posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 02:36 PM
A Kill Zone is an very old, long term military tactic for ambush. It is used when there is to many of them and to few of you. An area is set apart. To
weaken, cause confusion, dissolution, control information, control communication, restrict money, create poverty for control, restrict travel, close
off any means to hide, use bio-weapons also for such after later sweeps, and to disarm. It is a snare with no means of escape. You take it down at the
very weakest point. The above takes time. Just note how long it takes to pick up all weapons door to door and resistance. Best done by foreign troops
today and one could use a black out of communication or a false cover and philological war. I would expect about 50% of gun pickup with no problem.
But keep in mind people can be cleaver.
To take it down on large scale you would not use a race issue. As noted in the King riots it only covered limited areas. The best would be a legal act
that would be seen as an extreme injustice. The object would be to turn victim against victim, bring out hidden weapons and use up limited ammo. As
the police and military smartly let all burn they stay back a week before action. All this limits casualties and the troops used are fresh well armed
following a plan. Take kids to local domes to be "safe", close off escape (ASAP) before it. Always after food becomes a weapon of control of the
public with the victors eat and flaunt wealth showing their pride or victory over the worthless eaters. It shows who is in authority and a
philological weapon. The same as under public law 102-14.
As I understand it two legal acts are coming. The second one after it is this one the pale horse Rev.6:8.