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How The Republican Party Stole The Nomination of Ron Paul, and it will be a Federal Crime To Protest

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posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by jjf3rd77

I didn't mean literally no one. There are people that say everything. There are people here that say the world is ruled by lizards.. they aren't a majority. I shouldn't have to spell everything out for you.

No.. nothing I have said about Romney is a lie and I will back up any of it.

You are crazy because you want Romney to be a good president and good person.. but he isn't and he wouldn't be. He is a rich guy that wants to play president. That's it. You are just towing the party line like a slave.

I am not supporting Obama. I support Ron Paul. There is no difference between Obama and Romney so of course I don't support Obama. Romney would be a worse president though.
edit on 4-8-2012 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by matthewgraybeal

Second, how it will be a federal crime to protest it at The RNC

Anti-Occupy Law Article

Please discuss amongst yourselves.

Good god. Who cares who's been nominated for anything after reading that? I've never felt more lucky to be living in Canada, even though it's really not much better as far as having a right to protest important events.

This law should make most people realize that they are, in fact, not free. But like similar unconstitutional laws passed without so much as a whisper from the MSM, many will not even realize this has been passed, and nobody will we be telling them that they should be angry!
edit on 4-8-2012 by theshepherd2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by jjf3rd77

I didn't mean literally no one. There are people that say everything. There are people here that say the world is ruled by lizards.. they aren't a majority. I shouldn't have to spell everything out for you.

You Specifically said:

Originally posted by jjf3rd77

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by jjf3rd77

No one said he was secretly winning except fool trolls such as ye self.

Ron Paul is secretly taking over the GOP--And it's driving people insane

Ron Paul is winning

Ron Paul is Really Winning the battle of the delegates
Mitt Romney scared Ron Paul is winning

Ron Paul will win the Republican Nomination and the Presidency:

Ron Paul: I can still win

Ron Paul Predicts Super Tuesday Win

Ron Paul Wins A Future Debate

Ron Paul IS BEATING Romney

Did Mitt Romney Win?

The amount of ignorance you show is stunning!

Who cares is right have fun wallowing in your self pity and ignorance. Well if I am crazy for thinking that Romney will be a great President. Call me crazy! I'm willing to give him a chance and you once told me that you'd vote for Obama over Romney so there is no hope in your direction!

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by manna2

A flag for you my friend. I agree 100%
There is no other candadate besides Ron Paul.
Unless you want the same ole same ole.

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by matthewgraybeal

You post the facts according to what the media tells you.
6 people control all that you see and hear. And what did you call them? Facts? really?

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by jjf3rd77

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by jjf3rd77

I didn't mean literally no one. There are people that say everything. There are people here that say the world is ruled by lizards.. they aren't a majority. I shouldn't have to spell everything out for you.

You Specifically said:

Originally posted by jjf3rd77

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by jjf3rd77

No one said he was secretly winning except fool trolls such as ye self.

Ron Paul is secretly taking over the GOP--And it's driving people insane

Ron Paul is winning

Ron Paul is Really Winning the battle of the delegates
Mitt Romney scared Ron Paul is winning

Ron Paul will win the Republican Nomination and the Presidency:

Ron Paul: I can still win

Ron Paul Predicts Super Tuesday Win

Ron Paul Wins A Future Debate

Ron Paul IS BEATING Romney

Did Mitt Romney Win?

The amount of ignorance you show is stunning!

Who cares is right have fun wallowing in your self pity and ignorance. Well if I am crazy for thinking that Romney will be a great President. Call me crazy! I'm willing to give him a chance and you once told me that you'd vote for Obama over Romney so there is no hope in your direction!

What are you whining about you have the exact same stance just read your own commits.....

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by jjf3rd77

Nevermind man. You have to be like 10 years old. There are millions of Ron Paul supporters, most of us know where he really stands. We know that he was defrauded vote and we know that Romney supporters have constantly cheated (which has been proven many times now).

I will almost assuredly be voting Ron Paul, because Romney doesn't have a chance in hell, but if it came down to having to choose I would throw my vote to Obama to keep Romney from winning because I know he is worse for the country. It's just painfully obvious, sorry you are incapable of understanding.

Also you're crazy. You are giving him a chance at the expense of having a great man as our president for once in our lifetimes.. nice.
edit on 4-8-2012 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

A vote for Obamma will still be throwing it away.
Just write in Ron Paul like I'm going to do.
At least you wont feel like you threw your vote away...

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 08:35 PM
Can't people just ignore people that they feel troll? Reading a back and forth of "you troll!" "No you troll!" "you're the worst troller ever" "No YOU are" really distracts from the topic at hand.

I think the theory of RP being robbed is a possibility, why not? I also think that the point that people think he's secretly winning is also proven in this thread. Yeah, it's not a majority of people but it's still people who believe that and that seems to be a point confused early on that you didn't clarify, you just put that poster down and called him a troll. It was a question, one that you could have calmly clarified without seeming so nasty.

I get that it wasn't what you were trying to say but if you're not going to be patient when someone asks you to be clear it takes away from what I think is a valid point. Being self defensive about trolls only makes trolls look more credible.

posted on Aug, 4 2012 @ 10:30 PM
I cant say I have looked deeply into the actual policies of Ron Paul. But as an outsider. One whom, like many, felt a glimmer of hope when you guys elected a black man, thinking finally American's have woken up to the separation happening in our world. But now, watching Obama go back on just about everything he ever said. How could you still look to someone who will just keep the status quo? Beit Obama or Romney.

I mean, why not give the new fella a try. He cant be worse than what you have right now. Where-as with the other two, you know it will be the same, then worse.

I have a vested interest in this aswell, as do many in this world, because our (Uk) weak and pathetic politicians, and parliamentary system, for some inexplicable reason (cough-backhanders-cough), keeps following your president into whichever war they want next.

How's about Obama brings your troops home, like he said he would, so ours can come home too.

If I lived there, I would for sure give Ron a go. The guy doesn't have many years left, and I don't see many like him being produced over there.

Anyway, sorry for the rant, its only my second post.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by AdamOver

I'm new here too, Adam. Though, I've frequented ATS for a long time for good bits of quick information. I have to say that, politically, there is a definite divide when it comes to people on here. I don't mean party affiliation either.

I mean that people either flagrantly ignore facts or cling to them, wishing to interpret them as they please.

It should be clear to any level-headed person sick of the way our government/ president is running things that change is needed. The only person providing a new perspective is RP. Therefore, it should also be easy to figure out when that new perspective is being actively suppressed.

And it didn't take a genius to figure out who was being forced down my throat from the start.

Obama as the incumbent and Romney as "everyone's greater interest, even if you don't know it yet and haven't seen a darn thing that separates him from Obama in a good way."

Then you turn on the tv, talk to a friend, read a newspaper, and even look on a forum to see who is being mentioned constantly. And most sources don't even know why they're all over one single candidate but they are anyway.

Ron Paul was more frequently "left out" of articles, poll reporting, and general news reporting more than any other candidate. His share of time to speak during the debates were always shorter. News stations had more "glitches" and "missed" cues when he spoke, and his televised debate time was the shortest I've ever seen (around 4min for one) while all the shots attempted to crop him out or pan to other candidates while he spoke.

It was systematic. They suppressed him and many GOP people did everything they could to make sure he wasn't their candidate. They stole it from him.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by jjf3rd77

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by jjf3rd77

I didn't mean literally no one. There are people that say everything. There are people here that say the world is ruled by lizards.. they aren't a majority. I shouldn't have to spell everything out for you.

You Specifically said:

Originally posted by jjf3rd77

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by jjf3rd77

No one said he was secretly winning except fool trolls such as ye self.

Ron Paul is secretly taking over the GOP--And it's driving people insane

Ron Paul is winning

Ron Paul is Really Winning the battle of the delegates
Mitt Romney scared Ron Paul is winning

Ron Paul will win the Republican Nomination and the Presidency:

Ron Paul: I can still win

Ron Paul Predicts Super Tuesday Win

Ron Paul Wins A Future Debate

Ron Paul IS BEATING Romney

Did Mitt Romney Win?

The amount of ignorance you show is stunning!

Who cares is right have fun wallowing in your self pity and ignorance. Well if I am crazy for thinking that Romney will be a great President. Call me crazy! I'm willing to give him a chance and you once told me that you'd vote for Obama over Romney so there is no hope in your direction!

You are all
and denied.

More msm propaganda to fall in with the steadily increasing stack.
And another troll under the bridge.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 03:24 AM
I know im not going to be popular with all youse Romney hacks, but iindeed it was aparent from the git go that Ron Paul was being frozen out of the nomination....
I expected it...was hoping not, but the whole shabang was tainted politics..plain as the nose on yer face.
In fact that has proven to me without doubt that America is neither free, nor sovriegn.
The whole damn shootin match is owned lock stock and freaking barrel by the corporate_banking interests and the military industrial establishment.
I dont look to America to lead the world out of the downward spiral its on.
I dont see any solution to the woes you are facing, that can be reached by following the slate of supremely self interested old white guys and criminals now in the goverment seats in DC.
Frankly the more i come to uderstand the psychology of these people the more i believe they are mostly a bunch of perverted. and jaded old fiends.
Goverment sure aint like it was portrayed on Davey Crokett, remember that.........

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 03:36 AM
there you have it.

America's citizens have knowingly voted for people who want to carry on the murder and the debt lies rather than live good honest lives.

Either that or the elections are rigged and a new Nazi state is upon us.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 05:02 AM
It really is beyond my comprehension how any American at this point could support Obama or Romney. I'm one of those "nuts" I guess, that supports Ron Paul, as futile as that may be. Every dirty trick in the book has been used against Ron Paul, the US citizens, and really the people of the World that will continue to be "ruled" by these ruthless, souless, war pig, child raping gangsters of evil......

Only 3 of OUR reps in the den of snakes, that is Washington DC, voted to preserve our right to protest against them in close proxemity, We have been told VERY clearly to stay the hell out of thier faces, and how little our "rights" mean to them.....

I mean come on, we can't have all those "wackos" intererupting all the "important" work our government is doing to "protect" us,,,and certainly we don't need some "freak" like Ron Paul having a voice in OUR Presidentual Debates.........

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 06:01 AM
dont feed the trolls.

If you dont think Ron Paul was blatanly ignored and bullied by the GOP- than you really are not paying attention to what is happening in this election cycle.

- Or- You are just a party troll.

The democrats were even involved, if not more involved in destroying Ron Pauls chances that it makes many people realize that their two party system has turned into a one party orgy.

Those that are a threat to their ideals- are casted out. If you cant see that- im sorry for you.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by Beavers

Have to agree here. You would have to think the intelligence level over there is falling rapidly. Let's hope (as I do over here) - that those that come after us, our children and grandchildren, will stand up to these Because there is very little hope left for our generation to do something about it.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by psuxavier

Precisely. It took me no more than a few months to become disappointed with the lack of change Obama brought. How anyone can consider a second term for him is beyond me. As for Romney (shrugs). Will you people Ever let a real person, you know someone who actually does things for you the people, instead of lining their pockets day-after-day, into the white house to clean up these criminal.?

And yes, I am fully aware that the president is merely a puppet, (as KRSOne (sic) said), Obama is like the manager of burger king. But when your burger is cold, or your fries are undercooked, you never get to see the Franchise Owner (the real people who pull the strings) - Ron Paul has shown he will not abide by their agenda. He would abolish the Fed, that alone would be 'Change we can believe in'.

If Americans continue to vote for these rich lunatics, who have nothing but contempt for your citizens, I honestly believe I will see the collapse of your country in my lifetime. All the rich will leave, the rest of you will have to fight it out between yourselves.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 07:06 AM
I would love to see Ron Paul become a demoncrat. He's like that drunkin Uncle that is always at the family holidays that everyone just tolerates but hopes every year that he doesn't show up.

posted on Aug, 5 2012 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by seabag

So it is YOUR opinion that there was NO FRAUD and Ron Paul simply lost to the better candidate?

I have a real hard time believing that ANY state could be as #ed up as Nevada's RNC on accident.

I have been watching the process in every state and they have all had insiders rigging votes, ballot stuffing, making new rules up to change outcomes etc etc. The Repugnican party is a joke. There is no honor. They do not serve the electorate. They should be removed just like their Dem brothers and put in FEMA camps and then use some non-torture torture on them for fun.

If you can honestly say you support the Republican party after this fiasco you are either in complete denial or a total idiot. Either way you are not worthy of the time it took to put these thoughts on this page and neither is your party or any of its members except for RP.

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