posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 09:12 PM
There is no question that there is an Area 51 with a huge runway and many buildings and a great deal of activity that is highly classified. After
Stealth fighters, the U-2, SR 71, various UAVs etc have been developed there. My checking on Bob Lazar indicates he was not telling the truth about
the claims he made-- no degrees from MIT or Cal Tech (did attend Pierce Junior College in So. Calif. at the same time he was supposedly at MIT ad
nauseum), not employed by Los Alamos, but working for a subcontractor, finished in the bottom third of his high school class etc etc as noted in my
article on my website at Obviously it is an excellent facility for doing very classified research. Connection with UFOs? I know
of no evidence that there really is a connection but absence of evidence is not evidence for absence. Obviously I do NOT get classified reports about
this or any other topic. I have heard of a Tope Secret Plus facility in Australia that may be working on UFOs and also that some Area 5 work has been
moved elsewhere.