posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 03:19 PM
It just hit me to post this on ATS so I'm not sure if the "issue" has been taken care of.
So about 4 hours ago I was walking through 5th avenue of the Sunset Park and Bay Ridge areas of Brooklyn. In Sunset Park, there were 2 cops on a
corner of every street, and cop cars, and vans on every block in the Bay Ridge area, along with a few extra vans and officers on corners in Bay Ridge.
Never seen that many cops spread out along 40+ blocks. Had to be over a hundred cops. There were no special events in the area, just a normal day.
Can't seem to find any news or information regarding what's going on out here. I'll add that a few days ago the power seemed to go out. Street lights
all went off for about 30 seconds, cable box shut off. The TV and Computer stood powered, while the lights in the apartment dimmed, also happened to
my Father 20 blocks away from me. A few minutes later my sister spoke with her friend that lives on the 20th floor of a building 2 blocks away and she
said something about the Army Terminal about 10 blocks away being on fire. I honestly don't know if any of this ties to why there are hundreds of
police officers standing guard on every single block but something isn't right.
edit on 7-8-2012 by FidelityMusic because: (no reason