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A Message From My Guides About Our Actions

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posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by sled735

Alfred: „Droidus, what are the changes?"
Droidus: "Big changes will come"
Droidus: "They will be sweeping."

Uh-oh, Droidus didn't answer the question...

Alfred: "And the signs?"
Droidus: "All humans will see them"
Droidus: "Some people will have incomprehension"

Not again! He didn't answer the question!

Alfred: „Will there be many people?"
Droidus: "Many people will be at a loss."

Now he's being deliberately obfuscatory, and again, is failing to properly answer the question. There is no detail, there is no clarity, there is no substance! What the hell is the point of talking to Droidus? I might as well be talking to my dog.

It just gets even better - let's analyse the following:

Alfred: „Do extraterrestrial beings play a role?"
Droidus: "We are all brothers and sisters"
Droidus: "All-there-is is vigilant about this"

So - Droidus once again fails to answer the question. He 'expands' on his failure to answer by providing further obfuscatory and totally irrelevant information. 'All-there-is' is a demonic deception referring to God - these entities want you to believe that somehow God is constituted of everything in existence, including paedophiles, rapists and murderers, death and chaos, loss and depression. What a pile of crap.

But wait, there's more dross to come:

Alfred: „Will many people die?"
Droidus: "It is different"
Droidus: "You will understand"
Remark: My guide didn't negate that ET beings are involved

Sorry Alfred, but Droidus is avoiding - consistently - every question you put to him. What kind of answer is 'It is different' to the question 'Will many people die?' What is different? The price of fish in the Netherlands? Then he tells you that 'You will understand'...

Alfred, I can assure you that while you listen to this spirit of hell, you will understand precisely nothing.

Your comments indicate that you have been drawn into a false worship of this entity - believing it to be good, even in the face of the evidence that it is not playing fair with you. He didn't tell you that aliens don't exist, but what did he tell you? A huge stack of NOTHING. You are ascribing goodness to this being, when it is demonstrating in its contact that it has no concern with providing reassuring, or even relevant, answers to your genuinely understandable questions.

Waking State
Broadcast von "Kira", Sonntag, 15. Januar 2012, 4.00am
Kira: "LEEZA!"
Kira: "We will arrive soon!"
Kira: "Be prepared. Be prepared."
Kira: "We rejoice with you"
Kira: "It will be wonderful"
Remark: I was informed by my guide that "LEEZA" means "Dear lovelies" (or similar)

Waking State
Remark: I woke up from sleep when i received a long message from a new ET contact. I was not able to write it down but i remembered the content

Summary - Message by "BanZaMa" - Thursday, 19. April 2012, appx. 2.15pm
* meaningful events are coming up soon for all humans
* our star sisters and brothers are associated with this
* "BanZaMa" describes us as "brothers" and "sisters"
* The humans will rejoice at this
* There will be many people with lack of understanding about these events
* These people will need contact points to calm them and to explain the background
* "BanZaMa" many times emphasized "Be prepared" and "Be vigilant of the signs"
* He communicated the feeling that these events will happen soon

Good Lord, what a pile of useless and misdirecting crap.

Seriously, I don't know what to say. It is trite, shallow, utterly vague, utterly without clarity, promising wonders to come - but without giving ANY details.

'These events will happen soon'. Great! Now we know when to expect them - sort of.
Wait - what are we expecting again?

Remark: In the past my guide always refered to those events as "it will happen soon". This hasn't be very precisely at all. A few weeks ago he changed to "Before snow falls" and "When the birds are flying". [/quote

So, by my reasoning, these things should be happening RIGHT NOW in many parts of the world. Surely they must?! Birds are flying, and no snow is falling.

Come on Alfred! Wake up and smell the fake roses!

ARGH! It is so unbelievably frustrating to see how many people are sucked in by this nonsense. Please, use the critical faculties God blessed you with and take an in-depth look at the way these entities are stringing you along, from one contact to the next, giving out 'prophecies' which can IN FACT be interpreted as ANYTHING happening at ANY TIME.

THEY HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE! THEY ARE MAKING IT ALL UP! They themselves have seen the genuine signs of the Age, and are pumping out these tirades of chicanery, so that when something does happen, they can claim the glory and attract worship to themselves.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by 1questioner

What about the risk that your "Spirit Guide" is not tricking you? Just about everything I have read (religious based) cautions one about contacting these guides as they are usually demons deceiving the receiver.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by wrkn4livn
reply to post by 1questioner

What about the risk that your "Spirit Guide" is not tricking you? Just about everything I have read (religious based) cautions one about contacting these guides as they are usually demons deceiving the receiver.

As opposed to what MSM, politicians, or our government?

Wouldn't it be a much better world if people actually empowered and trusted their own intuitions rather than the "demons deceiving the receiver", in our current physical reality.

We are deceived on a daily basis by the powers all around us, yet the majority of people dismiss it and still know right from wrong.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 10:29 AM
This means a quickening in realizing how we are affecting others, and in waking up, possibly due to the frequency changes and the energies incoming. More will become aware.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

Thanks for the tale friend.

I thought to myself “It can’t be that simple”, but the fact remains, it was. I knew I just needed to stop searching so hard and just “Relax”. This has allowed many messages to flow over the years.

I have learned this myself as-well fairly recently, though means which sadly can't be discuss on here..

Anyways enjoyed reading this, it was pretty insightful

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Sinny

I have to absolutely agree with you. Spirit Science is awesome, and I (honestly) like their human history/evolution movie more than anything anyone ever taught me in school...

To the OP:

I know you're on the right track. It's the Golden Rule, do unto other as you would have done unto you. And I really think this is something that has become pretty common sense. (At least in my circles..)

I do believe that we are evolving as a species, and really coming to understand that we ARE all connected, in one way or another. Even if you don't believe all the spiritual stuff, you have to understand that all of us are really biologically related to one another (I think it's pretty much taken as scientific fact - the "bottleneck"). So why would you look upon someone else as a stranger? We all came from the same place.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Realtruth

Thank You for sharing this. We should all learn to quiet our minds and listen to our hearts. This is the problem!

Our minds are constantly being attacked and manipulated.
The very word Government means to control the mind.
Govern = "to influence or control". Ment or mente is latin for "the mind".

This is why Everything is externalized, material wealth, worship of ball players and movie stars, its the "he who has the most things wins!" mentality.

This all is meant to pull us away from the" Internal " Ourselves. We need to realize that we create the turmoil in this world through our thoughts. All actions are first thoughts! This is why we are constantly fed negativity and violence through what is supposed to be Entertainment. I call it Entrainment.

The only thing we will take with us from the experience we have in this lifetime is the love and connection's we make. If we create love and positivity we will join the Grand Loving Positive Collective " Heaven"
Our things will stay behind and become someone else's property. You can't take it with you!

If you only create hatred and negativity in this life you will join the grand collective negativity "Hell".

Just my opinion. And thanks again for the Feel-Good thread.

We need more of this instead of the usual gloom and doom.

We are what we eat.. Physically, mentally and spiritually.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Foundryman
You have an active imagination. Other than that, there is no way to verify anything thing you posted. You mentioned this was during lucid dreaming, which means your subconscious was poking through. Furthermore it appears you may have been influenced by the pagan "rule of three" where your actions comes back to you multiplied by three. Do good, feel good. Do bad, feel bad. Your post is suspiciously very similar to that concept.

The reason why it is similar to that concept is because it's true. I used to be skeptical of this stuff too, until I had my first OBE. The Intersting thing is that when you are on the other side, it feels more real than what we call reality today. I too, have tried to convey the messages and experiences of my journey on the other side. This era of humanity, is still grossly unaware of the illusions of our reality, let alone the higher realms that coexists with our own earthly plane.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 12:27 PM
Hey Truth, First thing, Spirit guides do exist. I have been in lucid dream states where I have met mine. I have had 2 old European scenes like yours but they were drug induced and the folks then were more inquisitive of me then I was of them.

Secondly. So this karma based age that we are about to begin. Did your fellow tell you that the "ripple effect" was nondiscriminatory. I.E. My uncle does something bad so my daughter takes the hit kinda mentality? Could you explain more on kinda how this will work out.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by BlastedCaddy
Secondly. So this karma based age that we are about to begin. Did your fellow tell you that the "ripple effect" was nondiscriminatory. I.E. My uncle does something bad so my daughter takes the hit kinda mentality? Could you explain more on kinda how this will work out.

Very good question, let me explain it more in detail how I understood it.

It will be nondiscriminatory, and based only on the individual who perpetrates the action, meaning if I do something be it good, or bad this act will be felt by that individual only, unless the act is perpetuated down the line.

What that individual will feel though is the impact they have on everyone downstream of their actions.

Example: I decide to do something out of anger, like smack you in the face for insulting me, for this particular action I will get to experience the result of that action, meaning that I will feel your pain, emotions, and suffering from the victims perspective. The experience will not stop there, unless the victim is a strong soul and has the restraint to end the cycle.

It doesn't end there, if the victim acts out in anger towards someone else, because they are angry, then they will get to experience the new victims pains, as well as the original perpetrator feeling the new victims pains, and so on.

Actions of Love and compassion will automatically perpetuate exponentially, since they are the highest law of the universe. Not much to explain here since most people understand the implication of goodness.

Awareness will come rather quickly with this MO, because it's what some may call "Instant Karmic Feedback".

Again this is not meant as punishment, nor reward, just awareness to one's individual actions, and the implications they have on everyone else.

Peace Out,

edit on 5-8-2012 by Realtruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 01:03 PM
I honestly don't think these things work universally like you describe. It's an interesting experience, but when I have a profound dream, I never think it has any meaning outside of myself. It's a personal experience.

Being able to look at someone and have such a strong connection that it's as if you can see their history and future is not unknown to me. I think some people have this ability and most don't.

edit on 5-8-2012 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 01:36 PM
Never had a conclusive decision my self on spirit guides I guess I do like the idea of there being one and have heard in different books such as adventures beyond the body by William Buhlman, and other articles about outer body travel and people actually being able to see what they believe to be there spirit guide in them. Or even in the book listed above were he talks about them manipulating his body some how to be better able to contact the spirit realm(or what he refers to as a different dimension). But no real conclusive prove has been submitted toward these guides so much like religion it all seems so speculative.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 02:18 PM
I remember a nice chat we had once... about these experiences you've had. Thanks for sharing again!

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by jashn20002000
Never had a conclusive decision my self on spirit guides I guess I do like the idea of there being one and have heard in different books such as adventures beyond the body by William Buhlman, and other articles about outer body travel and people actually being able to see what they believe to be there spirit guide in them. Or even in the book listed above were he talks about them manipulating his body some how to be better able to contact the spirit realm(or what he refers to as a different dimension). But no real conclusive prove has been submitted toward these guides so much like religion it all seems so speculative.

I wouldn't worry about it, everyone is inevitably going to witness it for themselves within the next 100 years. It will be the Death of THAT which you believed defined you as a living being. You will witness your own eternal self. Words can not describe the immensity of being that each of you are. But for most of us, that truth is burried underneath our mental conditioning, mental concepts, memories and social influences.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 02:32 PM
Yes yes yes yes!
Wow, how did I slip past this thread earlier today?

A big thanks to RealTruth for sharing your experience, and also to everyone else who added to the great discussion.
I am not someone who is able to receive insight through dreams or OBE's, so it is always great to hear from you guys who do.

But for what it's worth, my experiences have been following the exact same course as many of you here. And as the user darkbake said on page 2, they are insights which I haven't forced, but rather have seemed to be poured on to me, and only after a bit of time, in retrospect do I realise why it was so vital.
The speeding up of cause and effect... spot on! I even made notes of my attention to it in my notebook the other day.

Thanks again fellow ATS'ers. You have helped me to lift my head again.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 03:02 PM
I have these spirit guides or whatever they are also. I ask them a question and they give me the answer no matter what the question. Sometimes I don't understand what they are trying to tell me and have to research what they say. I could just ask for simple things but I want to learn so ask complex questions and go backwards from the answer and forward from the question and see what it all means. The strange thing I have found about this is that during researching this everything I need is already researched and although hard to find it can be found. Most of this stuff is hidden from people because it requires exact wording to find the research.

Who are these "Others" as I call them? I think it's a communication of some sort. Some with other people and some with plants and animals. Sounds almost like something the Indians talk about. I find problems with some of the environmentally friendly technology I am showed, it can be used as a weapon or capitalized on by people to profit from it and cause great harm to the world. Some of these thoughts they give me are so advanced they seem incomprehensible. But they are not and are very viable with tons of research to back them up in the higher sciences. It's weird that our sciences would withhold this from the people who pay their wages. Lots of products we see in common use incorporate a part of what they are saying but the reason why these things work is not available to the public, they are patented.

The "Others" tell me this will all change in the near future. They do not tell me what or when, only that change is coming. I'm not sure with whom I am communicating, the information that they give I have never heard of. Other people also talk to them in thought, I am not alone. Is it god? Is it angels? Is it the trees? Is it other humans? How about aliens? I don't know. Nothing they give me can hurt others or be considered evil if used as intended but most can be misused by evil or greedy people. Most of what they say already has patents already anyway and the patents are active and not used, most now owned by big business and possibly government. This is one of the main reasons I came to ATS, to see if others were having this same communication and if so, who they thought was behind it.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by wrkn4livn
reply to post by 1questioner

What about the risk that your "Spirit Guide" is not tricking you? Just about everything I have read (religious based) cautions one about contacting these guides as they are usually demons deceiving the receiver.

I understand what you're saying. In fact, my first reaction to my experience was to be a little spooked. I never thought I would contact a real presence and that is why I said; "...I'm still trying to deal with."

But let's look at what happened. I was told to "be good to others, help others and enjoy every moment of my life." How is that bad? The reassurance and love I felt gave me total peace and joy. How is that bad?

I've tried several times since my experience to contact this presence through mediation but I've been unsuccessful. If I never have contact again, that's alright with me. It was an incredible experience and it kind of was the Cliff's Notes on how life should be lived. What else do I really need?

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by SolarIce
reply to post by Realtruth

Thanks for the tale friend.

I thought to myself “It can’t be that simple”, but the fact remains, it was. I knew I just needed to stop searching so hard and just “Relax”. This has allowed many messages to flow over the years.

I have learned this myself as-well fairly recently, though means which sadly can't be discuss on here..

Anyways enjoyed reading this, it was pretty insightful

I'd like to know what and how you experienced this!

As well as why you feel it cant be discussed here?

I know some people aren't open to some things, BUT some of us are.

I'd love to hear what you have to say!

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 04:16 PM
Thanks for the post . Like the part were your guided pointed to your forehead and said relax.I had a really lucid dream about 8 years ago and it was like someone was talking to me and said his/her name.Then I was walking he up the stairs and into a bedroom and with my hands on fire and put my hands on a woman's head.This woman I did a healing on a month ago about headaches.She never had a headache after the healing until that night of my lucid dream because I talked to her two days later and she did have a headache that night .I did another healing on her.I haven't had another dream quite like it again.I have been using binaural tones(theta ) before going to bed and have had lucid dreams.When I don't use the tones I dont have lucid dreams.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

This is very interesting. People will have so much to learn. I believe people do not understand the pain and hurt they cause other people without even thinking about it. No one ever seems to put them selves in other peoples positions and are so quick to judge and make give opinion.

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