posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 06:35 AM
I dunno which planet some of you live on but it sure isn't the same one that I do. You quote statistics that do not reflect reality. You are making
claims that do not represent the facts as they really are.
I don't want to ruin your It's Bushed Fault" bandwagon ride, but let me give you a real life experience. How they pertain to real life
Your beloved party is not who you think them to be, If I can't convince you that the Republicans are the lesser of 2 evils, then I hope you can
at least understand why I have no alternative than to hold the opinions that I do.
My former employer made it known to both the Democrats and the Republicans that if a certain new tax was placed on them, they would be forced to
leave the country.
It got passed and this tax wiped out an entire 120 year old industry.
The Republicans advocated against it and the Democrats worked feverishly to insure that it passed.
That's all I need to know, no other input is necessary.
750 people in my plant alone lost their jobs. With the stroke of a pen our jobs got shipped to another country.
Instead of the new tax money the Democrats thought they would get by calling the industries bluff, They got nothing. And as a result lost the
millions and millions of tax dollars they were already getting.
And we lost our jobs
For about 2 months I tried calling them on the phone, left messages on their answering machines and spoke with their aides. Everyone involved knew
our last day was July 27th, and for 2 months I tried my best to say to these people, " Surely you have a plan in place, knowing what your actions
have caused to help those of us being effected by your legislation." and I would implore them to come talk to us, tell us everything will be alright
because you knew before hand this was a possibility and had planned for it.
I herd nothing from no one. July 27th was our last day.
I hope what I have told you is reason enough for you to at least understand why I feel the way I do about the Democrat party and convinces you I have
every right to feel this way.
They all knew our last day was July 27th. When I woke on July 28th and was sitting at my desk staring at the computer screen, drinking my coffee, the
phone rang, On the other end calling my house was a politician asking me what he could do to help.
They all knew our last day was the 27th, they also knew I had been trying for 2 months to contact them....and they call me on the 28th wanting to
help. If I told you I felt insulted it would not convey strongly enough the emotions going through me at that time, and are still inside me today.
They all knew our last day was the 27th,,,,,,,,I got 3 phone calls on the 28th
I swear to everyone reading this, that this is a true story.
Watch this youtube video /watch?v=yzJucmzoQHE
We were people from Africa, from Haiti. We were people from the Ukraine and from Thailand, There was people from every country you could imagine, and
some from places you never herd of before. We got along better than brothers and sisters, We looked forward to seeing each other every single day.
We were an example of what the Democrats say they want, people getting along and loving each other no matter where they came from............and the
Democrats took it from us, and from all of you
I hope you understand that when you proclaim yourself a proud Democrat you are taking ownership of what happened to me and my co-workers.
You are taking responsibility for it and you are aligning yourself with them.....and against me, my family and the 1000s of people who were effected
by this. and if this is how you truly feel about us, that this is the treatment we deserve......then me and you have serious problems