The olympic games are an ode to the human spirit, to know that the only physical limits are from the mind. You are only what you think you are.
If you are think you are better than another, then pay the price - TRAIN UP, with physical and mental discipline, and you will win.
Even if you lost, you would have won, for finally, you knew your limitations - mistakes made, by learning from what the winner did to win. He is only
a human just like you, bleed and laugh the same, no higher or lesser being than you.
This is what the Olympics is all about - hope and dreams.
BUT UNFORTUNATELY, it had became a nightmare for some - the way young kids were robbed from their biological parents and put through mental and
physical torture, to win medals for the State and then discarded and toss aside, when they fail or get old. Some nations practices this still.
Without families, there would not have been the State. When a State produces robots, it is not a human State, and not fit to join in the community of
mankind, to progress and evolve leaving none behind.
Those States have nothing to do with the celebration of the human spirit. Only robots are created in such manner.
The older days were better, where a kid spends only a quarter of his time on trainning, and the other three quarters for education and warmth of love
by parents, relatives and friends. It does not make him a lesser being, but it pushes him to want to do more, to bring pride and joy to his loved
ones, which matters most of all, and not for the sake of the State.
This is the true motivation that the Olympic games had sought to inspire, but then....medals are worth more to the State, and humans are just merely
robots to serve a purpose.
May such horrors and desecration to the human spirit ends, to allow the Olympic games to be truly what it was meant to be by the founders in ancient
edit on 4-8-2012 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)