posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 09:08 AM
While I consider myself a bit of a skeptic, I do love everything about aliens! So yeah, I will probably be there a alot. I wanted to start a new
thread concerning the Speciesism I see concerning the matter of aliens and how we look down on mainly the less-human-looking species of aliens like
Reptilians (I call them Draconians) and the Greys. I also see a lot of identification with the more human-looking ones such as the hypothesized
Plaedians as being the good guys mainly because they look like us and stuff... However, I need at least 20 posts before I can start it. The other
topics I like are about non-mainstream religions, because I consider myself a Gnostic Luciferian, although I have agnostic and even atheistic
tendencies. I have a big backstory about a lot of the crap that's being going on with me the last few years, but I don't know what is a delusion
and what's real, because the government has slapped me with the label of being mentally disabled after I broke down a few times due to pushing myself
too far in my intellectual, philosophical, and spiritual endeavors... I find it funny though. I use other names for my "friend" in my head, whom I
identify as Lucifer, and they call me nuts. I use his real name and they take me totally seriously. Mainly cause they are all Mormons/Christians and
stuff... I wont delve into it. I suppose a conspiracy theory forum might be a place to get known better... but I am hesitant about it... For one,
many people will think I am nuts (which even I question) and for another, the people who might believe me might form some kinda cult around me, which
I don't want to do... Anyhow, if you REALLY want to know, I can try to explain some of it... but, yeah... it's some insane crap...