The US has always used Chemical weapons ... you want me to tell you a real horror story?
Think, Mai Lai, Vietnam ... a platoon of soldiers raid a village, and murder women and children... Amongst these children infants. It was reported by
several reporters at the time, and since there was a huge anti-war movement i the US, it got attention. There was a congressional hearing on it, and
guess who appeared on stand ... yes, no other than Colin Powell. Who said that he wasn't with his platoon at Mai Lai ... ever heard of a soldier,
taking a vacation from is his war and then being called to the stand, to witness about what happened in his platoon during his absence?
During the Vietnam war, the US used "Agent Orange", a pestisite that was intended to "destroy" the forrest, which was in the way of effectively
fighting the war.
There is no measurement to count the deathtoll from the destruction of food supplies, and direct contact with Agent Orange ... but you can safely
count them in the millions. Agent Orange was intended to destroy crops for the rural population, and since this "rural" population didn't have an
official registered count, nobody cares that millions died.
This is just the beginning ...
During the Vietnam war, the US also used firebombs on villages that were primarily built from wooden material. These incindiary bombs, were used by US
airforce in their campaign agains Germany and Japan. They were used on populated areas ...
10 March 1945: 334 B-29s dropping incendiaries destroy ~267,000 buildings; ~25% of city[6] (Operation Meetinghouse) killing some 100,000
Such bombs as above, were much more effective in the Vietnam war, and were used, as said earlier, against rural aeras. Against an unregisered rural
population, where the effectiveness was probably close to 100%, given the kind of housing these rural areas in Vietnam had.
This is the history of the United States, it has mass murdered millions of civilians with chemical weapons, since WWII. And it is protected by it's
allies, so it never has to stand trial for it's war crimes.
Let me give you a clue ... murdering Ghaddaffi, is a war crime. Every war, that the United States has EVER participated in, they are guilty of
multiple war crimes. This is why they demand, under threat of Nuclear War, to stay clear of the Haag, and other war crime tribunal areas. And why
they "demand" on unilaterally controlling it.
You did know they unilaterally control the tribunals, and that they are completely immune to any
Let me give you an example ... the "War on Terror" is a crime, in and by itself. Because wars cannot be declared on Adjectives, and they cannot be
declared on individuals. Creating a War on Terror, and murdering millions of people, to Capture Usama bin Ladin, is a war. Because "War" cannot be
declared, or made responsible by individuals ... because they arent fought by individuals.
George Bus demands Saddam Hussein stand trial for what his commanders did, then so should George Bush stand trial for what his commanders did ...
however, that is not the right thing to do. Even though Mr. George Bush is an idiot .. he's not responsible for what happens in the field. However,
he is repsonsible for declaring an illegitimite war. Even if George Bush was a dictator, even as such he is not capable of doing it all by himself
... even if surrounded by a handful of loyal idiots, these loyal idiots are still not capable of dictating an entire nation.
However the US has during these times, used the blame game. They let the people of Germany "crucify" Hitler, to free themselves of guilt. It wasn't
Hitler who pulled the trigger, it was the German population that did that ... but the US, fools the Germans to think they can "sacrifice" Hitler, and
free themselves. The same thing applies, to Iran, Iraq, and China. Mr. Mao Tse Deng, didn't perform the cultural revolution on his own. The people
of China did. The US uses these cituations, to make the population feel guilty and then gives them the way out ... by letting them make a "blood
The US and it's allies, are evil incarnate.
edit on 3/8/2012 by bjarneorn because: (no reason given)