As a strict
Anarchist, I am always seeking the complete dissolution of Government. However, I do
realize that there must be a method to this madness, and Govt has an important role to play in its own dissolution. I am not a Destructionist, one who
merely wants to go around tearing down and defunding all Govt institutions, in my mind that will just lead to tyranny by private corporations and
institutions. But I do believe all relationships, including the one between you/me and the Govt., should always be working towards the dissolution of
its hierarchical structure's of authority, and I believe
Social-Democracy is the
to that goal.
Anarchism cannot be achieved by moderates or independents or the Right. Ironically, the same classic Conservative and Libertarian ideology (other wise
known as
Minarchism) that seeks to limit Govt is the very ideology that secures and empowers Govt
ability to grow as big as it is now. Internet philosopher
Molyneux makes this point in many of his arguments. Dually ironic, it is only through the Left leaning ideologies that true Anarchism can be
actualized. This is because income equality gaps have to be severely minimalized before Govt. can dissolve and Left wing ideologies have the
ideological framework to close these gaps as opposed to Right wing ideologies who only work to strengthen them.
Now, I know most people won't except this as true. They will remain strident in their beliefs that Govt should get out of the way. They are correct in
that thinking, Govt is a virus that has grown out of control. They are incorrect though in thinking that by merely repressing Govt they can control
it. The reason this is incorrect is because they assume this is a true Democracy where the people actually have control over what kind of Govt they
have, which is not true. This is more of a Oligarchical Corporatocracy with Fascist tendencies than it is a true Republic or Democracy. If the people
really had an unpropagandized/unmanipulated say in what kind of Govt they wanted, our nation would be unrecognizably different, namely the role of
Govt would now be subjected to merely a moderator in voluntary interactions between people and people, and people and institutions. This is why moving
towards a Social-Democracy is so crucial at this period in time.
In any hierarchical relationship where one person/group has authority over another, there must be the seeds of that authorities dissolution planted
within the relationships contract/agreement. As an Anarchist, I am not opposed to authority, only to permanent structures of authority where the
hierarchy is prohibited from being dissolved.
Take for instance the Parent/Child relationship structure. The Parent assumes the hierarchical position of authority over the Child. But for this
relationship to be healthy and productive, there must be the seeds for this structures dissolution. As the Child grows into an adult, the relationship
structure changes and the hierarchy is dissolved into a more mutual/equal structure, similar to that of friends.
Same with the Teacher/Student paradigm. The Teacher assumes the hierarchical position of authority over the Student. For this relationship to be
healthy and productive, again, there must be the seeds for this hierarchical structures dissolution. As the Student learns what the Teacher has to
teach, the relationship structure morphs into a more equal and less authoritative structure, until the Student learns all that the Teacher has to
teach and the hierarchy is completely dissolved.
But the Government/Subject(Citizen) relationship does not have these seeds planted within its structure. This relationship depends on a permanent
hierarchical structure, where the Government assumes the position of authority over the Subject indefinitely. Thus, in no sense of the word is this
relationship healthy or productive. It allows no potential for the Subject to grow into authority over his/her self, nor does it offer the potential
for the relationship to ever become one of equal measure, as do the Parent/Child and Teacher/Student relationship structures.
This is where a Social-Democracy becomes so important. It realigns the structure of relationship between Govt and Subject to a more healthy and
productive standing, where the relationship is growing towards the dissolution of the hierarchy. Social-Democracy is not the end-all ideology, like
Liberalism or Conservatism is. It is the 'road' through which we must travel to reach our goal, being a self-sufficient society that is without the
need for rulers or ruling classes.
If an ideology is not designed with its own dissolution in mind, then it is to be discarded as mere self-serving
propaganda for the proponents of such.
Love to hear from people on this issue.
edit on 5-8-2012 by openlocks because: (no reason given)