posted on Aug, 3 2012 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere
Second line
Seriously everyone here talks about the new civil war coming or something needs to be done about the current situation in America etc etc..... This
guy did it. Yep love to send him a medal that was issued me as what he did was braver than what I did to receive mine and I went out twice!
Silo the cops use their own cars and get paid a per mile allowance so that lady in distress could be assured that a cop might appear or then again
another innocent dog may have been executed at the wrong address.... again! I know I was baited years ago into a race by a back east pig. Fortunately
when the two lanes entered into one I saw the pigs uniform ergo I let him win but I and 3 others in the car were in uniform and it was 1972. He let
me slide but I had to comment that he had to have one hell of an engine to catch me up that quick. The pig opened his bonnet and proudly showed off
his engine. In that district he told me that the county pays for the car but each officers was allowed to tinker with the engines. This car was all
power and chrome...
To get change people someone must stand up for what is right and right now with dogs being killed by stupid pigs at wrong addresses whilst the person
who made the call and was in danger got no pig, but the dog is dead..... One example of this police abuse was in an ATS thread yelled two orders in a
run on sentence, "hands up control your dog." so perhaps this individual is a non sheeple, unlike many here, stood up and was counted btw he may
have saved a few innocent dogs lives that day! One man stood up against the war on a God given herb whilst our tax payers pay for soldiers to protect
poppy files in Afghanistan, again another thread here on ATS. Hero you bet!!! Americans used to be like this once... I am sure all Americans studied
American history and should know this.
I for one would never ever make a 911 call! Ever! BTW I love my dog I will protect him with my life as he would for me!
Seriously the other thread that was closed was where I wanted to make this comment on as it was full of members who were more worried about taxes
going up to cover the cost than how many lives have been ruined over the government allowing one narcotic to be grown in a foreign land with American
soldiers protecting the fields that will make its way to USA as heroin. I can only understand this kind of under handed deal guarantees the police
budget for "their"* war on drugs. Sort of makes policing an herb more obscene if you ask me.
Guess what??? The taxes always goes up never down.... So what was the point regarding that its going to cost the tax payers!?!? Wheres your
* people say cops don't make the laws they enforce them.... poppycock the lawmakers and law enforcers are all TPTB I thought ATS members were
smarter than this.