don't see how it is the trade center towers.

So all in all I am ready to make my prediction. The date you offer, although a natural disaster may take place somewhere around the world, as is apt to happen on any given day (for instance, on any given day there are many volcanoes erupting around the world), but nothing of the nature you are claiming is going to happen.

I would like to make a proposition to you. You obviously believe what you described, and also believe it to be some sort of message from your "guides" or whatever. That's fine with me, but if this day comes and then goes without anything of the sort occurring, are you going to give up on making claims similar to this, based on nothing more than evidence like that presented in this thread? I really am curious, because those who believe similar things seem to never care about how many times they are wrong, yet when they get lucky they use it as confirmation of their beliefs...Which obviously is deluded considering that is obviously not the case. I am not saying this is what you do, or are going to do, but there are many who fit that description who post similar things online.

Anyway, the date is not far off, so we will soon see. I will be the first one to apologize if your prediction comes true, and is obvious, because the odds are not in your favor mathematically speaking. And because of that, maybe you will change my mind, although I don't think that is what you intended...So good luck to you, or actually, that probably isn't the right thing to say, lol. I just think that maybe, if you are incorrect, that you should re-evaluate how you filter the information that you perceive, possibly setting a higher standard as far as evidence is concerned. Again, I don't mean to bash you or anything, so sorry if I came off that way. That's about all I wanted to say, so good day to you, and good luck with your current and future...things.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by nimbinned

Interesting, but the degree to which these things are correlated with a near future cataclysmic event, is not within my threshold of respecting it as a plausible set of 'abstract' evidence.

It could mean though, that your spatial sense of awareness is great enough to pick up on these things, things your mind has been looking for, maybe due to your interest in warning people so you can help, maybe because an event like this excites you, maybe both and then some!

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla
I wouldn't call any of that PROOF.

I looks more like a self delusional attempt at gratifying a need to feel more important than you actually are by making prophetic statements regarding future events.

10,000 monkeys on typewriters, given enough time, could peck out the works of Shakespeare, so the saying goes.
The same may apply for monkeys of the hairless variety with bigger brains pretending, or fooling themselves into believing they've precognitive foresight; eventually one of those blind squirrels might find a nut.

Experience, however, indicates that prophetic predictions, visions, and warnings about future events tend to paint a picture of exactly what will NOT happen.

Thus, I'm quite rest assured now that the date 8.11 will be a quite ordinary day in which nothing of any drastic importance will occur.

edit on 7-8-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

I am not someone who seeks attention to feed my ego.

This is the predictions/prophecies forum isn't it

I have only made one other prediction on ATS and that was a scientific observation around earthquake activity, which came to fruition.

Wow - stick your neck out and everyone turns up with axes.

* Ned

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 08:34 PM
If you walk into a graveyard chances of seeing a ghost are much more likely , synchronicity is everywhere when U look close enough. As for symbolism.... it is the basis of all form and structure. I believe Illuminati is a mindset being captured by the power of the symbol. Be the observer, the witness, and the outside looking in. Hope your prediction is wrong but respect for the search!

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