posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 07:22 PM
Thanks SilentFrog, but I don't live in a "Secret Lair of Justice and Paranoia". Are you not able to accept the fact that an enormous amount if
information will be able to gathered simply from what you buy and from where you buy it?? If you don't than you obviously have a lot to learn.
Though the most relevant and pertinent information gathered by using these items follows the exact same uses of the barcode, they make business more
efficient as well as marketing research and information easier to gather and analyze.
What I was discussing as a privacy issue was in the FUTURE EVOLUTION of these chips. The evolution of these type of chips will be used for purposes
of law enforcement and tracking in the future. They are already used to track moble assets, goods, and persons within the military and public as a
bar code.
What I am pointing out is an evolution of technology and miniturization of these chips and how, in the near future, they will be used in many ways,
and many of them will be a violation of our privacy.
Here are several articles backing up my claims for future uses of chips including the tracking of goods and people.
Tracking Chips (Veri-Chip)and as covered by ABC news
In addition your claim that a 2.45 GHz chip would be ineffective because "its signal would be lost in all the white noise" is erroneous. Noone has
claimed they are trying to gather information from towers with big antennas. The Mu Chip is only meant to be read from Readers up to 1 FOOT away.
In addition I don't understand why you would be assuming I am worried about "Black Helicopter Alien NWO people...Scary People".
Your sarcasm demonstrates your ignorance.