posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 05:05 AM
Liberals: If you don't like what Dan Cathy had to say about same-sex marriage, don't eat at Chic-fil-A! If a guy chooses
to spend his money in a way that offends you well tough titty. Some people have opinions that, shocker of all shockers, are different from yours.
Don't be so ignorant.
Tell your friends why you're not going to eat there and leave it at that. Maybe you could even promote a similar company that is LBGT friendly. You
could, gosh I don't know, do something positive and productive instead making an ass of yourself in front of a place that sells chicken
Conservatives: You see a bunch of liberals protesting and your first thought is to buy a chicken sandwich?! To buy multiple chicken
sandwiches?! Because, volunteering at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter would make it seem as if you have your priorities straight, right? You just
throw fuel on the interminable fire of stupidity that is the Chic-fil-A controversy when you have your "buycotts".
You know who suffers the most in this? The employees of Chic-fil-A. Every last one of them. Whether they agree with Dan Cathy or not they have to put
up will all of this bs and go to work and smile and make chicken sandwich after chicken sandwich and listen to the idiots caterwauling on both sides
of the restaurant.
This whole situation is beyond absurd. There are far more pressing issues at hand and my fellow Americans have lost all sight of that. These are sad