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A Message From My Guides About Our Actions

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posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Alfred2012

And there is a very important thing when communicating with spiritual beings:
If it comes to future events (prophecies) then they normally avoid precise information.

This is simply not true. God, and His true angels is/ are well able to reveal the specifics of future events, and He has done so in my life on several occasions.

More to follow, I do not doubt. I'm just taking potshots at the falsehoods you've bought into - sorry if it seems a bit brutal.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Alfred2012


I fully understand and accept that you say: No, this is not part of my personal experience and it doesn't fit to my (religious) belief, i don't buy it. That is ok.

You are fully missing the point. I do not deny the reality of all spiritual experiences, only their legitimacy in leading you to a relationship with God. I am calling into question the absolute nonsense that is spouted by entities such as Droidus. I am calling into question the moral quality of the teachings of spirit guides, and by the application of logic I am trying to show you that DROIDUS IS A LIAR, and has NO CONCERN for your well-being.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 05:27 PM
This thread is the manifestation of a big part of what is wrong in this world. If I could take you all to 4.000 years ago, you would blend perfectly with the population of that time.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 05:40 PM
So ... what? You're saying we're all hopelessly backward, non-scientific troglodytes?

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
reply to post by Alfred2012


I fully understand and accept that you say: No, this is not part of my personal experience and it doesn't fit to my (religious) belief, i don't buy it. That is ok.

You are fully missing the point. I do not deny the reality of all spiritual experiences, only their legitimacy in leading you to a relationship with God. I am calling into question the absolute nonsense that is spouted by entities such as Droidus. I am calling into question the moral quality of the teachings of spirit guides, and by the application of logic I am trying to show you that DROIDUS IS A LIAR, and has NO CONCERN for your well-being.

Fly with all due respect here this is getting way off topic.

I posted my experience in the dream forum, not Religion, faith and theology.

Logic and religion in the same paragraph are completely separate entities, meaning that logic is not applicable to the explanation of religious and metaphysical matters.

Faith is just that you either believe, or you don't.

The problem with most Religions/dogma's are they attempt to incorporate logic, or actually circular argumentation to dazzle the masses, so one story is used to prove another story, and so on.

Your opinion is noted and that you take offense to spirit guides, or for that matter anything else that is in opposition to your current belief system.

There are many paths in life that people will take, some bumpy, some smooth, some fast, some short, but everyone is different so try and respect their choices.

My OP was meant as reflection and what happened in a lucid dream, even I take it with a grain of salt.

Peace out,

edit on 6-8-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

With respect, I was responding to Alfred, and not to your OP. He made certain comments in response to my criticism of both the OP and his comments concerning Droidus, and I felt compelled to respond.

Nobody has even attempted to break through the 'dogma' of spirit guides and to perceive the utter failure of Droidus to answer questions, tell the truth etc.

With respect to the OP, I made some comments concerning the claims of your spirit guide, but you haven't responded to them, instead accusing me of going off-topic.

I don't ''take offence'' at spirit guides - I simply expose them for what they are. I have personal knowledge and experience which have demonstrated beyond a doubt that the majority of what are termed 'spirit guides' are in fact, spirits of low order who are deliberately seeking to mislead humanity. Before conversion to Christianity, I investigated the New Age movement in great depth, and I found it to be shallow, non-community oriented, encouraging of selfish ways of living, full of misdirection and contradiction, full of moral falsehood & ephemeral emotional platitudes which generate no actual character development, but rather encourage a state of blissful ignorance and boundless optimism in the face of real-world problems, and in the face of spiritual darkness.

Did you know that reiki practitioners are advised never to perform reiki on people with mental health issues? Do you know why? Because in certain cases of mental health issues, demonic spirits are present in the afflicted - for someone to perform reiki on that person, would expose the practitioner to the very real dangers of a manifesting demon. Reiki practitioners have zero authority over demonic forces, and so all practitioners are advised to avoid mental health problems like the plague. A whole section of seriously unwell people in society are left by the wayside - completely against the teaching of Christ. Conversely, authentic Christianity demonstrates full authority over the demonic, and deliverance for the afflicted, and therefore is much higher in terms of 'evidence-based' spirituality.

Unfortunately I won't garner any support for my position in this thread, because most who are following this thread are deluded by the manipulations of their soul experience by deceiving, low order spirits. The truth hurts, and that truth, is a truth that hurts. It hurts our pride, pounds our ego - who wants to be told that they are being deceived by clever spiritual powers that have no interest in providing for their spiritual or practical well-being?

I do not believe that the application of logic in spiritual matters such as the messages of spirit guides, is, as you claim, an attempt to 'dazzle'- rather, it is an attempt to shed light on what is actually being conveyed. And to respond to your other criticism, faith is not simply a matter of belief - we can expect certain evidences to become manifest in our spiritual and practical life experience. Such as the deliverance of the demonically oppressed, the healing of the diseased or infirm, the provision of knowledge that is comprehensive, accurate and completely unknowable in natural terms concerning people we are praying for, the provision of comprehensive, accurate knowledge about future events, on a personal level and all the way up to the destiny of the world. We can expect experiences of contact with real angels, with God Himself, and experiences of a foretaste of the heavenly realms.

You have failed to respond to my criticism, instead preferring to call me out as going off-topic. You claim logic is unnecessary, but in any sphere of life that is untrue - why would it be any different in spirituality? Indeed, in authentic spirituality, one would expect logic to be easily employable in terms of demonstrating the moral & practical calibre of doctrine. In flawed spirituality, such as that seen in the New Age 'Movement', it is quite easy to see that logic would be discouraged, because there is simply no logic or coherence to many of the facets of acceptable philosophy and practice.

I respect all people, but I respect them enough to tell the truth about the logical failings of their belief structures, from a standpoint of absolute certainty of the reality of my experience, and an absolute confidence in the logical and practical outworking of the doctrine/ theology of authentic Christianity. Amorphous spirituality, which accepts all philosophies into a maelstrom of indefinable belief, and offers no concrete projection of expected experience & outcomes, is the very definition of flawed spirituality - and it is highly evident within the logically fallible and consistently inconsistent belief systems expounded in the New Age.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

There are many who are directly shown, since childhood, the negative in the bible, and I do hope you are using discernment, the Spirit of Peace and Love, the indwelling Holy Spirit and your own Loving Spirit, that you are safeguarding the Love in, to guide you in the scriptures themselves. That is all I can say. I don't support any religion on earth, in fact I don't even understand the term religion. And the names of "god" in the bible, I would not use in the least. The Highest Love and Goodness is a good thing to say instead, as it avoids all coding and all things that mislead.

All of that being said, I don't walk away from Christ's message, for even if he were metaphor, there is still the Spirit, and Goodness/God, guiding us and can do so directly, and the story would still be real. So giving that even as metaphor, I have faith in Christ, and God/Goodness's love with us, and that nothing is random, its very much overseen and managed, all of our lives, and we are being worked with, wherever possible, wherever we can choose faith, Love, to turn things around. So I choose to believe in Christ as real, not metaphor, as until I know in the real, and for Goodness to dispel this if its a fairy tale in the end, for don't like those who mislead instead of plainly speaking truth.. However that is not to any Church and to no religious institutional way of developing Spirituality or Faith in Goodness, in fact see the opposite workings in most of them. Wolves in sheepsclothing.

To put down other people's spiritual experiences, however, to judge as though God/Goodness has one way, when the studies done have found that it didn't matter what religion, but that all prayers, had positive results. Those were medical studies by the way. All prayers have positive results.

So to buy the whole package, including the control and dark squares in the bible and speak with authority on anyone's else's experience, and to buy into a belief wholey, and believe in a God does not judge on love and integrity, and peace, but instead on what institute you belong too. Well I think some more deep thinking is needed. For there is a message in the bible for those seeking more and deeper, and its not the thing they're teaching in the Church, its about all people.

And we all have Teams watching over, some are what we call ET, corporal beings in higher realms, some are what we call Spirit Guides or Angels or Family.

When you're prone to experiencing contact and answers to your prayers frequently, daily miracles, and you have a good Spirit, you are not following bad advice from tricksters. Tricksters don't lead you to having more Love for others, to trying to work at your weaknesses to be better to help others, to draw out goodness, overcome all arguments, encourage the positive.

As to the presence of evil or negative, or the existence of the other side. I don't believe in it, not the way the bible talks of. Mentally ill consciousness that has regressed its love needs compassion and all people need to be set free from the abuse and programming the leaders are doing. Goodness/God is not about harming people who don't believe in what you do. Goodness/God is about helping all people learn to overcome, no matter how long it takes, for infinity is a long time to make U-Turns in. Because regressing love/peace/understanding and consciousness is the long way home and our very souls are horrified by our own ability to harm others, and we do face what we do.

I have a Spiritual Father/Mother and call them Dad/Mom to deliberately separate this from the patriarchal Father of the old testament who murdered people and wanted humanity to murder people, because that is not my Dad and is the polar opposite of our true Spiritual Dad.

I've checked out your threads and you have a Good Spirit and open minded understandings, but you can't judge other things either. Even if it were true that a wolve in sheeps clothing guide was mixing some distortions in with truth, and the person (who already was not in the Christian ark) was seeing things different, but that person still saw Love and Goodness and knew the difference between Kindess/Harshness, Helping/Hurting, Generosity/Greed, Being Brave and Doing Right/Following Orders, then I don't know. Love is Love in every corner of the world, no matter what faith or understanding you walk in.

Have a lot of respect for you faith as it seems to be very well thought out and of Good Intentions and Belief While some can work with the Good they see in their religion, others cannot stand the lies and dark squares in the bible and cannot work that way at all, feeling they've walked into a dark house, that only permits some of the truth and light squares to be visible, and they run from the corruption there.

Do you truly think God/Goodness has abandoned them and that every person who dreams dreams/astrally travels and grows their Spirit or Love is being misguided, unless the come back to the house of the animals sacrifices, smiting people, killing babies you conquered and murdering disobedient children?
edit on 7-8-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I can see what you're saying but you are missing the point. The facts which I am referring to regarding the presence of the demonic within channeling movements are not up for debate in my experience, which is genuine experience. I'm simply trying to point out the utter BS which is touted as 'revelation' by these entities, and I'm trying to prove by the application of simple theological / spiritual / ordinary logic, that there is no way on earth that the description of 'instant karma' provided by the dream guide in the OP could ever work out in actuality.

You guys are so blinkered by the 'boundless optimism effect' of the cumulative teachings in effect within the "New" Age Movement, it's unreal. Sounds harsh - but none of you seem to believe in demons..! Have you ever spent any significant length of time investigating the situations and manifestations of people and spirits in the mental health system? Some frightening s**t goes on in those hospitals, but most of you will never, ever hear about it. Have you ever witnessed a demon manifest in someone, only for it to provide the names and addresses of a huge list of church members (details that the afflicted person did not know, but only the demon within them) - and then to be told by that demon that it knows the addresses so that it can attack those church members as often as possible, to prevent them from being effective witnesses for the Living Christ?

I'm not judging anyone, or saying that prayers do not have positive effect. I'm not saying that you have to be a Christian or you go to Hell. I'm not saying that all spiritual experience outside of Christianity is false/ inspired by demons. I'm not condemning people for seeking a path that makes sense according to their conscience. What I am doing is pointing out the nonsense being claimed as revelation by 'spiritual guides' who claim that you don't need to ask God, you can ask them instead..(Isn't it strange that they wouldn't want you to contact God directly..)

What of the logical inconsistencies in what is being touted by these 'guides'...? In effect, what I am doing is trying to awaken you to the reality of the demonic realms, so that you are not suckered by every wind of deceptive teaching that blows your way.

Look, I could put a lot more effort into this, but the ground is against me, and I appreciate that some of my comments were effectively 'shooting from the hip' and were poorly phrased. However, don't discount everything I am trying to convey to you. I have personal experience of very real, very evil and very powerful demonic spirits, which have openly sought my destruction & that of others around me through various means. I was delivered from these spirits when I became a Christian, and I know for an absolute certainty, after much additional experience, that the only name in Heaven or upon the Earth to which the demons are subject is Jesus Christ. He bears the Name above all Names.

That doesn't mean that other Names (teachers) are of no significance in the grand scheme of things, just that He is the ultimate authority over all spirits, and that if you want to take the deepest path into God's ways, then seek Him first - and certainly don't bother with deceiving, hot-air-gushing spirits who openly tell lies or refuse to give information, who are called 'Droidus' or similar.

Time out guys. I'll write a thread with a full exposition of my beliefs in all relevant areas (such as the age-old problem of people saying you go to Hell if you aren't a Christian) and invite you all to participate, because we've definitely gotten off to a poor start here. Like I said, I recognise that I haven't helped my cause, by being a bit too intense and dismissive of the things I am privileged enough to know to be a total sham.

I maintain, and nobody has been able to counter, my argument - that Droidus is a sham. The evidence is clear, and overwhelming. But the blinkers are on, sadly. Simply put, I want to make you aware of the dangers of listening to every spirit who claims to be 'love and light'... Not every spirit tells the truth - evidence enough in the form of Droidus.

Please, please, please do not discount everything I am trying to warn you of. Demons are real, they are VERY dangerous, and they like to pretend.

God bless,


posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Do you truly think God/Goodness has abandoned them and that every person who dreams dreams/astrally travels and grows their Spirit or Love is being misguided, unless the come back to the house of the animals sacrifices, smiting people, killing babies you conquered and murdering disobedient children?

As I said in the above post, I don't discount every spiritual experience as a counterfeit, though many are.

In regard to the bulk of the above quoted comment: You don't understand enough about the purpose of the establishment of Israel, the purpose of the Mosaic Law, the spiritual ramifications of certain ancestral practices, the symbolism of the sacrificial system, or the nature of the cultural situation in the Middle East at that time, or regarding the spiritual/ material events that were known to be coming in the future, to understand the temporal activities of the Jews in antiquity. Not saying it was all morally acceptable, but there is a message even within that very level of moral unacceptability if you are willing to learn. Part of the lesson (in brief) is a long-term plan, concerning Humanity's need of a totally new standard of spiritual purity, separation/ release from all demonic influences; our need of forgiveness for the past, and grace to perform at the required standard - in order that we can be released from this prison of Earth to enjoy proper spiritual freedom and truly boundless exploration within the multi-universal realms.

But you won't get it from a single paragraph, and neither would I expect you to. It's taken me ten years, struggling with all the doubts, all the moral concerns, and all the theological dilemma of being faced with my practical/mystical experience of a loving God, who seemingly contradicted His nature as I had experienced it to be, by commanding / allowing such practices in antiquity. It's been hard going, but I am confident in my understanding, and hope to dispel some of the more common misconceptions surrounding Judaism and Christianity, here on ATS, before attempting to make a living doing the same sort of thing as an author.

As I said, I'll write a thread, or two, or three, then invite you to review the material, and hopefully you'll get a new understanding of what was going on in time, in order to prepare for eternity. Many simply will not accept it, and could not accept it, without an experience of the presence of Almighty God to prepare them for the learning curve. I understand that totally, and am fully prepared for the flaming from all quarters.

If I was in this for the flags/ stars, responder posts consisting of flattery for the benefit of my ego (effectively, for a big 'love-in' on ATS) then I would probably start channeling Zeta Reticulans, instead of explaining the doctrine and practice of Judaism and Christianity. I feel called to take the harder path, so that is what I am doing. And of course, as evidenced in this thread, I will make a few mistakes along the way due to simple human failings and limitations - such as frustration arising from the force of my convictions regarding absolutes of truth - and simple things, like tiredness brought about by my health conditions.



posted on Aug, 8 2012 @ 06:39 PM
I thought I'd link a song to put a little music to this idea. It's country and its kinda slow, just a warning.

It really is true tho, we are all connected and if you send out good vibes, you will be rewarded. Do I know how it works? Sure I do, you have a bigger impact on your world than you can possibly realize.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by FlyInTheOintment

And example, feeling very blue for a few days, feeling that the arguments of family members, the situation not at all what I would wish, and my thyroid gone for years, unable to cope with everything, always blaming self and praying to be able to not let Family above down, nor family here. Here close to the coast, we had thick cloud cover, and rain for days.

Then suddenly, at the glass sliding doors, without noticing until the end that the sun was almost out, and shining wonderfully. Not really shining, wasn't fully out, more of glowing wonderfully.

But, I was in full contact with Guides/ETs, tall blonds in blue uniforms, my own family, and could see them, with insight??? Telepathy??? Anyway. I was told over and over, with this uplifted inner healing, to be Love, be gentle with everyone around me, use humor. Turn my negative thoughts around. Have patience. When the going gets rough, crank up the humor and don't forget hugs (after all this time, this is being paraphrased). To be gentle with myself, as well. And I had tears running down my face, and prayed/had a talk with Family, Dad/Mom, asking them why me, I wanted everyone to have this joy and help too.

Way too many things like that to remember right now. But you know, you are filled with such gratitude and joy, and even healed, uplifted and strive to shine your light into the world.
edit on 11-8-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by dogstar23
reply to post by Realtruth

What I really find interesting is that,I feel like I'm a good person, good to others, etc., but lately, I have felt an extra internal "push" to put in extra effort to be kind and helpful to everyone - even to manage jerks/scumbags with kindness. The results, both for my feelings and the reactions of others have been noticeable and great! My first child was born just over 2 months ago - this could have something to do with my increased awareness of such things, but maybe part of it is this process you discuss.

I have been feeling the same thing as of late, I figured it was just m

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 11:05 AM
If some of this "backlash" doesn't start happening to our elected officials, and soon, it really doesn't matter if we get it. They are the ones who start the wars, ruin economies and suppress the masses. I hope they get what they deserve. But, till I see some of them getting prosecuted for their crimes, I'll assume it's business as usual.

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 11:16 AM
Woke this morning, felt as if I was someplace very nice, and was thinking of all the kids, my sons friend who spends most of his free time here and sleepovers for years, was yearning for an eco farm back home again, with everyone, and was shown, we are there already. A little more light filled form of us, more upgraded, more light bodies. Was shown was there already. I could feel my guide from sleep with me, and saw my oldest son relaxed and happy in our alternate place, dressed a little different, and our friends parents, everyone, there as well, in a really abundant and positive world, and then was told, our bodies are made of light here as well. To see and focus on healing and abundance for all, for every person, generous abundance, for all, for nature, for mother earth, everyone and all.

Yesterday was reading Dolores Cannon's convulted universe, I think its book IV, while my son delivered papers, my leg was so swollen I nearly slept 12 hours last night. This message kept coming to me, that we all have this new energy light within waking us up, nothing was going to stop this awakening, for even the leaders and controllers here also are to awake. And quite dryly it came, they weren't waking up fast enough.

For "free will" and the bungee cord. That is the reality, where only Love, Goodness, Learning, Joy, and even Progression is "REAL". Source and Family, Love and Learning, is real. The shadow and mud puddles and free will choices to harm are not real, but distortions.

We all come in with a bungee cord, contracts to the heart of free will, only possible in sanity and with what is real, there is no Source and Family supporting nonstop clinging to delusion and rights to play in the mudpile as "free will". We are contracted with bungee cords to grow and progress in the reality, only so long in the lessons, and straying off course.

So those leaders should start to wake up too. And we need to help them by vividly asking for it, seeing it, even reminding them, the mud is going to dissipate, so get with the real program.

edit to add: and a message coming through, that there is much help available for everyone, the energy/light/love/goodness and family is around us always. And when a person has health issues, as mine developed in the last year, they move and accomplish things beyond their health energy, they are drawing on the light within, they are being supported in their daily activities, and sometimes this can be felt, picked up, by those aware, those who are striving to be water, that they're in the company of Family. Light shines strongly in weakness, and needing to be topped up brings one in awareness of the abundant Family and help they're receiving. Its hard to put into words what I'm saying.

its like a big cup pours out 1/3 of its energy and that is alot, so it feels its doing a lot. A smaller cup, pours out all of its cup, so much it has to recharge and sleep for 12 hours, to try and recover and heal, and they keep filling up the small cup again and again, so its not only giving out of its abilities but some of beyond too.

Never judge those around you.
edit on 16-2-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2013 @ 12:18 PM
I just want to add a quick second, because this uplifted feeling/message is still with me, and Im so happy. My friend was writing to me about a NWO documentary, and my Guide would have none of that it felt like, the message was, it doesnt matter what the coloring page is, what matters is what we color it with, and in fact we can influence the coloring page outline, with prayer, with intercessions, with shining our light and doing our best, with Love. Love wins always, for nothing else is real. Even if the solar system disappeared, Love still wins and every soul is Love as well. Not to cling to dark squares in us, run with our reactions and anger, but work to color the page up, be zenmind, observe how we respond, so that we may become aware of a little me in lower frequency saying something and the higher me, lighter frequency and more aware, trying to withdraw those words from the little me, you become aware of layers of self, and strive to reach into more Loving responses and positive squares.

We don't want to lose a grade or anything, we're Love, and we don't want to cling to what is delusions and shadow, and play in the mudpile and have many inches caked on us, for when that shadow/dust/mud blows away, we don't want to shrink our Love/Light soul orb because of it.

So its not the coloring page but how we color the page and that in turn can overcome the outline itself and help heal the planet/world/realm.
edit on 16-2-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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