posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 01:45 PM
Reposting, from another Vampire thread....
Myself, I believe that the origins of vampires can be found in non-modern man's misunderstandings of the processes of death and decomposition,
combined with superstition. Vampires, like werewolves, can be traced back to certain regions of Europe (as far as origins). These regions (and
timeframes of accounts) coincide with flooding, that produced a lot of mold on wheat crops, resulting in natural PCP... This was responsible for group
hallucinations, and many burnings of accused witches, vampires, and werewolves. Rather than look at germs, etc. causing illnesses, evil spirits were
blamed. They'd dig someone up, and be shocked to find hair, fingernails, etc. had still grown. To us, this is common knowledge that this continues
after death....not so for those in simpler times. Also, the gasses in the body would expand it, make it seem "full" and perhaps cause blood to ooze
out of the mouth, etc. This further "convinced" townsfolk that a vampire was afoot.
If you look at the early legends, you'll find many such cases of misidentification, and that the illnesses continued, despite the dispatching of the