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Indigo Children For Real???

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posted on Oct, 23 2004 @ 04:52 PM
I heard on TV, that the indigo children (with indigo coloured aula) aren't examined well enough to know more about them, but this indigo aula disappears in the special photos at teenage.

It probably has stg to do with their feelings, but it's not exact.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 01:31 PM
My best friend has Aspergers syndrome and he's had A LOT of trouble. He was expelled last year from our highschool (hacking computers in a fit of rage and deleteing all the teacher and freshman files) If you think your child might have this (though it seems too soon to tell) get her/him some help. Don't just say Indigo Child.

I would also point out that almost any 2 year old is going to have those characteristics.

Indigo Child= New Age crap.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 08:09 PM
What the f*ck is a Indigo Child, it's insane.

~Deny the Man~

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 03:19 PM
I found an interesting site about indigo children.

Sorry in advance if anybody already posted this.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by HarmoniusOne
One example.......My best friend Raven had fallen, landed on her elbow and damaged the nerves there. It was quite painful as nerve damage usually is. She had been seeing an occupational therapist but wasn't making progress. She came to visit one day when Gaia was about 10 months old. Gaia wanted her Auntie Raven to play with her. Raven explained to Gaia that her arm was badly injured and if anything even touched her skin it was painful but that she would sit on the floor with her for a few minutes. "Just dont touch!" she said. Gaia walked over to her, said "It's OK", put both hands on Auntie Raven's forearm, then lowered her forehead between her hands til it was also touching her arm. After about 15 seconds Gaia raised her head, looked at me, smiled and said I did it. Auntie Raven has never had even a twinge of nerve pain since.

I dont know about all that, and she was only 10 months old you say? Hmmm...?

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by briel

Indigo Child= New Age crap.

my ex used to have one of those illuminated lil monster..


posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by Peeder
I dont know about all that, and she was only 10 months old you say? Hmmm...?

Yes, she was only 10 months. She is making amazing progress this last month, learning 1-2 new words every day. Sadly though, because she is so sensitive to the things happening in the world, she is having bad dreams every night. When she wakes up crying, she keeps saying "fire, fire!" And "Boom! Fire!" I am sure she is tapping into the feelings out there in the world and hope that things settle down soon. She saw a picture of Bush this morning and said "Bad man!". She didn't hear this from us. We don't talk about him that way. We thought it was an interesting side note. Kinda funny when you think about all that's been said lately about him.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 04:17 PM
wtf .. elitism amongst children...

ive a boy and i could say every child is very unique

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by kalki
wtf .. elitism amongst children...

She's not an elitist. But she does see things in people, I think its about their character. Maybe I shouldn't have talked about that right now with emotions being the way they are. My appologies.

posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 04:31 PM
oh maybe ive been rude sorry , hey maybe your girl got psychic powers btw..

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 02:20 AM
Child development has been changing every 10 yrs or so. Mostly there rate of maturity especially of the mind [ What I mean by mind is Rate of Learning, Reflexes, Concept Grasping Etc. ] . This change of development has usually been physical but this age of computer has been spiting out litttle geniuses. This is mostly due to technology and is expected. Because of this they should be treated slightly different just not too different to make them feel superior to anyone else or it will be there downfall.



All I have said above should be taken as only as speculation and not Scientific Fact.


Toward this indigo child thing. It seems to be New Age babble but it is not for me to say there could always be some truth to it.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 02:53 AM
The interesting thing about it is...I didn't know what Indigo or Crystal children were. When people started saying my child was an Indigo, I thought it was probably doodie myself. So I started asking questions here and other places. The bigest difference I've seen between Gaia and other genius babies is this....Love! Even though she's not even 2 yet, if she hears people arguing, mostly her older brother and sister, she asks them to please stop and then she will hug them and encourage them to hug each other. I sincerely hope that Gaia isn't special because if all the little ones are being born like her, their generation will abolish war and many other things that are caused by a lack of love in this world.

posted on Nov, 7 2004 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by kalki
oh maybe ive been rude sorry , hey maybe your girl got psychic powers btw..

You haven't offended me. It takes quite a bit to do that.
No worries!
So did you not get along with the little "monster" then?

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by infinite8
Well if that is the only way to tell an Indigo Child, the author of this thread should not be able to tell. At 22 months it would not seem that any of those items could be articulated or rationally expressed by the child, Is there another way that someone would be able to tell they had an Indigo or Crystal child other than waiting for their child to develop to an age where they can communicate this understanding?

well as i understand the terms (indigo children/crystalline children) they get their names from the aura they emit. so to say that the physical traits in the authors baby are the only identification method woul probably be incorrect and this because they are named firstly of their aura content, the physical characteristics of their behaviors and personality are only one way to identify such a child and to be honest even then they could just be sharing personality traits with a rough sketch of what can be expected of such a child without actually being either (i/c), by no way do those undisputably define a child as one thing or another. to be frank, how does one detect anothers aura? hence how can one be deffinitively pegged as either a i/c? im deffinately not an expert but common sense say a multitude of variations in upbringing and genetics could lead to similar traits without having the "aura" of indigo or crystalline.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 01:43 AM
I think people confuse indigo children with what they really are and that is violet children. They switch the two colors because they look alike. I doubt we are quite there yet that we start getting indigo children appearing.We are close but maybe there children will start appearing as indigo's.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 05:01 AM
My extended family has a lot of these children and you are right to be concerned because of an ongoing program called MKULTRA. Never let her be intelligence tested nor talk about anything paranormal nor her intelligence outside the family. Stay away from mental health professionals and social workers. Keep a low profile as a family. Blend in. If someone gives you an uncomfortable feeling in your gut, heed that. I would never use the term indigo children because I don't think it is a valid term, and I think auras have absolutely nothing to do with it. All of us probably had these abilities before the flood when atmospheric conditions were very different. Your careful attention to diet during the pregnancy and sensitive handling of her probably have more to do with it. If you can persuade her to, ditch the name Gaia and at all costs, keep her away from anyone remotely involved in the occult. [I say persuade only because at age two, the name Gaia will evaporate faster if you don't make a big deal out of it, but never forget that you're the parent. It's a lovely name but it will attract a dangerous type of attention if it hasn't already.] You will very likely want to homeschool her with families of like mind as public school can be torture for these children---it was for me. Even though these children are so bright, they lack the impulse control, sense of danger, and wisdom of an adult. Never forget she is a child. Be aware that because she is an extreme empath, she will need special care as she can get overloaded. You might want to throw out your TV if you haven't already. Transitions like childbirth--she will need you as an adult. Their intense curiosity can be really dangerous at times--super bright children. I give the moderator permission to give you my email if you need it. Don't let her have any more vaccinations unless they're truly medically neccessary as they are a ploy to insert id chips and nanotechnology in these children sometimes. If she steps on a rusty nail, by all means get her a tetanus shot , but be careful and conservative about medical care and never ever leave her alone with a medical team you do not know well, especially under anesthesia. If you insist on gowning up and being present, that's your child, and as long as you stay out of the way, they have to let you. You have a legal right to be there. They may think you're hysterical and weird, but mothers are entitled. Just tell them YOU squirted that child out of YOUR bowels and you're NOT leaving her. A very few centers around the country are familiar with the special needs of empaths while recieving major medical care---Mayo is one of them. The risk is that they can go emotionally into shock--so severe it can kill the physical body. They need a love bath atmosphere at such critical junctures and just the right amount of physical contact. Remember that these are dangerous times and that while our beloved mother earth DOES have conciousness-per the bible--she is still a created thing, like you and I. Worship only the Creator. That is the single most important thing you can do to protect and nurture Gaia. She IS special to God, very special, all children are. You've got your hands full! Best Wishes!

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 05:14 AM
I'm not convinced indigo children are real, it sounds like it's just some New Age invention. All kids are special. And the criteria for telling who's an indigo or who's not is like reading a newspaper astrology chart and saying "Oh, that's definitely ME".

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 06:45 AM
Maybe, just maybe, she is a child who is acting like every child who is given the attention they want and, for a lack of a better word, coddled.

She acts exactly like a child and it is called something spectacular. This indigo child stuff is doing little more then harming the children of the parents who 'fall for' this new-age money maker. In my experience I have found that parents who believe their child is 'indigo' tend to allow the child to do and get whatever it wants...whenever it wants it.

Spoiling your child is one thing, but allowing them to more or less run the house leaves them exhaustingly dependant on their parents and unable to cope with the world on their own.

Yes, each child is a special and wonderful gift unto our world. No, indigo children are not 'more special' then any other child. Raise your child as something special and real in your life. Be a parent; love her, care for her and prepare her for life on her own in this confusing world. Please, don't stunt her in some way by handing her the indigo crutch.

Oh, and just you wait until she gets into the 'me' phase. Just like every other child she will be indigo all over.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 06:54 AM
I agree thoughroughly. Don't spoil her or treat her as special. She'll find out soon enough how special she is, to her detriment. The indigo idea is bunk. these kids are just very gifted.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 07:24 AM
I also didn't mean to imply you should let them rule the house. If the parent is tearing his/her hair out from failing to set good boundaries, that doesn't help the child. I'm pretty obsessed with my kids even though I'm not with them nearly as much as I'd like to be. I find I usually only screw it up badly when I don't find a way to take a break from that.

[edit on 17-7-2007 by thefatlady]

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