posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by MisterFister103
part of the reason i joined ATS was to explore others who have had similar experiences as to myself.
i have, for nearly a decade now, had many alien dreams... ships (several types), greys, MIBs,etc, etc... most have a similar sense of urgency as
yours. all are odd, and leave me with a funky feeling in the AM. needless to say those first few hours at work after one of these doozies, are
i have explored the issue from many angles: are the aliens representative of something else buried in my psyche? or are they representative of
something in our the collective unconscious, which i am picking up on? or are they quite real, and for some reason my antenna has crossed with theirs?
or, perhaps i'm a bit nutters!?
in any case, my advice is to write your dreams down- date the journal entry, and mark any other circumstance around the date... weather, mood,
personal events, global occurances, etc.
you may be able to discern patterns.
good luck with all of that. it has been an odd experience to have my unconscious so consistently visited by these strange things, no matter what they
are, so i empathize.