posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 05:02 PM
We have just entered; the moratorius mausoleum
Khan, Gandhi and Einstein; it's here we can see them
This is my one vice; the only payment I asked
I get the first pick; once they have passed
I often pick their brains; as time widdles away
In between episodes of; Coven's question of the day!
Coven's Question of the Day - August 03, 2012
Where will humanity be in a hundred years?
I have a young child and another on the way, so there is a possibility that they could live to see the year 2112.
What would our world be like then?
In 1912 the world was still 8 years away from the first radio news broadcast. It was the first year an electric starter appeared in a car(yes! no more
hand crank!!). Italy became the first country to use an airship in its military. And the first street cars appeared in San Fransisco.
Wow, we have come a long way in a hundred years. Will the next hundred years see the same huge jump in our technological capabilities? Instead of
dreaming of merely going into space on once in a life time trip, will the vacationer of the future dream of going to another galaxy? Or another
dimension? Or into the future/past?
Will we even be here? I doubt that we will be able to completely kill ourselves off, but what if we have to vacate the planet? Could we become a
wandering species, looking for another home?
A lot of questions I know, so what do you think?
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” ― George Orwell, 1984
“The future is already here – it's just not evenly distributed." The Economist, December 4, 2003 ― William Gibson