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Demon Types and Sides of Hell

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posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 06:07 PM
There have been different types of demons told about,but does that mean there are different sides of Hell?If Hell is indeed the underworld would that not mean that if a demon takes an aquatic look and behavior would that mean that Hell has its own fiery waters?There's also the classic red black horned demon,that should mean that it's an aboveground demon.There are so many different ideas and looks to demons it's hard to decide,but their look and behavior should give you an idea of what kind it is and what part of Hell it originated from.

posted on Oct, 10 2004 @ 07:32 PM

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 11:02 PM
Well... thats a big list of demons...

posted on Oct, 11 2004 @ 11:21 PM
I thought demon/hell was a manifestation of your deepest fears? Therefore making the number of possibilities endless. If sitting watching ren and stimpy in a 4'x5' room is your hell, well then....

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 02:44 AM
Dantes inferno is a tour guide through hell, various levels etc.
haven't read it myself. I woulds rather read something more lighthearted and fun.

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by Corinthas
Dantes inferno is a tour guide through hell, various levels etc.
haven't read it myself. I woulds rather read something more lighthearted and fun.

no kidding, the test is going to land u in hell no matter what u choose on it, its totally biased and obviously supposed to be comical since its claiming we are all going to hell who take the test,, watching paint dry has more value then that site

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by genesiss

Originally posted by Corinthas
Dantes inferno is a tour guide through hell, various levels etc.
haven't read it myself. I woulds rather read something more lighthearted and fun.

no kidding, the test is going to land u in hell no matter what u choose on it, its totally biased and obviously supposed to be comical since its claiming we are all going to hell who take the test,, watching paint dry has more value then that site

well, i found it funny...

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 10:01 AM
Diabolist mythology centers around the belief of different layers or levels of Hell..."The Nine Hells". The names of these levels are often synonyms for hell, such as "Tarterus", "Hades", etc. Often, the level rulers are likewise synonyms for the Christian Devil, such as "Asmodeus", "Bealzabub", etc.

People likewise often confuse demons with devils. Demons are said to be inhabitants of the Abyss (666 layers), not the Nine Hells.

Dante's book is certainly an interesting read, even if the ramblings of a madman perhaps... One thing is for sure, if a person believes in Hell, they'll certainly fear it ten times more after reading it!!!

posted on Oct, 12 2004 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Corinthas
Dantes inferno is a tour guide through hell, various levels etc.
haven't read it myself

"When you arrive, you will want to put your hands over your ears because of the lamentations of the sinners here, who are afflicted with scabs like leprosy, and lay sick on the ground, furiously scratching their skin off with their nails. Indeed, justice divine doth smite them with its hammer."

What a truely terrifying bit of descriptive narrative.
You can see the power in it for the suceptable, or those, of whom shall we say, have a less enquiring mind ?

Hell, even I'm tempted to repent. (Err, no pun intended !).


As a kinda aside - I was amused at the kinda prejudged noanswerable nature of some of the questions on the test site (or bias if you prefer) ... such as "Think about some of the sinful or wrong things you've done in the past. Do you foresee yourself continuing to do these things?" - Either answer of course implies you have committed a 'sin' ... (but at least you have hope for redemption I guess).

More on this theme here -

I likewise found the 'test' entertaining, I have to say.
NB: this post isn't religious flaming in any way, it's just drawn from my subjective views, and isn't a statement of The Truth.

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 11:24 AM
I hate to say it seriously, but AD&D has wrote this up before, especially in their Planescape setting and their original books. It's most likley as good a primer as

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 02:17 PM

I hate to say it seriously, but AD&D has wrote this up before, especially in their Planescape setting and their original books. It's most likley as good a primer as

Indeed...much of that game's material on planes of existance is based on such mythology. This is mostly Old Testament, Kaballah type material. It also draws on the similar heirarchy in regards to the inhabitants of the 7 Heavens (whose names are also synonymous with Heaven, such as the Elysian Fields, Halls of Valhalla, etc.) Archangels, Seraphims, etc.

posted on Oct, 13 2004 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by Assassin

Originally posted by genesiss

Originally posted by Corinthas
Dantes inferno is a tour guide through hell, various levels etc.
haven't read it myself. I woulds rather read something more lighthearted and fun.

no kidding, the test is going to land u in hell no matter what u choose on it, its totally biased and obviously supposed to be comical since its claiming we are all going to hell who take the test,, watching paint dry has more value then that site

well, i found it funny...

it's not called "The Divine Comedy" for nothing, I suppose...

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